posted on Mar, 19 2017 @ 02:12 PM
Let me make something very clear here. As a conservative Muslim my self call me wahabbi call me salafi what ever you wish. I am somone who follows the
Quran and sunna how it's supposed to be followed. If "radical Islam " ( khuaraij ideology) came in the form of an Army and flooded the US where I live
. I would not for one minute deny picking up arms Against any extremist. Simply put.. They are the WORST , A cancer within islam, pure evil. It's my
obligation as a Muslim to defend ANYONE against these people. If they want to come here and try and establish Shria law..they better pack a lunch!
Because that's agianst Shraia law its self. They need to move to a country that supports it otherwise we need to ahdear to the laws in non muslim
lands. Now I'll wait for that "one member" to come along and tell lying is permissible in Islam and that i am lying to everyone.....