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The Shed 14

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posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: jacygirl

Edit: Holy garbanzo beans!! I didn't know you were still here, Thelma!! *random hugs*

Garbanzo beans?!!!

I'm slower than molasses in January trying to reply to multiple folks AND quote...
Slow, I tell ya!

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 04:16 PM
a reply to: TNMockingbird

Yeah, sorry about the garbanzo beans.
I normally swear, when not around children or the in here I try to keep it clean but also somehow amuse myself, lol.

For whatever reason, that popped into my head when I saw your last that's what I wrote.
I'm rather simple.

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: jacygirl

YES! LOL - that happens to me all the time. My wife and I searched long and hard for our middle son's name before he was born. For a long time, he was the only one we had EVER heard of with that name. All of a sudden, we started seeing it all over the place - movies, TV, his classmates...crazy stuff.

I find it happening when I write too. I'll use an unusual word because it is the best fit, then I'll start hearing it all over the place.

a reply to: Night Star

Of course - my intent would be to do it like Tom does with Aria and Errollorre - post a link in the Shed with each episode.

a reply to: TNMockingbird

What, like groupies? For real? I've never had a fan club before! LOL

a reply to: jacygirl

Do holy garbanzo beans taste different from unholy ones? (Do I want to know? Yikes!)

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: PrairieShepherd

Whoa...same with one of my girl's names.
It was really unique and almost unheard of, and as soon as their (twins) birth announcement hit the local newspaper...suddenly there were others choosing that name for their own newborn, and now it's really common.

Umm...Holy garbanzo beans Batman! is more along the lines of what I was thinking.
(but all I could come up with was Holy *%!$* Batman...all bad I had to think quick!)

*runs away*

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: jacygirl

I used to have a really foul mouth. I have since cleaned up my act. Having kids tends to do that - it's tough to tell them not to use particular words when you use them yourself. Not that I've never slipped up, but I'm proud to say it's pretty rare these days.

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 04:32 PM
Jacy, we must be siblings. We both smoke and swear and have a great sense of humor and have our good days and our blah days and... ellipses over use and...stuff.

Hello Chirp! Had wine a couple of days ago while dining out. The first thing I thought about when I saw the spilled glass of wine on the beach in your avatar was...OMG, don't waste the wine!!!!!

Shep, very good about sharing your story with links here so we'll know what's going on.

I have so much to do and if none of it gets done, I'm blaming you guys for keeping me distracted and smiling in here.

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to: PrairieShepherd

I took parenthood really seriously and knew that I was a role model.
I was pretty old-fashioned, and never swore around my kids.

To this day I have never heard my son say the "eff bomb" in my presence, though the girls did (starting around age 14)...but not in their mid 20's.
I do kind of wince when I hear people cussing around their kids and then hear the kids repeating it.
I guess I'm still pretty old-fashioned in some ways.

At home? Alone or in the car...I will "eff bomb" until I laugh at myself.
Sometimes I can't believe how easily it rolls off my tongue when I know I can get away with it.

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: jacygirl

I suppose I'm similar. When I'm alone I'm not as careful, but strangely, I feel guilty now.

I do have to say, there's an mp3 that (I think) was taken from Monty Python where they talk about the "eff-word" - it's absolutely hilarious, and had me laughing in tears the first time I heard it.

Ah, such licentiousness... (facetious is your new word, I think mine is licentious...)

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to: PrairieShepherd

Alright chillun's, Shepherd's gotta run. Might be on later, maybe not - either way I will talk atcha'll lata!

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: PrairieShepherd

See ya later Shep!
I just saw you posted storyline a page back so I'm going to read now.

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 05:23 PM
Twenty minutes later Jacy is still reading Shep's story while Sophie is running amuck. That's ok, she is outside and she found flowers to play in.

She found a friend

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: Eilasvaleleyn
I think the first love is such an innocent love that it really kinda breaks the rules. Most people look back at that person in a special way. My first “crush” ended up a best friend and still is. I think you just create a special bond when you learn something so powerful for the first time together. (I’m talking early love not sex)

a reply to: Night Star
What happened to the orange story? I went away for the weekend and haven’t seen it since…hmmm. Anyone game?

a reply to: TNMockingbird
Don’t apologize and please don’t stop posting your adorable pictures!!!
Beach trip??? Beaches are never facetious!

a reply to: jacygirl
Marty sits down next to Jacy, places her arm around her shoulder; and just enjoys the peacefulness of The Shed. When a pixie flies over Marty waves them off, right now Jacy just needs to be with herself. I’m just letting her know I’m here.
Oh good she coming out! Yeah!

a reply to: PrairieShepherd

Question to Shedfolk - I was thinking, based on suggestions from a couple folks, that I might move the story I've been posting to its own thread. What does the Shed think?

Shep – I absolutely love coming in here and reading your story but I can understand why it would be easier to read in a thread of its own. (Just be sure to update us with links!) Oh yeah, a story entry to read!

How is everyone this fine evening????

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: Martin75

How is everyone this fine evening????

Oh, I'm awesome! How are you?

I hope everyone is feeling great this evenin!!

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: JinMI
Well I'm not near as cool as you but other than that all is well. Just doing homework...kinda.

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 05:59 PM

originally posted by: Martin75
a reply to: JinMI
Well I'm not near as cool as you but other than that all is well. Just doing homework...kinda.

Fshh, I have nerds do my homework! Well, bigger nerds than me...well not bigger than me know. That's a lie, I do my own

Don't work too hard Mrs. Ma'am!

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 06:09 PM
Hello Jess and Jiminy!

I am fine this Spring evening.

Jess, that is one reason I decided to post my story entries outside of the orange one. I can still write if I want to and observe and comment on the orange story line from another time line. People often get busy or get writer's block or real life gets in the way and the story gets put on hold. I just wanted the freedom of knowing I could write when I wanted without having to wait for people. I don't even remember the last page an orange story was posted or even who posted it.

I'm sure someone will come along and tell us.

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: Night Star

Hi Mrs. Leaper!!

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: JinMI

Hello dark cousin Elf! Wish you had time to write a story in here or join someone else's. That would be awesome!

Same with you Jess and all the other Sheddites and Sheddites yet to be.

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 06:16 PM
a reply to: Night Star

Maybe someday...soon.

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 06:18 PM
a reply to: JinMI

Oooooh!!!!!!!!! I would certainly look forward to that! How is the ring search going? The one ring to rule them all. LOL Have you gotten lost in the pages of e-bay yet?

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