originally posted by: gps777
I could understand and agree with Islam, though obviously disagree with Christianity as in its pure form and teachings through Christ is a blessing to
the individual and to the world, but I stress not those church's who use Christianity for their own nefarious purposes. Islam from Mohamad has been a
bloody cancer upon the world in its pure form.
Ah, I see, "Exogenesis" like the Zand? iranicaonline.org/articles/exegesis-i ... ... ... ... or maybe much better ... ... ... ...
avesta.org/pahlavi/bundahis.html#contents (Bundahishn) ... ... ... ... (God views sin generationally, and acts on that as a basis to purify, cleanse
human life, what God did in the Events of Genesis with the Flood and the Exodus, was acted out with Jesus casting Swine into the Sea and Withering the
fig tree ... ... ... ... God does not arbitrary decide to judge mankind on the basis of its summation, weather that is class or income, God has
measure "Spirit,Water,Blood", given the argument expressed in blood, God intends to kill certain Genetic Lines to help man's potential, and convict
man of not cleansing "Dead Work and Dead Flesh").
1. The Ego (We are Commanded to keep our Bodies and Mind as Holy Temples) (to Love our Person as Ourself)
2. Critical Depression (We are Commanded to seek God's Mercies and Judgments in all things) (to Love Jesus)
(Jesus is the final division of man, that is revealed, so that hasn't happened yet (temples stones or effects of joseph the blessings), what has
happened is these people have become more unclean and perverse, collectively)
(1. No Fidelity in Serendipity (act of articulation), they will create and maintain contentions, points to the ego)
(2. Repressed Persona (act of reprehension), they will delegate responsibility passively or actively for all their actions to a selected host, points
to critical depression)
(End of Background - Mental Illness that is very dangerous and counterproductive, evidence of genetic deficiency in simplest terms as an inherited
trait, sadly this is accommodated though society in culture and economy, the result, crimes committed specifically by theirs, in positions of the
public trust)
Long Story Short:
Bundahishn Chapter 2
11. Thereupon, the guardian spirits of men became of the same opinion with the omniscient wisdom about going to the world, on account of the evil that
comes upon them, in the world, from the fiend
(druj) Ahriman, and their becoming, at last, again unpersecuted by the adversary, perfect, and
immortal, in the future existence, for ever and everlasting.
JOHN 19:38 And after this
Joseph of Arimathaea, being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear of the Jews, besought Pilate that he might
take away the body of Jesus: and Pilate gave [him] leave. He came therefore, and took the body of Jesus.
God uses either a Risen Angel or a Fallen Angel as a picture of Jesus, when Jesus is not Around. Now when Jesus had come to the New Testament to
Minister, God used a Sentient Intelligence like Judas (Man in Chains, Powered by Jesus Writing in the Sand), because Jesus was present, God had no
need to use the expression of judgment in said measurement. Now when the Antichrist is Present, he is Present with the body of Jesus, so, God has no
need for either a Risen Angel or a Fallen Angel. (Furthermore, INRI (*,Rape,*), God is not providing a measurement for that, only death, pain for
pain and death for death with the Antichrist, example, if god intended to kill Genetic Dan, then putting the Antichrist to death (1968 Nguyen Van
Lem), is not a declaration of the law, that was allowed, does not mean the remission of sin, that follows their chemical and electrical treatments and
conditioning, its simply suicide (Suicide by Antichrist, is performed in pleasure, under the surmise of payment for sin, that an impossibility, its a
good mechanism to keep them tamed) (Joseph of America, it follows the context as a prediction).
edit on 23-3-2017 by tbchugs because: (no
reason given)