Not specifically about Trump, or America.
I'm just interested in peoples views, I have mine but I'm always willing to hear other, even opposing views.
Nothing I believe is set in stone, if someone makes a good point I'll gladly take it on board.
Here's my honest take on it:
I live in the UK, my day to day life I work in a hotel as a maintenance technician. I love my job, I've worked in hotels for the last 10 years. It's
one of those jobs where you work and deal with people from all corners of the globe and can be really interesting.
I get on well with most people and have a reasonably high quality of life. It has changed over the last 20 years or so...I'll elaborate.
When I left school I got a job in the electronics industry, I worked for IBM and was earning close to 20,000 at one point while I was a teenager.
I hadn't a care in the world.
I then went to college and worked part-time, earning a little less but on a bursary. I left college and got a job manufacturing windows, I was earning
about 18,000 a year.
The 2008 global econimic meltdown started and I went to work in the hotel industry earning about 18,000 a year. By now I'm doing a much more skilled
job, I'm proficient in all aspects of maintenance work - joinery, painting and decorating, plumbing, heating, ventilation and cooling, have gained a
city and guilds (17th Edition, wiring regs) so I'm more skilled now than when I was 18 working on a production line acting basically as a human
I now earn 16,000 a year.
On my way to work every day I see homeless people huddled in shop doorways. When I go out for lunch I see a lot of people begging for change. Some
natives, some not.
I see my relatives and friends, some who are ill and unable to work - struggle to pay rent and heat their homes. I see my own mother who is almost 60
struck off the sick and told she's fit to work.
At the same time I see, mostly privileged types, college and uni students, protest that there is opposition to brining more and more people into our
I see my own people struggle...I see a failing government who cannot house everyone. And it makes me angry. I don't resent the foreign people who want
to come here...this used to be a good place to live, but things have changed. I'm living proof of it, I should be doing far better than I am but
thankfully I don't really want or need much and am comfortable.
But not everyone is have to realise, that others aren't doing as well as you. You can;'t base your views on how well you and your
friends and family are doing.
If you see sick people being forced to work, and people sleeping rough. If you see people beg for change on your streets, your country is sick. A sick
country has no business offering aid or help to other countries. This si why people are voting Trump, Le Pen, this is why there's a rise in right-wing
It's not about the foreigners, it's about the already poor being kicked in the teeth by their own, it's thr screw you these guys are more important
type of attitude.
you go on youTube and type "benefits britain" and see the numerous television shows made over the last 10 years demonising native people her ein the
UK who are claiming benefits for whatever reason, be they sick or lazy it matters not.
We see austerity being imposed on our people...and we think...what's the sense in bringing in more people? If you can't manage things as they are, how
is this helping them or us? If there isn't enough to go 'round..and there apparently isn't, what are we to do? Divide the scraps among us?
It's not hatred for foreginers that drives my passion in the slightest, it's loyalty and compassion for the people I see EVERY DAY with my own two
It has to stop. If I saw less poverty in my own back yard I'd be far more tolerant to immigration. We didn't complain 20 or so years ago when Bosnian
folks came here following all that stuff in the 90's, or 10 or so years ago when a lot of eastern europeans started to come to the UK.
I don't want to deny anyone a better life. We need to fix what's already broken before we take on new projects.
Tha's my take on it, and I hope people can understand that. Trump is actually trying to do what's right, nobody criticises Australia for it's
stringent immigration policies and the criteria that must be met. It's common sense.
ETA - I think I may have posted this in the wrong forum as I don't particularly want this thread to spiral into a slanging match, I was civil and
honest discourse.
It's up to the mods but appy if it's moved to a less volatile and more suitable forum.
edit on 24-2-2017 by HeathenJessie because: (no reason