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The left and the terrorist failed to stop democracy in Iraq

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posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 08:49 AM
so what’s next on their devious agenda other than to hope Iraq fails?

Finally the Palestinians are striving to make peace with Israel but much of the left in Europe and American continue to hate the Jewish nation-----will the left manage to keep them fighting?

The left’s peace platform needs a chaotic world in order to thrive otherwise they have nothing.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by sleeper
The left’s peace platform needs a chaotic world in order to thrive otherwise they have nothing.

That sounds more like the platform of the Warmongering conservatives.
They always need an enemy to fight.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 08:58 AM
And a "commie" to hate.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 05:55 PM
The people of Iraq were to roll over and die so that the left could go on bashing bush-----but no, they defied the terrorist and voted.

They must be trying to make the lefties in Europe, Canada and America look bad.

Damn that democracy thing.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 05:06 PM
What is it that the left stands for other than the welfare state and the brotherhood of victimization?

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by sleeper
They must be trying to make the lefties in Europe, Canada and America look bad.

Does someone hear a broken record playing somewhere?

Now, if you'll excuse me, my leftist, communistic self has some innocent, democracy-seeking Iraqis to martyrize.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 07:13 PM
Next on the liberal hate list is Social Security.

People taking control of their retirement? Taking away money from a government program and letting people decide how to invest it? OMG, the hate is going to be spread thick over this one.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 07:42 PM
blah blah blah...

I thought the liberals wanted us to get out faster...?But they can never win, eh sleeper?

This whole topic is nothing but useless and worthless. You have not denied ignorance, but perhaps help spread it around the board. Your topics are most likely less than a paragraph, usually without much thought put into it...or at least they seem that way. The only visible reason for any of your posts is to goad some people in to responding. You are trolling and I think it is obnoxious. And I hope one day you will post something worthwhile...

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by OXmanK
Your topics are most likely less than a paragraph, usually without much thought put into it...or at least they seem that way.

I'm not bureaucratic like the left; I can say in a few sentences what it takes you people a manifesto of encyclopedic proportions to say.

The bureaucracy the Democrats have created in their green agenda alone creates tons of paper work that is devastating the Rain Forests of South America.

For the sake of planet earth maybe you people should learn the meaning of summarize.

[edit on 3-2-2005 by sleeper]

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 10:44 AM
Sleeper if you actually bothered to observe things properly, I think you would find that we lefties have more to fear from the terrorists than you.

We seek peace.
The terrorists do not.
And neither do you, it appears.

You are naught but a troll. Your ignorance is only surpassed by your arrogance. Time and again we have taken the time to explain things to you, so that you may get a balanced view, and so you may realise that not everyone who has a different view of the world from you is evil. Yet your unwillingness to listen knows no bounds. It is people like yourself, on both sides in this 'War on Terror', that shall prove to be everyone's undoing.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 11:38 AM
My simple truths and common sense pale to the attacks I receive from the left.

It’s obvious to me that you people have been coddled so much by those you hang with that when someone dares to point out that the Emperor (leftwing) has no clothes----you people freak out.

I'm only the messenger sent by common decency to point out the fact that your ideology is naked when it comes to integrity.

Just because someone believes they are doing good doesn’t make it so----and the left has a bad case of believing they are the masters of compassion----not!

Although I truly wish they were.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by sleeper
My simple truths and common sense pale to the attacks I receive from the left.

common sense? sleeper, it is a shame that only you seem to recognise this a as a trait that you posess

It’s obvious to me that you people have been coddled so much by those you hang with that when someone dares to point out that the Emperor (leftwing) has no clothes----you people freak out.

the exact same could be said of your right wing supercapitalist ideals

I'm only the messenger

this is a perfect demonstration of the aforementioned arrogance. thank you for proving me correct sleeper

sent by common decency to point out the fact that your ideology is naked when it comes to integrity.

ao, let me get this straight: wanting peace and better lives for our fellow man is lacking in integrity? would you rather we were warmongering, penny pinching conservatives? would you rather the poor of the world die because of no help? would you rather be conned by corporations, with no way of defending yourself? would you rather not have unions that make sure bosses do not treat workers like slaves?

Just because someone believes they are doing good doesn’t make it so

yet considering that you said "I'm only the messenger", the exact same could be said for you.

----and the left has a bad case of believing they are the masters of compassion----not!

yet i suppose you are, right? wrong. you have demonstrated an incredible lack of care for your fellow man, demonstrating the typical rightwing "survival of the fittest" idea.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 12:47 PM
I'm not religious nor do I believe in all of what the right wing stands for.

But I am against Socialism and Communism----because they are the creators of the evils you point out as coming from Capitalism.

Since I lived under both systems----I don't need someone's dogma to know which side of the line the truth is----it's not from the left by a long shot.

The left promises everything and delivers nothing.

Capitalism promises nothing and delivers everything.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by sleeper
I'm not religious nor do I believe in all of what the right wing stands for.

where did i mention religion?

But I am against Socialism and Communism----because they are the creators of the evils you point out as coming from Capitalism.

this a laughable statement

Since I lived under both systems----I don't need someone's dogma to know which side of the line the truth is----it's not from the left by a long shot.

oh yes... what leftie european country was it again? italy? well, they are right up there with the stalins and the castros arent they?

The left promises everything and delivers nothing.

a downright lie.

Capitalism promises nothing and delivers everything.

tell this to those who are downtrodden. those who are left behind. those who are unable or are just unlucky. tell it to those in africa, a continent that has suffered greatly at the hands of corporations.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 03:38 PM

I say those things because they are true. YOU PRESENT NOTHING. The only thing you have brought in this entire debate is nothing venom and vile. You are blogger at best. (You do know ATS has a blog system)

Right now, you have a number of threads that are incomplete. You start them but they have no substance. You interject some "crazy" idea that bounces around in your skull, but you leave nothing to prove it. You have proved nothing and have become nothing more than a toller and a waste of time.

And please don't infer that I am truly left...I may lean, but I am certainly no leftist.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 08:30 PM
It's sad but true...the left put themslves in a position where anything positive for the USA is bad for democrats.

Iraq...The are still thrilled that WMD's were never "officially" found, even though common sense says they were hidden.

Iraq....I thought the left was going to throw a party when the 1,000th soldier died for his country. The countdown was like a New Years Eve party.

Economy....When the news was bad, they rejoiced. When it was good, they said it wasn't.

Election 2000...Electoral College = Bad.
Election 2004...Electoral College = Good. A swing of only 50,000 votes in Ohio and John Kerry would be President, even though Bush had nearly 4 million more total votes than Kerry. They don't even take into account the Bush lost 3 or 4 states by less than 50,000 votes.

Social Security...Partially Privatizing Social Security is nothing new. It was 1st proposed by Bill Clinton in 1998, it was widely cheered on by democrats in 1998. Now it is demonized in 2005 by some of the same democrats who where for it then???

I could go on and on. Democrats are so hypocritical. They haven't had a good idea in ages. They are really pathetic.

But hey, maybe Hillary can save them. God please let her get the nomination in 2008!

[edit on 3-2-2005 by Carseller4]

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by sleeper
My simple truths and common sense pale to the attacks I receive from the left.

Because of course, I suppose the leftists on this site should just bow their heads in silence and shame when you accuse them of every kind of ill imaginable. It's easy to accuse and then, when the accused tries to respond, to say you're being attacked. That way you prevent your adversary from ever winning.

There's no discussion possible with that attitude.

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