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Trump Delivers Another Campaign Promise - BANS Immigrants from Terrorist Countries.

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posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 04:48 PM

originally posted by: AMPTAH

originally posted by: BloodxRayne
a reply to: eNumbra

He's done more in a week than Obama did in all of 2016,

At the rate he is going, he will have signed more executive orders than all previous presidents in the history of the United States, combined !

Pals, that's a sign of dictatorship.

Sure, he's doing what he said he would do.

Kudos to the guy.

But, he is doing it all without debate, feedback, argument, discussion, all by decree.

It's true what they say, Obama was the Last President of the united states.

Donald Trump is King. it was okay for Obama to lead by EO, but not his successor? Seems to me Trump is doing it for the Country, while Obama was doing it for the sake of his legacy. If you are going to refer to Trump as a dictator for his use of EOs, you really have no choice but to identify Obama the same way. While I've never been a fan of leadership by EO, many would be unnecessary if the last administration hadn't gone off the rails using EOs and completely ignored the security of America and the safety of its citizens (legal).

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: avgguy

Right? I would like to know what his staff so far think of his first week.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 04:52 PM

originally posted by: Syphone
a reply to: DomTullipso

He soon calls everyone against him a terrorist, civil war is right around the corner. See how he can deal with it.

Take your fake news elsewhere.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 05:04 PM

originally posted by: Lab4Us it was okay for Obama to lead by EO, but not his successor? Seems to me Trump is doing it for the Country, while Obama was doing it for the sake of his legacy. If you are going to refer to Trump as a dictator for his use of EOs, you really have no choice but to identify Obama the same way. While I've never been a fan of leadership by EO, many would be unnecessary if the last administration hadn't gone off the rails using EOs and completely ignored the security of America and the safety of its citizens (legal).

I thought I'd share some interesting links, since the discussion is following EOs.
Bill Clinton signed 364
George W. signed 291
Obama signed 275
FDR Signed 3,522

Specific listings of the EOs can be found under each president on that page

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: Syphone
a reply to: DomTullipso

He soon calls everyone against him a terrorist, civil war is right around the corner. See how he can deal with it.'s going to be an awfully short war...cause leftists are only versed in throwing bricks...through get at all that glitters on the other side of the glass...that belongs to somebody else...

Meanwhile...those on the right...that own that stuff...are well versed in how to protect themselves from just such an occasion...

edit on 27-1-2017 by YouSir because: I had to add some flesh...

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 05:55 PM
Muslims down, who's next on the list. Let's see here.

1) Mexicans
2) Jews
3) Blacks
4) Natives

Then its back to making Amerian whit----er, Great again! Great like the 60s, no wait... Civil rights. Like the 40s! No, wait, world war; Japanese camps, women's rights, segregation. Great like the 1870s! No, wait.... the reconstrution era after one of the most bloodiest wars in American history, The Jim Crow Laws, scratch that. Great, uh...the 1800s? Yeah, there it is. When white men had all the rights, and everyone else had none.

Trump is going to make it happen. He's a business man; this is what he does. He does tremendous things.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 06:08 PM
Remember when Obama signed EO for the closer of Guantanamo Bay and how Congress did everything it possibly could for 8 years to make sure it never happened?

Just signing an EO doesn't make it magically happen.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 06:14 PM

originally posted by: FelisOrion
Muslims down, who's next on the list. Let's see here.

1) Mexicans
2) Jews
3) Blacks
4) Natives

I am going to call you out on this as BS. Race baiting BS.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: Logarock

originally posted by: FelisOrion
Muslims down, who's next on the list. Let's see here.

1) Mexicans
2) Jews
3) Blacks
4) Natives

I am going to call you out on this as BS. Race baiting BS.
I back you on this. Race Baiting BS! Who even starred that post?
edit on 1 27 2017 by Naturallywired because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 08:07 PM

originally posted by: Logarock

originally posted by: FelisOrion
Muslims down, who's next on the list. Let's see here.

1) Mexicans
2) Jews
3) Blacks
4) Natives

I am going to call you out on this as BS. Race baiting BS.

not very clever race baiting either

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 09:07 PM
a reply to: DomTullipso

What about:

Saudi Arabia

edit on 27-1-2017 by mekhanics because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 09:36 PM
Whati want to know is why saudi arabia is not on that list as they are the biggest exporter of terrorism of the lot!

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 09:38 PM
I'd love to see Saudi Arabia put on the list. Then I'd really know Trump was for real. I've said before and I'll say it again, until we break off our alliance with Saudi Arabia all our humanitarian claims are full of #.

I'd like to see Trump at least have the balls none of the rest of our leaders have had and call Saudi Arabia out for their human rights abuses.

posted on Jan, 28 2017 @ 02:29 AM

originally posted by: eNumbra

originally posted by: DomTullipso
Trump has delivered on more promises in one week than Obama delivered in 8 years.

So the wall is built already? Obamacare replaced? Illegals gone? Swamp drained?

Are we great again yet?

in an alternate reality where hillary was elected...

No wall, more illegals, more enforced obamacare, and a government full of sycophantic self serving globalist perverts pulling string and making war.

But thank the flying spaghetti monster for this reality... lets see how it goes.

If you don't have to resort to rigging votes to try and elect a verified criminal next time, which becomes public knowledge and fails, thus allowing the legitimate candidate become President, then maybe you'll get what you want.

who can ever know...

posted on Jan, 28 2017 @ 02:32 AM

originally posted by: eNumbra
You sound awfully triggered by the truth.

I'm gonna be the first to call it.

Triggered/trigger is the new Godwin's law.

"Oh you're just triggered lol."

^ is not an argument against the opposing opinion. Just deflection...

posted on Jan, 28 2017 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: AMPTAH

lol oh lefties...I've never seen a group of sore losers like you guys. "Obama was the Last President".
You guys.... lol

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