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Waste management has gone to the dogs

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posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 07:22 PM
An apartment complex in Albuquerque is dealing with inconsiderate dog walkers who neglect / refuse to clean up their dog’s dirt. Science has delivered a solution: PooPrints DNA testing.

Residents of the complex received a letter requesting that they bring their dog in and have a swab taken, which will be sent on to the PooPrints lab. Future, neglected deposits can then be identified. Fines range from $75 - $300.

Albuquerque apartment complex implementing doggy DNA program

PooPrints says their clients see an 80 to 90 percent drop in dog owners leaving behind their pet’s waste by simply implementing the program.

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 07:26 PM
a reply to: EightAhoy

Not unusual at all. Before I moved to the dept. I'm now in, I was proofing apartment complex newsletters. This practice was getting more and more common.

We used to laugh at it, and we wondered how long it would be before some of the ... less well healed complexes that were always reminding residents not to defecate on the property were demanding poo samples from residents themselves for the same purpose.

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: EightAhoy

A little over the top don't you think?

Besides, unless there was already a clause related to doggie DNA samples in the lease they can't force residents to submit their pets for testing.

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 07:28 PM
The whole country is becoming a "poolice state" !!

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

I was just on my development's group page tonight and at least three different threads complained about this issue. I haven't posted up the story on that group page because it has never been an issue on my property. Besides, most of the complainers actually complain about everything/anything.

As to residents also being "sampled," never say never, eh?

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 07:33 PM

originally posted by: GeauxHomeYoureDrunk
a reply to: EightAhoy

A little over the top don't you think?

Besides, unless there was already a clause related to doggie DNA samples in the lease they can't force residents to submit their pets for testing.

Yeah. Over the top. Cannot imagine the costs associated with maintaining the program. Maybe the fines cover the costs, I dunno.

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Ha! Was going to end with, "Queue the poo doo jokes!"

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 09:06 PM
So, I'm sorry. Forgive me for being dense, but...

Once a person / group has the poop DNA do they identify the dog and owner it came from????

Do all dogs in the area have to submit to DNA testing???

This is like having a fingerprint of a perpetrator with no match on file...or am I missing something???

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 09:45 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: EightAhoy

Not unusual at all. Before I moved to the dept. I'm now in, I was proofing apartment complex newsletters. This practice was getting more and more common.

We used to laugh at it, and we wondered how long it would be before some of the ... less well healed complexes that were always reminding residents not to defecate on the property were demanding poo samples from residents themselves for the same purpose.

But they are business owners and can do whatever they want - if you don't like it - well you can just leave!

Isn't that the the 'regulation is bad' party line?

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Residents take their dog down for a swab that is then sent to lab for input into the DNA database to create a record.

Guilty piles of poo, when found, can be swabbed and sent to lab for a hopeful match.

Don't know if it is mandatory to have your pooch swabbed as a condition of residency in the apartment complex.

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 09:50 PM

originally posted by: GeauxHomeYoureDrunk
a reply to: EightAhoy

A little over the top don't you think?

Besides, unless there was already a clause related to doggie DNA samples in the lease they can't force residents to submit their pets for testing.

Over the top?? Nope, I like this so much that I'm tempted to send a link to the article to my landlords here. I live in one of the few apartment complexes here that are pet friendly, and I can honestly tell you I'm sick and tired of all of the bad dog owners. I'd say at least 80% of dog owners here don't pick up after their pets. Not only that, but many of them have aggressive, poorly trained and rude dogs.

I remember a guy that used to live here got arrested for throwing dog poo at his neighbor. When I asked him what happened, he told me that his little girl was outside playing when she slipped and landed in some dog poo. It unfortunately got in her ear. He got really upset at his neighbor because they've had plenty of conversations about him picking up after his dog, so when his daughter fell in it he got mad and threw it at him. I think he ended up in jail because of that one.

I myself have been tempted to pick up after someone's dog and leave the bag on their porch. Maybe they'd get the hint. Either that or they'd just get worse. People here are assholes.

I say all this as a dog owner with 2 little rugrats.

edit on 27-2-2017 by Necrobile because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 12:43 AM
Are they going to do this with cats too? While most dog owners clear up after their dogs, I have never seen a cat owner do so.

To the OP. It's a bit over the top, but if this is what it takes to tackle a few antisocial dog owners then so-be-it.

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 06:39 AM
originally posted by: paraphi

Are they going to do this with cats too? While most dog owners clear up after their dogs, I have never seen a cat owner do so.

Good question. The company featured in the story doesn't provide information on its site about a cat DNA program.

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 07:58 AM
a reply to: Necrobile

I say if it upsets you that much it is time for you to go rent a house on private property where you need worry about no one's dogs other than your own. Oh snap! Unless it's completely fenced in your neighbor's dogs will still crap in your yard. Maybe the doggie DNA for poop identification should be a nationwide law... NOT!

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 09:27 AM
When I go to the big city I see "stations" in the condo common areas for free dog-poo bags.
I've also seen the signs about dog poo dna testing. I guess it's important when your paying $3K/month for a condo.
Ya know, if there were some receptacles for the waste folks might be more inclined to "pick-up".

Out where I live in the country, I have a guy comes weekly to "pick-up" and trim grass, etc. around the acre surrounding the house. With seven doggies, I couldn't imagine city-life dog walking and clean-up - but there's enough acreage here to spread the joy around enough so it's not a problem - as long as you keep up with it.

Ok, doggoneit, I'm done talkin' sh#t for now.



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