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Eye opener for Jew, Muslim, Christian and Atheist!

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posted on Mar, 21 2017 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: ParasuvO

I'm glad you know so much more than the rest of us.

Religion will not fall it will unite. I promise you are wrong.

posted on Mar, 21 2017 @ 11:07 PM
originally posted by: ParasuvO

Yes and no...the Bible and New Testament in fact are not first hand...written at least 60 years later...and are provably full of holes...just like ALL religions.

The books of the NT at the latest were written up to 60 years, sources as early as 10-20 years after the death and resurrection were also used.from here

10. Eyewitness Testimony in Luke’s Gospel, just in this one book.

Luke was very much concerned to base his Gospel on the earliest and best eyewitnesses who went back all the way to the beginning of Jesus' ministry. This concern contradicts the widespread belief that the Gospel is built on the inventions of later anonymous disciples who substantially changed the words and life-story of Jesus, nearly beyond recognition, according to the needs of the later church.

They are both fantasy books of high levels...and truly need to be deleted from existence.

I could understand and agree with Islam, though obviously disagree with Christianity as in its pure form and teachings through Christ is a blessing to the individual and to the world, but I stress not those church's who use Christianity for their own nefarious purposes. Islam from Mohamad has been a bloody cancer upon the world in its pure form.

Can you expand ParasuvO on these gods you are fighting etc behind the scenes? your posts have always intrigued me as you state it quite a bit, also have you read the Book of Enoch? (I`ve only just bought the book and yet to read it) and if so, does the fallen Angels spoken of, line up with those your against?

posted on Mar, 22 2017 @ 11:26 AM
Really? !

This is what my thread deteriorated into



Sad camper here....

posted on Mar, 22 2017 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: gps777

And yet He is the One and The Same Yahweh/Yeshua/Holy Spirit.

Um, NO Jesus is not the same as Yahweh. Not even by a long shot. Oh, and the Holy Spirit is FEMININE...not male. Just look it up, if you don't believe me. She is called the "Ruach Quodesh" in Hebrew.

I'm not even going to get into all your other points. No, I'm not a "Nazi feminist". Though, I do see the total patriarchal influence in the bible.
Oh, and it was really lame to accuse me of lying about messing up my post. Did you seriously need to just detract from what I was trying to say? I tried to fix it for an hour and it wasn't working. I wasn't lying about that. Sad that's what you resorted to.

By the way, you never did go back and try and show how all those verses I posted from the OT, didn't make Yahweh look like the sadistic jerk he is. Try going verse by verse...instead of using deflection on a messed up post I did to not have to answer the challenge.

The more I debate or argue with fundamental Christians, the more I see the indoctrination and deception that not only you guys are caught up in...but, so was I.
It took the true Holy Spirit to wake me up.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 12:56 AM

originally posted by: gps777

I could understand and agree with Islam, though obviously disagree with Christianity as in its pure form and teachings through Christ is a blessing to the individual and to the world, but I stress not those church's who use Christianity for their own nefarious purposes. Islam from Mohamad has been a bloody cancer upon the world in its pure form.

Ah, I see, "Exogenesis" like the Zand? ... ... ... ... or maybe much better ... ... ... ... (Bundahishn) ... ... ... ... (God views sin generationally, and acts on that as a basis to purify, cleanse human life, what God did in the Events of Genesis with the Flood and the Exodus, was acted out with Jesus casting Swine into the Sea and Withering the fig tree ... ... ... ... God does not arbitrary decide to judge mankind on the basis of its summation, weather that is class or income, God has measure "Spirit,Water,Blood", given the argument expressed in blood, God intends to kill certain Genetic Lines to help man's potential, and convict man of not cleansing "Dead Work and Dead Flesh").

1. The Ego (We are Commanded to keep our Bodies and Mind as Holy Temples) (to Love our Person as Ourself)
2. Critical Depression (We are Commanded to seek God's Mercies and Judgments in all things) (to Love Jesus)
(Jesus is the final division of man, that is revealed, so that hasn't happened yet (temples stones or effects of joseph the blessings), what has happened is these people have become more unclean and perverse, collectively)

(1. No Fidelity in Serendipity (act of articulation), they will create and maintain contentions, points to the ego)
(2. Repressed Persona (act of reprehension), they will delegate responsibility passively or actively for all their actions to a selected host, points to critical depression)

(End of Background - Mental Illness that is very dangerous and counterproductive, evidence of genetic deficiency in simplest terms as an inherited trait, sadly this is accommodated though society in culture and economy, the result, crimes committed specifically by theirs, in positions of the public trust)

Long Story Short:

Bundahishn Chapter 2
11. Thereupon, the guardian spirits of men became of the same opinion with the omniscient wisdom about going to the world, on account of the evil that comes upon them, in the world, from the fiend (druj) Ahriman, and their becoming, at last, again unpersecuted by the adversary, perfect, and immortal, in the future existence, for ever and everlasting.
JOHN 19:38 And after this Joseph of Arimathaea, being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear of the Jews, besought Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus: and Pilate gave [him] leave. He came therefore, and took the body of Jesus.

God uses either a Risen Angel or a Fallen Angel as a picture of Jesus, when Jesus is not Around. Now when Jesus had come to the New Testament to Minister, God used a Sentient Intelligence like Judas (Man in Chains, Powered by Jesus Writing in the Sand), because Jesus was present, God had no need to use the expression of judgment in said measurement. Now when the Antichrist is Present, he is Present with the body of Jesus, so, God has no need for either a Risen Angel or a Fallen Angel. (Furthermore, INRI (*,Rape,*), God is not providing a measurement for that, only death, pain for pain and death for death with the Antichrist, example, if god intended to kill Genetic Dan, then putting the Antichrist to death (1968 Nguyen Van Lem), is not a declaration of the law, that was allowed, does not mean the remission of sin, that follows their chemical and electrical treatments and conditioning, its simply suicide (Suicide by Antichrist, is performed in pleasure, under the surmise of payment for sin, that an impossibility, its a good mechanism to keep them tamed) (Joseph of America, it follows the context as a prediction).
edit on 23-3-2017 by tbchugs because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: SLAYER69

Sorry looks like a potentially interesting thread on Zoroastrianism has gone down the toilet. I waded through all religious bickering hoping for something interesting. Now I'm sad too

(post by ChelseaHubble removed for a manners violation)

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: SolAquarius
a reply to: SLAYER69

Sorry looks like a potentially interesting thread on Zoroastrianism has gone down the toilet. I waded through all religious bickering hoping for something interesting. Now I'm sad too

2 out of 33 paths to heaven: incest. Thats all you need to know.

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 06:34 PM

originally posted by: Krahzeef_Ukhar

Zoroastrianism is the starting point of most religions.

The evolution of religion is an interesting discussion...

Much like the evolution of cartoons.

Although Zoroastrianism might have had an impact on latter Judiasm, Zoroaster's messiah Ahura Mazda is dated between (550 – 330 BCE), Moses (1393-1273 BCE), so Judaism preceded Zoroastrianism by a good 600 years. Its possible that Judiasm stems from Pharaoh Akhenaten (1353–1336 BC) who tried to implement a monotheistic religion in Egypt but was banished out of Egypt to the safety of Sinai when he tried banning images of all the other Egyptian Gods. His followers might have considered themselves Jews in a religious sense (their GOD's only people), banished from preaching their religion in Egypt, by the powerful Egyptian Preists that favoured Ra and ISIS.

Psalm 104, The Great Hymn ro Aten.

The GOD Aten was identified as a sun disk with an Ankh (a cross symbolizing life) somewhat similar to the image below I imagine (not to mention symbolism at St Peter's square).

edit on 24-3-2017 by glend because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2017 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: ChelseaHubble

2 out of 33 paths to heaven: incest. Thats all you need to know.

So the Alabama way to heaven? Um yeah I think I will pass.

posted on Mar, 25 2017 @ 03:30 PM
An interesting video on Zoroastrianism hopefully getting the thread on track.
Apparently the religion is on decline and only practiced in a few places.

posted on Mar, 25 2017 @ 03:42 PM
I don't know what ties or overlaps it has with Zoroastrianism but the Yazidi religion is ancient belief system that is getting smaller because you can only be born into it.
Apparently it has ties to Mesopotamia.

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