posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 04:04 PM
I don't know if anyone else has noticed this trend, but I certainly have:
Whatever happened to the alien abduction phenomenon? For many years it was one of the main forefronts of parascientific investigations and
allegations. Vast amounts of data have been published on the topic, but it appears that alien abductions peaked in late 80s - early 90s and
then...stopped? Past 1998, I can't really find any forced abduction experiences (where the subject is taken against his will; your "traditional"
It seems that these days, if someone encounters extraterrestrials, it's either a brief and seemingly accidental encounter, or they are willingly
contacted (friendly encounters). They also seem much more rare - and much more meaningful. And I can't really find any literature with described
abductions that occured past late 1990s!
Has anyone else noticed this trend?
Anyone with evidence against my claims?
Anything that can help clear this up is appreciated!