posted on Jan, 24 2017 @ 08:47 AM
I agree with most of what he says, indeed.
But at the moment that he said "It's your fault", it dawned on me that he actually has no clue. There are truly some things that happen that are not
your fault, they are confusing, and they aren't laughable.
As well, you can try to change all day. Fake it until you make it. It almost works until some devil in the flesh comes to test your mettle.
Here is where the hell actually exists: if you fail the test, you want to die because of guilt. But if you pass the test, you want to die because
the tests never end and you try to love people instead of losing your mind.
I work faster and smarter than anyone you've met. It isn't about laziness. It's about realizing that a life constantly fraught with peril is no life
at all.
Hope, not testosterone, keeps me alive.
I have to believe in God. If there is no God, then the universe is wholly evil and suffering and death one time to be gone forever and for all work
to have no meaning, for life to have no meaning - for people to argue about ideals... If it's all pointless, I'm done being here and I can't wait to
be off of this rock.
Yeah, there are a bunch of entitled whiners out there. They are pretenders indeed.
That's not the whole story, though.
And if you think God or men will love you more for completely disregarding someone else's suffering, you're due for a wake up call.
I agree with not being a puss, but human suffering is not something we always choose and it's not always our fault.
You would actually find that my pain actually makes me better, faster, stronger, never taking anything for granted - I always know the truth because
much joy doesn't cloud my judgment or reduce my alertness.
But also, because I have actually suffered and I love honesty.
This man in the video gives a nice and funny speech, but anyone who thinks he's completely right - I guarantee you that you are the source of
someone's strong suffering. And the other group, the lazy meat-heads; yeah, they are consistent contributors as well.
Whether you believe in God or Science, you cannot deny that we can feel pain. There must be a reason for it. I certainly hope so, because I can't
take too awfully much more.