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Why aren't sadists considered to be evil?

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posted on Jul, 18 2022 @ 03:56 PM
I am a sadist. I think. I have never had a masochistic partner so I don't know. I certainly don't inflict pain on my wife because I don't think she will enjoy it.

As a sadist I like to be in control. I like to cause pain. However, I also drip with empathy. I would never cause someone pain who did not enjoy being in pain. I do not kill insects in my house - I love my cat and my children. I don't even spank my kiddos when they are bad. I don't enjoy their pain because THEY don't enjoy their pain.

I tell you the truth, I am terrified of talking about this with my wife because I think she will be horrified at me. (we have a great sex life doing the "normal" stuff) It might be the only thing I haven't openly discussed with her. The crazy thing is she has the type of personality that might actually enjoy being super submissive.

Perhaps there is a spectrum of sadists. Perhaps there are some that just enjoy cruelty for cruelties sake. I would say those people lack empathy and therefore are also psychopaths. I think there are many, many people like me that - if given the chance - would enjoy giving pain to others AS LONG AS THEY ENJOYED THE PAIN. This isn't evil or even a disorder.

The OP of this thread came up with an example of a "sadist" teacher who degraded students and caused harm to them. This would be a "sadist" that lacked empathy. This teacher would be what psychologists call an "asshole" he might even be a psychopath. Although those are rare. Regardless, the example is crap. Consider:

You (I will assume) enjoy sex. You get pleasure from orgasming and closeness and the whole shebang, and hopefully from giving others those same feelings. I think we all understand that even though we enjoy sex and desire it - it wouldn't be fun to have sex with someone that doesn't want to have sex with you. That's rape. If you want to rape you should seek help.

Sadists enjoy inflicting pain. They get pleasure from being in control and dominating another person, sometimes that involves spanking or other forms of sexual pain. Sadists understand that even though they enjoy such acts and desire to do them - it isn't fun to do them on someone that doesn't want to have pain inflicted on them. Consequently, that is also rape - also battery lol. If you want to rape you should seek help.

Masochists enjoy suffering. They get pleasure from being submissive and being dominated by another person, sometimes that involves being spanked or other forms of sexual pain. Masochists understand that even though they enjoy such acts and desire to experience them - it isn't fun to have them done them by someone that doesn't want to do them. Actually I am not sure how this part of the analogy would work - does the masochist - like - jump in front of the softball bat as the player is playing? I don't know because I am not a masochist and masochists are so damn passive I love it. - But if they did jump in front of the bat - I think that would be battery? I also don't know if a masochist would derive pleasure from being tortured by an actual psychopath. Maybe. Who knows.

Here is a summary - Sadists are not evil. Masochists are evil. People that do # to others without consent are doing crimes. People that do # to other people without consent and no regret are psychopaths. Psychopaths are not evil. They have a problem with their brain. They can't experience empathy.
edit on 18-7-2022 by tylowill because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 03:14 AM
a reply to: tylowill
Wtf?? Why are Masochists evil?? I am genuinely surprised by the amount of women who complain about men who balk at the opportunity to be in a domineering position over one. My lady just does not have it in her. No matter how much i tried to talk her into it as a way for her to release anger and stress, especially with my many faults, she refuses to beat me with a whip or belt, will not step on me with heels or even slap me during sex for that matter.

Its kind of depressing. Even other women i have been with.... In the past of course... Would refuse despite also frequently complaining about men. Why do so many women profess to hate men, cant stand men, or call us dogs, but when were banging they refuse an opportunity to channel all that anger and resentment into a fun beating??

My partner, she is so cruel. She says that her way of torturing me is to not give me the pleasure of such discipline. Her own sick way of being a sadist i suppose.

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