posted on Feb, 10 2017 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to:
As an aside, the heat sink has to be on the outside of the box you put it in. If you want to waterproof the box and heatsink, use that stop leak spray
stuff and spray everything. It makes a thin, but good seal against water and it still allows seams to be opened and boxes to be taken apart. The only
problem is the potentiometer, not much you can do to seal that, but there are water resistant pots available with rubber o-rings on the control shaft.
ETA: Here's a simple schematic
LM117-12, LM317-12, LM7812, ua7812 are all basically the same. The LM317-12 and LM7812 in TO3 or T220 cases if I remember right have the same
Cheers - Dave
edit on 2/10.2017 by bobs_uruncle because: ETA