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Why are there so many different shapes?

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posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 05:33 PM
Why is there so many different shaped UFO's seen? Are they different species of aliens, or are they just different and newer crafts that the aliens have built.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 05:36 PM
Because most of them are fake. Thats why there is such a difference in shapes.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 06:12 PM
That and possibly various governments trying out new aircraft designs... it is a possibility. Not much reason for aliens to be visiting us right now, even if it is possible, because they have nothing to gain whether they wish to be friends or destroy us. Shame though, it would be nice to know if there are other sentient beings out there, especially in my lifetime. I would love to see the big religions explain that

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 06:26 PM
It could be a blend of both. Just like humans come in various types and we have a lot of variety and purposes of vehicles. Why do we need 50 different designs for a semi truck? They should all do about the same thing, yet we need different versions of them and the driver could be black, white, oriental, mexican or whatnot.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 06:42 PM
Given the vastness of space and the possibility of many space faring species roaming about the universe already, it could very well be different species for each type of shape seen. Though this is all speculation.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 06:52 PM
Even us humans have been through a wide variety of 'space rocket' designs in the last 40 years, with each single one being a slight variation or completely different from the previous effort. Also how many brands of saucer are there?

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 07:32 PM
The occurrence of highly repeating shapes is nothing new, and has been used to defined a "pattern" of occurrence for decades. Paul Hill identifies how many? -- 8? -- in his book which he published in 1975.

I think the carte blanche comment that "most of them are fake" is overly simplistic and dismissive. Most of what are fake?

Now, is it true that a vast majority of sightings have coneventional explanations? Yes, this does appear to be the case.

However, before Blue Book -- whose policy it was to "explain away" every sighting -- unexplained sightings accounted for between 15-20% of all reported sightings (Dolan, UFOs and the National Security State), and historically it is estimated that only 10% of all sightings ever get reported.

To put this in perspective, NUFORC alone has nearly 25,000 reported sightings on their web site. Assume that this one, lone website in fact repesents the sole repository of recently reported sightings. By historical estimates then, we could estimate at least a quarter million sightings.

Now, if even only five percent -- close to 1/3 the more likely number -- remained unexplainable by conventional means, that still accounts for over 12,000 unexplainable sightings of unconventional aircraft.

Now, I can't speak on behalf of anyone else, but after reading quite a few of the reported sightings on NUFORC's site, it's honestly hard to believe that 85% have conventional explanations.

Now, if you are able to acknowledge the possibility (as do most astronomers now) that yes, there most likely is intelligent life elsewhere, that statistically, life elsewhere is so abundant that we should be expecting visitation on a semi-regular or regular basis, than is it really too far a leap to acknowledge the possibility of an adundance so great as to account for 10, even 20 different "highly repeating shapes?"

IMHO, I don't think so.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 07:50 PM
Now why do people keep saying there are not much reasons for aliens to be visiting us right now? How do you know what reasons they need to visit us or not? Just because you wouldnt visit this effed up world if you were an alien doesnt mean that real aliens wouldnt visit.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 08:01 PM
The different ships are for getting through different time and space continuims.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by Irma
Also how many brands of saucer are there?

That would be interesting to know. I want to see the Ferarri of UFO's

[edit on 29-1-2005 by theghost88]

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 08:09 AM
Simple.It's pure creativity.

We humans have it,for sure those greyish or greenish or whatever-the-hell aliens have it too.The same way we distinguish a Ferrari from a Ford,the same way you distinguish a triangle UFO to a Circular disc type UFO.

Though it could be something to do with the physics of the UFO or maybe they think they could pick up some hot chick with it!Damn those aliens!

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Heartagram
Simple.It's pure creativity.

We humans have it,for sure those greyish or greenish or whatever-the-hell aliens have it too.The same way we distinguish a Ferrari from a Ford,the same way you distinguish a triangle UFO to a Circular disc type UFO.

Though it could be something to do with the physics of the UFO or maybe they think they could pick up some hot chick with it!Damn those aliens!

That doesnt make much sense, if we look at the actual aliens.

How many reports of colorfull clothing, pierced ears, lip rings, wigs, cool footwear, body paint and such are there?

From what I can tell, most aliens are clearly *not* creative. That they would go nuts on their ships doesnt make sense.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by theghost88

Originally posted by Irma
Also how many brands of saucer are there?

That would be interesting to know. I want to see the Ferarri of UFO's

[edit on 29-1-2005 by theghost88]

I think there are no brands for them. Cause brands are just typical of our economical and business system, which is primary (primate?) and probably unique to earth. Of course there are differents ufo models, but not "brands" as we know them on earth.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Musclor

Originally posted by theghost88

Originally posted by Irma
Also how many brands of saucer are there?

That would be interesting to know. I want to see the Ferarri of UFO's

[edit on 29-1-2005 by theghost88]

I think there are no brands for them. Cause brands are just typical of our economical and business system, which is primary (primate?) and probably unique to earth. Of course there are differents ufo models, but not "brands" as we know them on earth.

I know that. I was just joking around.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 05:21 PM
Why are there so many types of cars? maybe that could answer your question

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