posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 02:37 PM
The scripture in Acts that says keep abstaining from blood mean to stay away from it, if someone had a serious drinking problem and ruined there
liver and the doctor said you cannot have any alchohol, would it be a smart thing for him to say ok i wont drink but im going to Intraveneously feed
it into my Veins, So to reason with this you would compare that scripture from Acts to Levitcus 17:14 that says anyone eating blood i shall cut of
from his people, So even though it says do not eat and the other scripture says abstain from it, which would mean Do not Eat,Drink, or feed into your
body system.
Also Acts 15:29 says To keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled if you carefully keep yourselves from
these things you will prosper good health, my sister died from blood complications after being operated on, i dont now for sure but i feel she would
have made it if they used non blood expanders and let her own body replenish itself with its own cells.
I appreciat everyone sympathy, it was tough loss for our family but we do realize that it was out of our hands, we do not know why they chose to use
blood over other means, i have no idea how long it took for them to get the court order. No charges were pressed against the Dr we realize he thought
he was doing what he felt was right. She died for what she belived in and if being a JW is the only hope of me seeing her again then thats what i will
And i guess you could call us Doorknockers if you want, but Jesus Instructed his Followers to preach about Gods Kingdom we dont get any money or fame
for going to people door it done all on volunteer basis, and like i have said before Jehovahs witnesses Do not Hide Molesters, I cant remember where
its at in the Bible but it says to Turn in those who Sin against Ceaser and Molesting Children is a big Sin, There are also groups who call themselves
JW and even have a kingdom hall but Do not Follow Gods Commandments, this would be a group That wouldnt suprise me if they had charges against them.
Its kind of like this your wife cheats on you for 5 years and hides it but in due time you find out and more then likely you divorce her, kind of the
same things here all those priests molested all those kids but in due time it comes out in the open and is dealt with, like Jehovah said in the bible
that in due time all who lead double lives will be sifted out of my people,
Now if there is an incident of molestation The Elders Dont even bother with tring to fix the problem themselves they turn straight over to ceaser
which the bible says to do.
Its kind of interesting to read all these posts i never knew that so many hated us JWs, its really kind of sad, we are peaceful people just trying to
do things right and by no means to we profess to be perfect or to do things better then anyone else, we firmly Believe that what Jehovah said in the
bible about there being only one God and one faith the faith that started when his son came to earth, and again i cant remember the scripture right
off the top of my head but it says that many will drift away from my teaching and rule there own beliefs, which is why there are so many different
religions JWs were never Fully recognized until 1914, so in sence yes the organization has only been around for about 100 years as a organization but
they have always been around since Jesus came to earth.
There will come a time when man wants to do away with religion, Jehovah said to pay ceasers things to ceaser and Gods thing to God, so when the times
comes and man tries to do away with religion and they say we cant talk to others at there door anymore we will not stop because of Jehovahs
commandment To continue Preaching In the Time of the end.
And as far as charities and college go, we do not give money to most charities cuz they are backed by other religions but Donations to hospitols, fire
departments or charties to Cancer research for cures is not against our beliefs, and college, hmmm i cant even begin to think of how much trouble some
people can get into at college and all the temptations that can arise from being at college, however we are not told you cannot go to college, and
plus most people who go to college do not get a job for what they went to college for anyways, I am currently In a tech school for EMT and would like
to go onto Paramedic, it is smart to get training so you can support yourself and a family.
I know some of the things about the blood issue are confusing but if you want you can go to any kingdom hall and ask for the No Blood video, no it
will not convert you but might help some to understand a little better how JWs View Blood better then what I described.