posted on Feb, 9 2017 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to:
It's always such bull when people say this
Have you ever thought that first world people can have really heavy problems? Maybe szino9 has things going on none of us can understand. I'm not
saying it's so extreme, but I know a clinical director who works full time and makes a solid 80k a year who looks rough some days. Now I could grunt
out a "smile" or I could mind my own business and leave other people alone.
The benefit of leaving her alone is that now I won't make her feel worse...seeing as she was a sexual assault victim.
She can walk....
She has a job...a really good job
She has lovely children
a even has a horse for goodness sake...I have one too....they are very much first world successes and allowances. Sure I
earned it, but still first world.
But the whole first world BS is so instant excuse to ignore everything that could be going on in an ugly, but still first world or in
people's personal lives all to play the pain Olympics. Because a child in Ghana is starving and near death or because the kid in Nepal I saw who had
legitimate leprosy....I can't allow myself pain.