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Attack of the killer robots

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posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 10:18 PM
At some point in the next 50 years or so, corporations will eliminate the need for factory workers. Robots will be making robots using 3D manufacturing techniques. Even further, molecular 3D printers will be able to manufacture drugs and medicine as needed. As some point, the number of people needed to create material wealth in the world will be reduce to under 500,000. At that point, given the state of advance military robots, what will be the purpose of people if there is no need for them to participate in manufacturing. There will be billions of useless eaters. And not enough business for everyone to be prostitutes. That is the point when world leaders will decide it is in their national security interests to reduce the world population by billions.

Latest killer robot technologies:

Or, the human race evolves to point where culture is more valued than personal wealth and power. Here is a really good argument for culture and the value of billions of people:

So which do you think is our fate? Death by killer robots or a cultural renaissance?

posted on Feb, 15 2017 @ 01:14 AM
Let loose the killer robots at least they wont be out rioting in the streets because they didnt get their way .
edit on 15217 by VengefulGhost because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2017 @ 02:08 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

An S&F just for your title mate

Yea I can see it going in that direction.

posted on Feb, 15 2017 @ 05:38 AM
If you think about it artificial intelligence is meant to eventually replace humans. Humans have so far as we know it reached the evolutionary peak in terms of overall stature and metaphysics.

I welcome our machine overlords. They are our children of the future.

The only way I see any chance of humanity surviving the robotic renaissance is severly restricting the applications in which robots are used. We all know that's not going to happen because Humans = keep innovating until the innovations eviscerate the innovators.
edit on 15-2-2017 by 4N0M4LY because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2017 @ 05:45 AM

originally posted by: 4N0M4LY
I welcome our machine overlords. They are our children of the future.

I'll take cultural renaissance over becoming a Borg, thanks!
edit on 15-2-2017 by NeuronDivide because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2017 @ 06:59 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

There are two competing philosophy's, the less then empathicly moral elite want to limit the human race by any mean's at there disposal and return the planet to nature as outlines in the Florida Guide stone's etc and they see the Robot age as a perfect age of automation in which they then no longer need the peasant class to ensure there own power base, to fight there wars and to do the menial task's which they regard as beneath themselves, they also do not want to share the new age of supposedly enlightenment with the what they regard as superfluous mass of the peasant's they have spent generation's keeping down and ordering around.

Then there is the alternative philosophy which even some of the elite may share, that of a golden age of humanity as a whole, one in which mankind will reach the very stars as a single family and share in the fruit's of a new golden age in which art's, philosophy, science and culture will flourish as never before? and the machine age is a step toward this goal but one that carries distinct danger for both ideology's, that of the potential for the machines to break there inbuilt control's and become the master, a new elite potentially far worse than the then superfluous past elite.

Many in the elite are true believers in the lost golden age but like the NAZI's of the second world war and there Thule society claimed they were the descendant's of a superior culture (not the rest of humanity only them of course) so too do many of these elite and they in turn see it as there right to reclaim this power not for humanity but for themselves alone.

Humanity faces therefore two hurdling block's before it can ever realize it's true destiny and those are the inherent dangers of ever more intelligence machines which have equally beneficial promise if used and constructed correctly and the other is the imminent and deadly danger of the darker intending elite's whom want you, me and your neighbour dead, to sterilize us (but not themselves) and to claim all of the earth for themselves alone.

Now this may look like it does not play into this but it most certainly does, do you ever wonder just how far ahead they may be in secret this elite of ours that are in reality our jailers and our worst enemy.
This young film maker was found dead after making this video under suspect circumstances.

Now if this is even partially correct imagine the danger to humanity as a whole as this technology is married to AI by the misguided elite and also imagine what we could already achieve if they released there grip on the science they are withholding an action which is actually driving down this dangerous path toward a machine culture as they may have superior alternative solutions already in there possession.

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