posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 04:14 PM
You are all missing something. The cost of Government. My Doctor is in a practice with five other Doctors. Each Doctor has an appointment setter
and a nurse that assists him. This adds up to 18 people who are actually generating revenue. Then there are another 30 people who are there to
process the insurance paperwork. Out of the 30 only 5 are needed to handle the paperwork for non-government insurance. The other 25 are there to
handle Government paper work.
When I visit my Sister in Maryland, I go past building upon building of Federal Government offices, who's people process the paper work sent to them.
When I go to Harrisburg there are buildings where people process the same paper work as the people in Maryland. Our local hospital just built two
brand new buildings that are going to be used by people who process more paper work.
All of these people are overhead. They have to be paid for, but, they don't generate any revenue. I mean no disrespect, unless we are being paid for
engineering time I AM OVERHEAD. In a private business, overhead is something that is to be reduced as much as possible, but, Government doesn't have
to turn a profit. They have no incentive to reduce overhead as a matter of fact, since the Public Sector Unions were allowed into Government there is
incentive to increase the number of people processing this paper work.