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Egyptain Aliens and Cats

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posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 08:44 AM
OK last night while playing with ms Kitty I came across a thought. The ancient Eqyptain Culture worshiped cats and adorded them as gods suppsoably. I have from time to time seen some eqyptain pictographs and hyeroglyphs (sp) that suppsoably involve aliens. When I look at Miss kitty my Grey cat I see a close resemblance to a Grey alien. When the pupils are dialated the cat has , Big eyes, Long narrow face, little nose and flat face. Upon looking at th epictures of the Egyptian pictograhs I see a close resemblence to the " Aliens" and my cat. How feiasible is it that eqyptian aliens are really just pictures of cats?

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 08:53 AM
I guess that depends on what pictures you believe to be aliens are. Most of the alleged alien pictures by the Egypitions have been debunked and shown to be pictures of pots and other things that have just been distorted due to time and erosion. I haven't seen any authentic Egyption images that represent aliens. But, if there were, then sure, it's possible they could be poor drawings of cats. We have bad artist now, why not back then?

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 09:00 AM
Maybe cats and Greys are related.
As in one comes from another.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by Mizar
OK last night while playing with ms Kitty I came across a thought. The ancient Eqyptain Culture worshiped cats and adorded them as gods suppsoably. I have from time to time seen some eqyptain pictographs and hyeroglyphs (sp) that suppsoably involve aliens. When I look at Miss kitty my Grey cat I see a close resemblance to a Grey alien. When the pupils are dialated the cat has , Big eyes, Long narrow face, little nose and flat face. Upon looking at th epictures of the Egyptian pictograhs I see a close resemblence to the " Aliens" and my cat. How feiasible is it that eqyptian aliens are really just pictures of cats?

Well, there aren't any "egyptian alien" pictures in the first place.

And we do know a lot about Egypt and cats.

Cats were revered (respected) but not worshipped (given offerings.) In fact, cats were frequently sacrificed TO Bast during several periods of Egyptian history. There were a number of gods and goddesses that took on a lion form, but the only one who took on a cat form is Bast.

Bast is the Defender of Ra and the Right Eye of Ra, who brings justice (forget the "happy fluffy sex kitten" -- that came after the Greek influence hit Egypt and the mystery cults and Dionysian cults came in.) She is one of the very oldest goddesses (if not THE oldest goddess) in the dynasty.

Here is an EXCELLENT reference site by an archaeologist who is also involved with the neo-Pagan Khemetic religion (don't worry... the info is easy to read and fun!):

... and no, it's not "bad pictures by bad artists." Back then, art was a trade (like, say mechanics is today) and if you were really bad at it, they made you go out and hoe the fields and kept you away from any artistic things.) Remember that back then people weren't as free as we are today and that you would get assigned something to do in life and you were expected to do just that. You couldn't simply decide to "be an artist."

[edit on 1-2-2005 by Byrd]

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 09:12 AM

... and no, it's not "bad pictures by bad artists." Back then, art was a trade (like, say mechanics is today) and if you were really bad at it, they made you go out and hoe the fields and kept you away from any artistic things.) Remember that back then people weren't as free as we are today and that you would get assigned something to do in life and you were expected to do just that. You couldn't simply decide to "be an artist."

Just an fyi, I wasn't being serious about the bad artist thing. I know that the trade of an artist was highly revered in the Egyption culture.
Just a poor attempt at humor for this rather obsurd topic

[edit on 1-2-2005 by mpeake]

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 09:46 AM
Yeah I know it was a stupid topic> I'm not one for the consparicies but it was an Idea that came to my mind that I thought was worth posting.

any way later

Mizar- Peace Hope and Love

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 10:30 AM
Egyptians were the first people to keep cats and they were revered and respected because they hunted mice that infested their granaries. I don't believe they were "worshipped". Cats weren't domesticated the same way dogs were, as it seems. Small wild cats kind of decided to domesticate themselves by moving in and taking care of the humans' mice problems.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 12:50 PM
I would have made the connection to reptiles but not greys if your gonna go there.....
Cats have reptilian eyes, no other mammal does......
things that make you go hmmmmmmmm

but not hmmmmmmm grey. lol

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 08:27 PM
i think egpytians believed that the cats were "guardians" of the underworld. If not "guardians" I know there was something about the underworld. Please correct me if im wrong. Good question, Mizar.

[edit on 1-2-2005 by Event Horizon]

[edit on 1-2-2005 by Event Horizon]

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 08:41 AM
Guardians is a way to term it, similar to Cerberus' role in Ancient Greece...

guess that depends on what pictures you believe to be aliens are. Most of the alleged alien pictures by the Egypitions have been debunked and shown to be pictures of pots and other things that have just been distorted due to time and erosion. I haven't seen any authentic Egyption images that represent aliens. But, if there were, then sure, it's possible they could be poor drawings of cats. We have bad artist now, why not back then?

I pretty much agree with the above and Byrd's analysis.

I don't think it was a "stupid" topic, and I thank you for sharing the insight. It was an honest conclusion based no doubt on wall reliefs showing vases not alien faces as constantly misidentified by some of the more zealous UFO sites.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 02:14 PM
Egypt history is full of aliens , pick a god any god!
As far as their artists, they were very skilled and DETAILED if they painted a god it looked like what they painted!

Aliens are just animal huminoid forms, like dog man , reptile man, bird man ect... they worshiped those gods and revered their animal counterpart on earth.... ive never seen a cat man any where in history oddly enough.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 03:52 PM
Cats were both hunters and pets to the Egyptians, it is they who domesticated the "Miw" we have today. Aside from Bastet taking the form of a cat, so did Ra. In fact it was in his depiction as a cat we see him striking at the head of Apophis as the reptile is wrapped around the tree of life. Numerous mummified sacred cats were found in Bubastis and other places. Bastet's cat was quite stylish, sporting earrings and a nose ring.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 04:00 AM
Nah,egyption cats and greys have no similarity at all.

Cats purr,greys...erm...well..they make weird sounds too unlike the cat!

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by iori_komei
Maybe cats and Greys are related.
As in one comes from another.

Yea, i thought i was the only one that made that conection.

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 12:09 AM
You know the funniest thing would be if Grays, were actually from the future, but were the descendants of cats not humans,
(that would explain why seem to like grays.)

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