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Trump Supporters Think The Man in the High Castle's 'Resistance Radio' Is Real

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posted on Mar, 10 2017 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: reldra


Have you noticed how often some are now quoting the Intelligence "Deep State" Community now that they've published a few things useful to their agenda?

I can't keep it straight ... do the Trump folks like or hate the CIA, FBI, NSA?

"Deep state" ... sounds like something you reach in an isolation tank.


posted on Mar, 10 2017 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Sike, just playing.

posted on Mar, 10 2017 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: reldra
a reply to: phatkhat

Odd that Trump supporters were reminded of Trump when hearing people insult the Third Reich. Worse, they then whined about it. The thought process of a Trump Supporter is just a mess.

Thank you so very much for your attack on the people themselves instead of being able to contrast Trump's presidency against that of recent Presidents in a meaningful way. That was Hillary's mistake to insult people who were not really for any party at all. They just wanted off of the insane train.

We have no idea how Trump will be seen at the end of his Presidency. George W left us with out of control debts and a housing mess that carried into that black guy's Presidency and his Obamacare shining moment. Not to mention George's forever war. How nice Obama got a nobel peace prize for what he hadn't done yet and what he most certainly didn't do.

So once again thank you folks (not meaning any party, more a mindset) for your unrelenting whining and continued attacks. Please go burn somebody's car and wreck their business like the (labeled) conservatives did when Obama got elected. But that didn't happen did it.
edit on 10-3-2017 by Apollumi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2017 @ 01:44 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: reldra


Have you noticed how often some are now quoting the Intelligence "Deep State" Community now that they've published a few things useful to their agenda?

I can't keep it straight ... do the Trump folks like or hate the CIA, FBI, NSA?

"Deep state" ... sounds like something you reach in an isolation tank.


LOL. Yes it is confusing. Depends on Trump's mood after he watches MSM early in the morning.

It does sound like that.

First they thought it was a whole bunch of administrators Trump fired on the floor of a Federal Building. Guess it wasn't. Easy mistake to make.

posted on Mar, 10 2017 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: Apollumi

originally posted by: reldra
a reply to: phatkhat

Odd that Trump supporters were reminded of Trump when hearing people insult the Third Reich. Worse, they then whined about it. The thought process of a Trump Supporter is just a mess.

Thank you so very much for your attack on the people themselves instead of being able to contrast Trump's presidency against that of recent Presidents in a meaningful way. .

Holy was about some people that believed a promo channel on Amazon . You want me to write a book? Your post was so long, I cut most of it out.

posted on Mar, 10 2017 @ 01:52 PM
Another reason why this is one of the best shows ever!

posted on Mar, 10 2017 @ 01:54 PM
Wow, it looks like that little tidbit really does get some people riled up. First they teed off a bunch of females at the election, and now they working on the right. Looks like someone really wants to create a big mess.

posted on Mar, 10 2017 @ 01:56 PM

originally posted by: reldra
Odd that Trump supporters were reminded of Trump when hearing people insult the Third Reich.

Yeah it can't have anything to do with people like you crying wolf for the last year and a half could it?
Fascism, racist, bigot, and Nazi has lost meaning because of it's overuse to try and shut down any legitimate discussion about things like race relations, Islam, and border control in this country.

What I see is a bunch of people on both sides of the aisle who have largely been politically inactive their entire lives(yes I am looking at you). With many on the right blindly following Trump and even more on the left blindly opposing him. But if we would all just slow down for a second we could see again that both ideologies have a place in our society.

It's really up to you clingers in the ctrl-left camp. to decide. Liberalism in it's current form is devolving into a toxic mass victimizing oppression posturing ideology. You can continue on with your silly little war against Trump or you can act like adults and try and bring some progress back to the nation. Rather than having these stupid "days with no women" or "days with no immigrants". Because as it stands right now we(classical liberals) are ready to put the final nail in this coffin and bury this stupid ideology with or without you as a reminder to future generations of the dangers of mass group think/speak.

"When Fascism comes to America, it will be called anti-Fascism!"
~Huey Long~

posted on Mar, 10 2017 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: Ameilia

hahahaha...what a site....I kid you not; look at this gem

Pope Francis breaks from centuries of tradition, declares Clinton the first living saint

quite passion? I thought her only passion was "pay to play" fill up the Clinton Foundation..

Clinton enacts detailed policies reforming Daylight Savings Time, her quiet passion

posted on Mar, 10 2017 @ 02:04 PM
Remember when heavily edited videos of Hillary supporters believing dumb things were posted during the election? And remember how the Right had a good circle jerk about how those videos were proof that all Hillary supporters were dumb? It's funny how those people don't see the irony now.

posted on Mar, 10 2017 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

What irony, a fake site created by the left not listened to or heard by ANYONE but the left ??

posted on Mar, 10 2017 @ 02:35 PM
Not all of us have been dumbed down to idiocracy levels of simple emotes and short pungent paragraphs just yet. Keep hoping.

originally posted by: reldra

originally posted by: Apollumi

originally posted by: reldra
a reply to: phatkhat

Odd that Trump supporters were reminded of Trump when hearing people insult the Third Reich. Worse, they then whined about it. The thought process of a Trump Supporter is just a mess.

Thank you so very much for your attack on the people themselves instead of being able to contrast Trump's presidency against that of recent Presidents in a meaningful way. .

Holy was about some people that believed a promo channel on Amazon . You want me to write a book? Your post was so long, I cut most of it out.

posted on Mar, 10 2017 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: ParasuvO

It said SOME of them are offended. And those 'some' are most likely stormfronters.

posted on Mar, 10 2017 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Yep. If so no surprise this is coming from Amazon!

posted on Mar, 10 2017 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

What's really "stooopid" are people who don't know that Trump is fully informed about the globalists and their agenda and he's trying to stop the wholesale of countries to globalists at the expense of people. What's really "stooopid" are people who think Trump is a joke when in fact he's a true patriot wresting power away from the globalists and giving it back to the people. And finally what's really "stooopid" are people who think they know it all when they haven't bothered to even do one iota of real research before shooting off their mouth.

As for you being 'right' - no, you are not. If you wanted Hillary then you wanted the demise of freedom and more wars because that's what she openly campaigned on. TPP was a death knell to the country and she clearly said she wanted to take on Russia. She took multi-millions in bribes from the Chinese and sold off 25% of the uranium to Russia and kept 98% of money raised to help Haiti - the "Clinton Foundation" was one, huge pay-to-play fund for them personally. How do you think she made $150 million over her term as Secretary of State??? She is the epitome of corruption and evil. She is a destroyer. Trump is a builder - and ANYONE who can't - or won't - see that is on the side of globalists (aka shadow government, illuminati, etc.)

And I think you meant to say *fist Pump" rather than "fist bump"

posted on Mar, 10 2017 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: wishes

Actually I'm just amused at all the sensitive responses from the right wing camp.

posted on Mar, 10 2017 @ 03:27 PM

originally posted by: phatkhat
a reply to: wishes

Actually I'm just amused at all the sensitive responses from the right wing camp.

did u read the tweets they are using in the article? this is a whole lot of nothing. queue lady in neon windbreaker screaming repeatedly.

posted on Mar, 10 2017 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: reldra
a reply to: phatkhat

Odd that Trump supporters were reminded of Trump when hearing people insult the Third Reich. Worse, they then whined about it. The thought process of a Trump Supporter is just a mess.

Have a special gift for a special person.

posted on Mar, 10 2017 @ 04:02 PM

How this thread makes me feel about the way the Right responds to information.

Literally shot down source, OP, and story, none of them posts, 30 stars for calling it fake news, and it's a completely real story with 1.25 million hits on Google that's exploding.

Deflect, Dodge, Duck, Doge, Dodge. Pro Trump supporters motto.

posted on Mar, 10 2017 @ 07:34 PM

originally posted by: reldra

originally posted by: xuenchen
"Sources" quoted from inside the Amazon/WP/CIA deep tunnel project.

You solved it. Amazon and Gizmodo are the Deep State.

I was hoping it was Pinterest.

I guess you missed the Vault 7 docs that show the CIA have a 600mil contract with Amazon for "web services".

I wonder what Amazon Echo's Alexa has to say about it!

edit on 10-3-2017 by Konduit because: (no reason given)

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