posted on Feb, 16 2017 @ 01:52 PM
Jesus Christ!
A knock at my door.
Some yuppie with bright blue hair and jeans down at his knees was just at my door. "Hello mate", he said, "my name is arse hole this is my friend,
retard, who also needs a proper job, how are you?".
"Fine" i say also "not interested, bye".
Then i here him whimper..... "ohhh but its for cancer....".
I dont care if its for cancer, blind dogs, the homeless, erectile dysfunction or whatever other stupid charity has been stupid enough to pay you
twenty bucks a night to knock on my door just to make me feel like a horrible human being for not giving you time to tell me about all the sick and
dying you are trying to save. I DONT CARE.
So when this guy that's just distributed my nightly binge of ATS and funny YouTube videos after a day of actually looking after cancer patients then
says "ohhh so yo don't care about looking after the terminally ill" that's going to piss me off.
I remained polite and just said, yup I am a horrible person bye, and closed the door.
This dick-head knocked on my door again. Actually he banged on my door. So I opened it and this time in a not so polite way told him if he banged on
my door like that again he might find himself requiring medical attention (I am paraphrasing).
So now as i am typing out my little rant this dude is wandering round my street knocking on door no doubt pissing of the rest of the street.
I give to charity but i decide what charities i give to. I really detest these people whose job it seems to be to make us all feel like evil puppy
beaters every time we don't start donating our money that is then used in turn to pay them to go knock on some other poor saps door.
Sorry just had to get that off my chest.
edit on 16-2-2017 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)