I used to play Counter-Strike for a long time before the kiddies took over way back when.
Here are a couple of tips.
1) walking makes you quiet, if you think someone is nearby then walk. It makes you more accurate as well.
2) learn the maps so you can run round them backwards. Try and find all the choke points and ambush locations if you can.
3) Camping (ambushing someone ) is not a sin. So if you can, ambush the buggers.
4) Try and aim for the upper body or head, the hit boxes there are bigger so you have a better chance of getting a hit.
5) reload frequently, there is nothing worse than getting caught short ammo wise.
6) Learn your weapons, all weapons is CS ( so imagine HL2 death match as well ) have different handling characteristics, different recoil etc.
7) Ignore the l337 d00d kiddies, they will take the p!ss but everyone has to start somewhere. Don't get discouraged when you keep getting whacked,
just take note of where it happened and what happened and don't make the same mistake again.
8) When you die focus your camera on the person who whacked you, follow him with the camera and watch what he does, how he moves, where he goes etc.
You can learn a lot that way.
9) If you can stay with someone that way you can cover each others backs.
10) Voice comms were a God send in CS so listen out for your team mates if they have voice comms and try to help them out, also if you have voice
comms do the same.
11) Remember online gaming isnt about how good the game looks but about how fast your frame rate and ping is. The higher the frame rate and the better
your connection the more accurate you are and you can react. Before you join a server check the ping and reject anything that pings higher than 50.
Also when you are in game and the frame rate is crap then bailout and adjust your settings, turn down the eye candy and you will become faster.
All of the above depends upon your rig and connection. I run a P4 2.6 with HT
and have 1gig 333htz ram, Randeon 9600 256, 17 inch relisys moniter set at 80 htz refresh and i get along just fine. I also have a 1 meg broadband
Ok that's it, i played CS for a long time and got quite good but i never played HL death match but i suppose the above tips can be used for HL as
Have fun and if you find a quiet server let me know and i will see if i can have a game with you. If not then give me a shout and i will set up a 2
man CS-source server and run you through a few bits and bobs. Good luck.
Oh and by the way if anyone reads this and knows a CS server with no kiddies let me know, after writing this i have a strange longing to play the game
again, i will be rusty as hell but i suppose its like riding a bike.
Oh i forgot to add, never spray and pray. Fire in short bursts and dont crouch, your hitboxes come together making you more likly to get shot in the
[edit on 1-2-2005 by Janus]
[edit on 1-2-2005 by Janus]