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The Rich The Media The Upcoming Revolution

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posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 11:09 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

In every conflict there are two sides, both typically think they are in the right, and both have their reasons to think they are right. You think you're right because you see the "revolutionaries" killing people you feel are innocent and rightly earned what they have, the revolutionaries think they're right because they are fighting back against the death and suffering that already has occurred and they see happening because of a corrupt broken system that protects excess greed and in doing so allows all this pain to continue needlessly because of people insisted the deserve more than they're actually worth. Both sides are fighting for what in their mind is something worth dying for.

In the end the price for living in a society is that what we are worth is what society allows for without collapsing. This is true on both sides, rich and the poor.

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Tell me something you own that's a possession that is truly yours and can't be taken if you don't break some law or rule in the society you live in. Even your own life and freedom is forfeit if you break the wrong rules in society. Even in the wild free from society you live at the mercy of nature, tomorrow it could be a bear dining on you.

Society comes with certain protections, but certain things need to be maintained to have those protections.

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: Puppylove

Well, looks like neither one of us is going to agree with one another.

Have a nice night.

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 11:17 PM

originally posted by: Puppylove
a reply to: DBCowboy

Tell me something you own that's a possession that is truly yours and can't be taken if you don't break some law or rule in the society you live in. Even your own life and freedom is forfeit if you break the wrong rules in society. Even in the wild free from society you live at the mercy of nature, tomorrow it could be a bear dining on you.

Society comes with certain protections, but certain things need to be maintained to have those protections.

Just another justification for taking what I own so you can redistribute.

It'll have to be over my dead body.

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

So glad you said that, cause this was a dumb conversation to get into right when it was time to go to bed for another long day at work tomorrow lol.

But at least I'm helping people doing something I love

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 11:24 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

I don't want what you own. I very much doubt you're one of the 60 or something people with a monopoly on over half the world's wealth. Even if you were a multi-millionaire you'd be well below my consideration. Hell if you were a multimillionaire you're actually closer to us than them you just don't realize it. You're nothing but a human shield to them. Honestly how few people need to own and control the world's wealth before you consider it a problem?

If two people controlled 80% of the world's wealth would you still be on the side of those two people? At what point does the straw break for you? That's really what this is all about, enough straws and enough backs and bam, you get a revolution.

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: Puppylove

It won't stop with the 1%.

There will be a justification for the 2%, the 4%, the 10%.

You're naïve if you think otherwise.

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 11:29 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

If it comes to revolution it'll destroy everything. I've no delusions about that. Is why people keep begging for another way. Is why there is no revolution yet. No one reasonable wants that. Revolutions come about due to desperation, they aren't rational. There's a peaceful solution to all this, but it's not roll over and accept worsening and worsening conditions for more and more people while a select few get richer and richer. Again the ball isn't in the court of the poor, we're not the ones with the power to stop this, but if you put enough of our backs against the wall, we're not gonna roll over and die, well fight back and take everyone else with us if we have to. Same as you with defending your stuff.

Revolutions are started through irrational desperation that's hit a crescendo. The hope is we can rationalize with those who aren't desperate, because you can't rationalize with an empty belly or perpetual state of fear and frustration. You're spending your time trying to rationalize away, hunger, it does not work. People and their children can not live off your rationalization. You're talking to the wrong people if you want to prevent a revolution.

Once again, people need to hit a certain level of desperation or fear before revolutions become possible, all that needs to be done to stop it is to make sure enough people are happy enough that it's not worth it to revolt. It's all about balance.
edit on 2/26/2017 by Puppylove because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 05:51 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: Puppylove

The scope of this discussion is about taking what is someone else's and redistributing it.

Basically redistributing wealth.

I can't remember that aspect in the Constitution.

Though redistributing wealth seems awfully popular with communism, socialism. Which is definitely not in the Constitution.

I think I would have remembered a communism clause in the Constitution.


The scope of this discussion is getting rid of a corrupt elite that enslave us all, you included, and never letting again that a small group of people give the cards on so many.

If after a revolution we will have a communist type of social structure of an anarchy has never been the issue, probably we will have both and also a bit of socialism and a bit of entrepreneurism. What we can´t have again is this oligarchic capitalistic society run by a bunch of psychopaths agains the whole mankind.

These crooks are the ones I want killed and fast. Plain and simple.

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Playing cards (any games, really) with people like that is bad enough. "I don't like my hand. I don't want to wait until my next turn, discard the bad and draw again. Let's play a new game NOW!"


In the name of "revolution," anything goes, but death is all you get (--Stiff Little Fingers).

I'm almost 50. I've watched the same nonsense play out across several generations. Wannabe "soldiers" are always looking for someone to lead them. It's the oldest con going, IMO.

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: 0zzymand0s

I wanted to tell you that what you wrote on top of page 2 was very insightful.

I learn a bit just reading your posts.


posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 08:09 AM

originally posted by: CrapAsUsual
a reply to: ttobban

Neither do I want their money, I just want them dead and their assets distributed by all.

Initially the police and possibly the military will side with the rich but the´ll quickly change sides.

You need to get your tiny f*cking brain examined.

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: Hendrick99

Were not dealing with pacifists here, these elite crooks are psychopaths. Do you think they will gladly accept handling all they´ve hoarded?

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: 0zzymand0s

Yes, old story. We kill them again and again, until no one dare to hoard or become a lackey of the rich.

What we need is a permanent sense of shame and revenge against the rich, an ideology, a political system that preys on the rich as they prey on us now.

We have death penalty for so many crimes, we will have death penalty for the rich because the rich steal from us all and make our lives a misery.

Their greed their lack of touch and respect for the rest of mankind is their crime. Because when you have the power to affect the lives of many anything you do should be proportionally scrutinised and actions only they can take should be considered crimes agains humanity.

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: RainbowPhoenix


Well then by all means, shred the Constitution.

My bad.

No sense in rushing things. Trump will get around to that soon enough imo.

New World Order

The Rich The Media The Upcoming Revolution

Fascist Corporate Oligarchy is what we have to look forward to. Not a return to populism.

Glad I have options and no children.
edit on 27-2-2017 by olaru12 because: spelin

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 06:52 AM

originally posted by: CrapAsUsual
a reply to: Hendrick99

Were not dealing with pacifists here, these elite crooks are psychopaths. Do you think they will gladly accept handling all they´ve hoarded?

So you admit that you will kill for material wealth? Then, at last, you get what you wanted
but were too busy playing with your cowbell to acquire for yourself?
Maybe you can get a quickie in
before their last breath, in case you have other repressed urges.
Who can say?
The hardest nuts to crack are the
rotten ones, just a lot of pus and goo.

I know that you cannot grasp this, if you are genuine in your theme, but I will say it anyways.

The richest persons on earth are quite likely stone poor, holding gifts you cannot conceive of,
and that was because they selected their cowbell carefully. You cannot kill nor steal from them, my little flytrap. That you would try to corrupt them will be a definite problem for you, as you will see.

But you are an agent, laying down a honeypot, and I do caution readers to consider this seriously. It is no different than a CIA spook recruiting persons to lay down a bomb. If I am right, it is already too late for some of you. Everything is noted today, both ostensibly, by low level grunts, to invisible systems that cannot be detailed, and etch files, indelible and deep. As such, and with such a crude presentation, I commend your integrity.

Carry on.
edit on 3-3-2017 by TheWhiteKnight because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2017 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: TheWhiteKnight

Don´t be ridiculous.

This technique you´re using is so old that not even an infant would fall... Taking sentences out of context just to prove a ludicrous argument... Are you dumb or do you think we are all dumb?

posted on Mar, 4 2017 @ 03:36 PM
I wish I had't destroyed yer cover.
And I hope you crow to the mods about it.
I said horrible things.
And worse, I did not say the number,
so the above post should be removed.

Happy hunting.
Send 'em to my place won't you.

Nice avatar btw. Pan

a reply to: CrapAsUsual

# 691

edit on 4-3-2017 by TheWhiteKnight because: "I don't see why I should work for a company in which I have no say," he told those present. "I'm not going to be effed around by men in suits sitting on their fat arses in the City."

posted on Mar, 7 2017 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: TheWhiteKnight

You said nothing special, I would have said the same or worse.

In fact I was surprise someone took that long to present us with a conspiracy theory about my posts, isn´t this a conspiracy theorists board? Maybe no more... Well done

I´ll hunt them when its time, thats for sure... Me and the 99% of the human population on this planet.

We may like this or not, that´s irrelevant, the fact is that like this we can´t go on and as they don´t seam to understand the problems of the remaining 99% that only own less than 40% of the planets wealth then, the result is obvious, just a mater of time.

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