posted on Mar, 7 2017 @ 07:34 AM
Read the article then read the statement below as I received it. I edited it heavily. Someone was trying to buy was a real OEM issued Boeing 767
Aircraft Operating Manual on how to fly the plane. All seven [7] inches of it somewhere in California. So JTTF gets the boot by San Francisco. Look
at the groups who put the pressure on and decide whether you want to hug any terrorists or illegals today. Decide whether you are for or against the
USA. God save the United States.
Boeing 767 Aircraft Operating Manual Airlines
"Just curious as to what happened with situation with the aircraft operating manuals. (Sorry I dropped out of sight - my
Someone's after my manual now. I never it. About 3 weeks ago, someone with a brand new ID wrote me about it. They just wanted to know things like #
of pages. I wanted to try to get more info about them so
They've used two different addresses. One turns up nothing. One has some posts on a couple of forums about Boeing's tailstrike test. The person
sounded knowledgeable about aircraft, so I thought, okay, this person sounds like a pilot or someone involved in the airline industry.
Now here's the strange part. I sent them a bill from associated with (and told them shipping was only available to the US), but they say
they only have ca sh. Anybody who goes online must have a bank account or credit card to pay their phone bill, buy things online, etc. I've been
putting them off, but they just wrote again. Do you think this is one for Homeland Security contact?"