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Romania ditches decree that would have protected corrupt politicians

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posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 03:56 PM
Well, I am particularly confused that the Government of Romania would even consider declaring a law that would benefit their corrupt politicians.

Then you remember that we are talking about politicians and then you begin to understand.

But Romanian people have brought about this U-Turn, and more power to them.

Edit - I know we have seen lots of demonstrations around the world over Trump, wanting to protect his borders.

This however, is a demonstration against the system that has existed for far too long.
edit on 4/2/17 by Cobaltic1978 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 04:12 PM
THATS a protest

What weve seen from the anti Trumpers has been nothing but whiny, violent sore loser cry babies who are triggered that their every whim and desire hasnt been catered too.

Not having a go at ya OP but I think its an insult to those protesting in Romania to be compared to those rioting and bitching about Trump, I mean these Romanian protesters even clean up after themselves, seriously!!!

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

I'm not comparing anything to anything.

I thought that was clear the in the O.P? Apologies if it isn't.

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

What i heard that it was about the politicians used government facilities for their own private use and invoiced it so they would not have to pay out of their own pocket..

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 04:33 PM
Using tax payers money, whilst claiming it back for personal profit. Fantastic, absolutely fantastic.

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 04:33 PM

originally posted by: Cobaltic1978
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

I'm not comparing anything to anything.

I thought that was clear the in the O.P? Apologies if it isn't.

Sorry I didnt mean to imply you made the comparison, I just meant people using the same word "protest" for both.
One was a protest and one was a bunch of entitled good for nothings rioting.

I shouldnt have been more clear with my disclaimer that not only was I not having a go but I didnt see anything to have a go at

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 04:36 PM
Since 1990 Romania has been a place where your life is determined by what you pay up the chain. the harder you work for the higher ups, the more they may offer in luxuries. The key word there is 'MAY' offer... as one becomes stuck in the web because the economy is in poor health. I am happy to see the influence being halted. it's been just about 25 years since the last revolution and that is about the perfect amount of time for citizens of any democracy to put their politicians in check... and thwart the reigns of legacies taking hold.

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

not sure if it was claiming it back for personal profit, but they used tax payer money for their own use..

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 05:53 PM
I do not understand the protests, all known (to me) offenses are exempted from this pardon. Apart from those who spat chewing gum on the sidewalk, or showed the finger at the militia

Act of pardon of penalties and custodial measures [full text of the draft]

Art. 1. pardoned entirely prison sentences of up to 5 years imposed by the court.

Art. 2 (1) pardoned in part, 1/2, prison sentences imposed on pregnant women and people who are sole family breadwinner and dependent minors under the age of 14, unless they have denied parental rights by court order.

(2) The cases referred to in para. (1) must be the entry into force of this law.

Art. 3. Educational measures involving deprivation of liberty for up to 5 years is pardoned, the provisions of art. 5 paragraph. (2) being applied properly.

Art. 4 (1) A pardon under art. 1-2 is subject to payment within one year after final conviction or, where appropriate, the release, the compensation to which the convicted person was forced by final judgment.

(2) Failure to comply with the condition laid down by par. (1) involves revoke a pardon, or remaining unexecuted punishment set will be running in detention.

(3) A person shall submit proof of payment pardoned injury to the execution judge. If the deadline provided in par. (1) judge finds that the execution was not submitted proof of payment of damage, it will notify the execution court to order the revocation of a pardon.

(4) the trial procedure is conducted by summoning the convicted person, art. 597 par. (2) - (8) of the Criminal Procedure Code being applied properly.

Art. 5. (1) The provisions of art. 1 and 2 shall not apply to persons convicted of crimes committed in a state of relapse, or those who are repeat offenders with previous convictions.
(2) do not benefit from the provisions of art. 1 and art. Two convicts whose sentences were applied for committing the following crimes:

A. Offences covered by the Criminal Code:

1) offenses against life prescribed by art. 188-192;
2) injury, provided by art. 194;
3) bodily injury causing death, provided by art. 195;
4) The mistreatment of minors under article. 197;
5) offenses committed against a family member, provided by art. 199 and 200;
6) aggression on the fetus, provided by art. 201 and 202;
7) illegal deprivation of liberty, provided by art. 205;
8) blackmail, provided by art. 207;
9) trafficking and exploitation of vulnerable persons under Art. 209-211 and art. 213 - 2161;
10) crimes against sexual freedom and integrity, provided by art. 218-222;
11) breaking and entering, provided by art. 224 par. (2);
12) violation of professional headquarters, provided by art. 225 par. (2);
13) aggravated theft, provided by art. 229 par. (2) and (3);
14) robbery and piracy prescribed by art. 233-236;
15) The fraudulent bankruptcy, provided by art. 241;
16) The fraudulent management, provided by art. 242 par. (3);
17) deceitfulness, provided by art. 244;
18) deceit on insurance provided by art. 245;
19) fraud committed through computer systems and electronic payment means prescribed by art. 249-251;
20) destruction, provided by art. 253 par. (4);
21) outrage, provided by art. 257;
22) smuggling provided by art. 263;
23) facilitating illegal stay in Romania, provided by Art. 264;
24) favoring the offender, provided by art. 269;
25) revenge for helping justice, provided by art. 274;
26) judicial outrage, provided by art. 279;
27) research abusive, provided by art. 280;
28) torture, provided by art. 282;
29) unjust repression, provided art. 283;
30) the escape provided by art. 285;
31) permitting the escape provided by art. 286;
32) acts of corruption provided for by art. 289-294;
33) embezzlement, provided by art. 295;
34) abuse of office provided by art. 297;
35) conflict of interest provided by art. 301;
36) disclosure of state secret information, provided by art. 303;
37) obtaining illegal funds, provided by art. 306;
38) diversion of funds provided for by art. 307;
39) acts of corruption and committed service to others, provided by art. 308 of the Criminal Code related to art. 289-292, art. 295, art. 297 and Art. 301;
40) forgery of coins, stamps or other values ​​prescribed by art. 310-316;
41) forgery of official documents, provided by art. 320 par. (2);
42) intellectual forgery, provided by art. 321;
43) the false information provided by art. 325;
44) failure to fulfill their official duties or faulty provided by art. 329 par. (2);
45) leaving the station and presence to work under the influence of alcohol or other substances, provided by art. 331;
46) destruction or false signal, provided by art. 332;
47) leaving the scene of an accident or modifying or deleting traces its scheduled art. 338;
48) failure to comply with regulations on ammunition, provided by art. 342;
49) failure regime nuclear material or other radioactive materials, provided by art. 345;
50) failure of the explosive materials regime provided for by art. 346;
51) transmission of AIDS, provided by art. 354;
52) traffic of toxic substances produced or provided by art. 359;
53) setting up an organized crime group, provided by art. 367;
54) pornography provided by art. 374;
55) offenses against national security, provided by art. 394-410;
56) offenses against the fighting capacity of the armed forces, provided by art. 413-428 and art. 432-437;
57) crimes of genocide, against humanity and war prescribed by art. 438-444.


posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 05:54 PM

B. Offences regulated by special laws:
1) offense provided by art. 2801 of the Companies Act no. 31/1990, republished, with subsequent amendments;
2) offenses under Law no. 51/1991 on the national security of Romania, republished, with additions;
3) offenses under Law no. 78/2000 on preventing, detecting and sanctioning corruption, with subsequent amendments;
4) crimes provided by Law no. 143/2000 on preventing and combating trafficking and illicit drug use, republished, with subsequent amendments;
5) offenses under Law no. 535/2004 on preventing and combating terrorism, as amended and supplemented;
6) the offense provided by art. 29 of Law no. 656/2002 on preventing and sanctioning money laundering, and the establishment of measures to prevent and combat terrorism financing, republished, as amended;
7) offenses under Law no. 191/2003 on offenses shipping, as amended and supplemented;
8) offenses under Law no. 241/2005 for preventing and combating tax evasion, as amended;
9) offenses under Law no. 86/2006 on the Romanian Customs Code, as amended and supplemented;
10) offenses under Law no. 194/2011 on combating operations with products likely to have psychoactive effects other than those provided for by legislation in force, republished;
11) offenses under Government Emergency Ordinance no. 121/2006 on the regime of drug precursors, approved with amendments by Law no. 186/2007, as amended;
12) the offense provided by art. 35 para. (2) of Law no. 10/1995 regarding quality in constructions, republished;
13) offenses under Law no. 101/2011 for the prevention and punishment of acts concerning environmental degradation, republished;
14) the offense provided by art. 92 of the Water Law no. 107/1996, as amended and supplemented.
(3) Also, do not benefit from this law who have committed crimes other than those provided in par. (2) for which the law provides imprisonment of 10 years or more.
(4) under paragraphs. (2) the reference to offenses under the Penal Code shall be considered offenses made and appropriate under the Penal Code or special laws since 1969 which have been amended or repealed after the entry into force of Law no. 286/2009 on the Criminal Code.
Art. 6. pardon does not apply to those who have not begun serving a prison sentence or custodial educational measures because they were stolen from their execution and performance of those who started but were subsequently stolen.
Art. 7. Persons who pardoned within three years intentionally committing an offense will perform, in addition to paying the fine for that offense and the punishment or penalty remaining unexecuted due to the application of this law.
Art. 8 The provisions of this law only applies to acts committed prior to 18 January 2017.
Art. 9 This law comes into force 30 days after its publication in the Official Gazette.

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