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Dobson came across as a nut job, the story was picked up around the world (often with the admittedly oversimplified headline “SpongeBob is Gay?”), and Dobson immediately blamed the messengers. Suddenly it was the media that had interconnected the cartoon character with the “pro-homosexual” effort, and, of course, the media needed to be feel The Wrath. As part of his weekly newsletter, he conveniently included an e-mail generating device so that people who never saw our broadcast nor knew who I was, could spam my mailbox full of what I must say is some of the most unintentionally entertaining e-mail I’ve ever gotten.
Firstly, you wouldn’t think a member of this group could misspell “Christian,” but sure enough, one of the missives had the word as “Christain” three times. I think just about every word you could imagine was butchered at some point (and we’re not talking typos here - we’re talking about repeated identical misspellings):
Spong, Spounge, Spnge - presumably meaning “Sponge.”
Dobsin, Dobsen, Debsin, Dubsen, Dobbins - presumably Dr. Dobson.
Sevility— I’m not sure about this one. This might be “civility,” or it might refer to the city in Spain.
The best of them was not a misspelling but a Freudian slip of biblical proportions. A correspondent, unhappy that I did not simply agree with her fire-and-brimstone forecast for me, wrote “I showed respect even though I disagreed with you and yet you have the audacity to call me intelligent.”
Well, you have me there, Ma’am. My mistake.
Academics That Are Life-changing and World-changing
The objective of our curriculum is to equip student leaders in the Christian worldview, as it pertains to our family, church and society. Our classes challenge you to examine your faith and apply it in ways you have never imagined. You will be empowered to confront the world in which you live and transform it with compassion. Each of our four courses provide a powerful foundation from which to share love and truth to a needy culture, while our internship gives you professional experience within your future career field.
Originally posted by RANT
Even money bet the Moonies are involved here. Heck, I'd give odds.
Allow me to begin by saying simply that I am a 66 year old man, I have spent 4 years and 10 months at Focus On The Family, I began with them in 1991 and my employment with them was terminated on October 3rd, 1996. I believe that James Dobson is the greatest threat to the true church of Jesus Christ in the world today. Through radio it is quite possible that he has done more to undermine the foundations of true Christian faith than any person since the church was founded two thousand years ago. Big statement? Yes! Think I'm exaggerating? But give me the opportunity to offer to you documented material and then you make up your mind as to where you stand on Focus On The Family.
James Dobson is a dangerous man - he is an ecumenist, he has psychologised Scripture that takes away the authority of Scripture and he is also a very, very adamant political activist and I am going to give you documented proof of all of those allegations.
In the process of time of working with Focus On The Family, after about one year and a half, or a year or a little over into my employment, I began to see many things that disturbed me. I, like many of you came to Focus On The Family believing that I had arrived on the front porch of heaven itself but I began to realize that Biblical 'counselling' was not normal at Focus On The Family. Then there were many other things that I had heard and I soon began to change my mind about what Focus On The Family really stood for and where James Dobson was really coming from.
At that point I coined a word, I called this word "Dobsonology" - basically it describes my observations of James Dobson and Focus On The Family and what they really are. It defines James Dobson and Focus On The Family.
Dobsonology is a mixture of psychology, humanism, New Age, political activism and ecumenism packed in a silver box of morality, it is tied with a golden ribbon of assorted Scriptures - not necessarily in context. It is being sold to the Christian Community in lieu of biblical authority through sound doctrine by James Dobson and his Focus On The Family Organization.
I showed respect even though I disagreed with you and yet you have the audacity to call me intelligent.”
Originally posted by muzzleflash
also; im actually confused on your intent in posting this article
im not sure if your agianst or for or neutral
please clarify for me if you have a chance thanks
but all this negative talk about Dr Dobson is disturbing
hes one of the ONLY people advocating reasonable approach to Keeping Familys Togeather.
He helps many many people
i am NOT a christian
and in fact; Dr Dobson seems more like a psychologist than a christian to me
Dr Dobson is a good guy
Originally posted by deesw
But I tell you now that I stand here firm to defend anything he has ever said or done.
Originally posted by muzzleflash
*SNIP*i myself enjoy learning the lessons taught by Dr. Dobson; they are very intelligent; and they are very Positive
*SNIP*you act like hes a bad guy, or some christian nutjob
nothing could be further from the truth
i personally resent him being blamed on the 'sponge bob fiasco'
could you please include better evidence?
*SNIP*Dr Dobson is a good guy
face it yall
This guy though takes the focus on FOTF a bit far: Why FOTF is of the Devil!
Our young believer listens, and two subtle evils begin to work in his life. Focus On The Family first admonishes our believer to keep listening, because their programs will help heal the damage in his soul. They don't just come out and say it, but the message is clear. If he wants to learn how to be a better Christian, he need look no further. In other words, they set themselves up as the authority on moral living. This little device hooks our young believer. If he rejects what's being broadcast by Focus On The Family, he is rejecting the information God obviously wants him to hear.
Originally posted by Johannmon
If you want to smear FOF, I guess you have that right but you should at least read what the man has to say about this sponge bob issue here.
"One of the big issues that people haven't talked about much is that some very controversial religions could get active in this," said Philip Jenkins, the author of "Mystics and Messiahs: Cults and New Religions in American History"(Oxford University Press, 2000), and a professor of history and religious studies at Pennsylvania State University.
"Running a faith-based program raises the question, what faiths are out of bounds?" Mr. Jenkins said. "Either you fund all faith groups, even groups you radically don't like, or you fund none. I have nothing against funding everybody, but I think people need to be prepared for the issues that might arise. How do you distinguish between a Methodist and a Moonie? The answer is, you can't."
Originally posted by jlc163
I know for a fact that the studies he did on pornography and the link to serial killers was professional.
Y'all DO know that ALL known Serial Killers started out with porn?
The Money Machine
How is Dobson's compensation arrangement with Focus so lucrative if he draws no salary? It is enormously profitable by virtue of the fact that Focus on the Family is essentially a publicity-generating machine for Jim. three million households receive positive advertising impressions of James Dobson weekly - James Dobson the writer of books, the maker of educational films, and the seller of audiocassette albums - all of which are available at your local religious bookstore, where Jim is always in the top ten authors category.
For example, Dobson's November 1996 fund-raising letter announced to his donors a new Focus on the Family venture: youth rallies in major cities across North America called "LOTE: or "Life On The Edge." Dobson said of this new enterprise: The first [rally[ of its kind was held in Cincinnati on October 5. Some 3,200 teenagers and their parents spent all day listening to [a variety of youth speakers, including members of the Focus staff.] From all the reports we've received, the seminar was wonderfully successful. We had to turn away hundreds in Cincinnati. If resources permit, it is our plan to take this program to fifty or more cities in the next couple of years.
On the surface, the observer sees nothing in such an announcement other than James Dobson, care provider to the nation's youth. But when one looks more closely, one sees a national event strategy into which hundreds of thousands of dollars will be poured, creating immense visibility and market interest in "Life On The Edge," which is more than the name of the event; it is the title of Dobson's latest book as well as of a video and film series, all Dobson's personal property, from which he earns immense royalties.
Jim does not donate the income from his books and many of his communications products to his nonprofit corporation, as do many heads of ministries. He retains control of the revenues they generate, and foremost among all who benefit from the massive marketing and publicity generated daily by Focus on the Family is James Dobson himself. Furthermore, since a guest spot on the Dobson program turns other authors into instant best-sellers, his promotional power puts him in a position to demand higher-than-normal personal advances and royalty percentages from publishers of his own books.
All I've read from his material indicates he's pushing this non-denominational open society accepting of all religions for the combined effect of reshaping the world. Which makes sense since he is a prominent officer in Lahaye's Council for National Policy.