posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 11:25 PM
haaa gayyyy -Mr chan
In my opinion pizzagate may not be true but if it is true it speaks to the whole truth; that there is a systematic abuse of power by any elite in our
society to exercise sexual control and dominance over those that feed them. In days of old Alexander the great was known to engage in homosexuality
and it was viewed as manly by the greeks to "partner up" with the guy who would be protecting you with his shield in the phalanx on the field of
battle, a thing of trust really. Now a days it has reached a perverse tone by many who engage in sexual deviousness and I'm not alluding to
homosexuals who genuinely find creature comfort with each other but mainly to the perverse and unfortunately natural behaviors of those who get
excited by the controlsubmission paradigm which historically holds credence to be in the realm of reality of recurring or more precisely of having
never disappeared.
edit on 27-1-2017 by BeneGesseritWitch because: want to watch video before I say anything