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Liberal Hate

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posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 04:40 PM
Why do Americans so often despise their own country while finding excuses for repressive and dangerous regimes?

Even during the historic tragedies of September 11, the terrorists’ sympathizers did not quell their vitriolic attacks on the fabric of America. At our nation’s most vulnerable moment, leftist idol Noam Chomsky used campus speaking engagements to denounce, not the hijackers, but the United States as the "world’s biggest terrorist state." He neglected to mention the "world's biggest terrorist state" has spent over $500 billion of taxpayers money helping other nations since WW2.

Dafydd Hugh put it this way: "Extreme hatred is what we in mathematics call a self-organizing and replicating system. If you dump a bunch of cubes into a box, they will fall all higgledy-piggledy. But if you begin gently shaking the box, after a while, all the cubes will be oriented more or less the same direction, fitting snugly together. This is a self-organizing system; in the case of Bush hatred, when people around the typical liberal all profess hatred for Bush and keep prodding the new guy for how he feels, he will begin falling in line with the culture around him. This is called acculturation: the new guy feels cognitive dissonance until he begins to voice hatred towards Bush. After a while of saying it, at first just because it's expected, he begins to believe it metaprogramming."

"Intensification sets in because there is a feedback loop where the more extreme the expression of hatred, the more applause and approval the speaker receives. The system is self-replicating because there are a number of interests -- often in the strictest definition of the word, as in financial interests -- driving those within the cult of hatred to recruit more members, both to reduce the dissonance (haters like to surround themselves with haters, so they don't feel guilty or queasy) and also because there is strength and safety in numbers. Hence, self-organizing, self-replicating."

"We see this dynamic truly at work among among Bush haters: you conform yourself to the hatred around you, swim in it a while, until eventually you find yourself out recruiting new haters to the fold. It gives the hater a sense of belonging, and perhaps more important, a false sense of adventure, daring, and courage to replace the void within him left by his disengagement from a world that is increasingly bewildering. It is the 'faith' of Hatred. It is intimately tied in with the human need for a sense of belonging to something spiritual beyond oneself. You worship the God of Hate and love the God of Injustice.

Truth be told, all the talk about the Repub's being Nazis and little Hitlers has been around long enough for people to figure out that when you have a loser position you have to resort to scare tactics. And the Democrats are now officially professional losers.

Joe Libermann was correct in saying that if the Dems continue their ways, they will find themselves in the political wilderness.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 04:55 PM
Yay. Another thread on ATS where liberals are labeled terrorist sympathizers and idiots with no idea what they're talking about.

There is another answer to liberal hate. That being that there is a valid and honest reason for it to exist in the face of criminality coming from the current conservative administration.

I mean, hey who cares that thousands of non-combatant Iraqis died at the hands of U.S. soldiers over a 100% false WMD issue. Those that survived are free of Saddam's mass murdering tyranny (as in only a few thousand bodies have been found in graves, not millions or hundreds of thousands). I'm sure all Iraqis are happy that it happened because surely they couldn't possibly be rebelling against their saviors as revenge against being invaded and having yet another form of government imposed upon them, right?

Liberals are retards, racists, terrorists, and should be executed for sedition.

[edit on 29-1-2005 by Frith]

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 05:09 PM
Liberal hate doesnt even begin to compare with the evil spew Republicans throw our way on a daily basis.

You cant expect to have crimes against humanity, war crimes, lies upon lies, deceit, mayhem and have the liberals rooting for ya.
It doesnt work that way. 9/11? one word. Osama. "where is Osama"?
why didnt we go after him and turn our heads the other way? yadda yadda many little time.
This is a joke, right?

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 07:12 PM
Some conservatives just cannot stand that liberals, instead of buckling under the attacks of the Coulters, Carlsons and Limbaughs of this world, will actually keep standing by their principles. Liberals are expected to shut up and crumble under the weight of the supposed "Truth" the conservatives have. So it stands to reason that any move to respond instead of shutting up, to actually engage in social debates and to match conservative speakers in tone leads liberals to be portrayed as "filled with hate" and "treasonous". In a way, if liberals don't shut up or insist on debating conservatives, they're "filled with hate".

In a democratic society, there is usually ongoing debate on various social issues and critique of society itself. It seems that increasingly, the debate is moving away from those issues to focus instead on the question of whether there even should be a debate, so convinced are some of the exclusive truth and rightness of their position.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 09:17 PM
The NAACP and NOW are great examples of liberal hate.

The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) hates it when certain colored people acheive. Just ask Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell and Condi Rice.

Where was NOW when Clinton was raping women (Kathleen Willy) and having sex with interns?

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 09:19 PM
The RNC detention camps are a good example of conservative hate.....

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by Kidfinger
The RNC detention camps are a good example of conservative hate.....

Speaking of detention camps, didn't FDR run some kind of detention camps for the Japanese? FDR = democrat

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 01:27 AM
Just in case people havnt figured it out yet forumers like w555hc post there liberal hating rubbish because it is the only way they can remain in denial about the bungles that have made in post war Iraq. Some people are still in denial about the fact Iraq had no WMDs.
It must be a horrible strain to stay in such denial I bet there has been a few marriage break ups.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by Carseller4

Originally posted by Kidfinger
The RNC detention camps are a good example of conservative hate.....

Speaking of detention camps, didn't FDR run some kind of detention camps for the Japanese? FDR = democrat

Glad to see you havent changed. Still spreading hate I see. You know, if you hate Liberals so much, you could always join Al queda to kill some of us. That seems to be your mentality. RNC camp is current and has to do with the current administration. How long ago was tha crap you brought up? Oh, and just so you know, if Clinton or any other Democrate attempted to make some form of camp, Liberals would be all over it protesting. Party affilliation or not. One more thing. The Democrates responsible for the Japanese Detention camps are the very same ones who were ran out of the Democratic party and became the facist NeoCons we all know and fear today. Looks like BOTH camps are part of your side of right.

Keep hating.......keep hating......

[edit on 1/30/05 by Kidfinger]

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by Kidfinger
Glad to see you havent changed. Still spreading hate I see. You know, if you hate Liberals so much, you could always join Al queda to kill some of us. That seems to be your mentality. [edit on 1/30/05 by Kidfinger]

That's a really good point.

The terrorists hate US for our FREEDOMS.

Well, no, they actually hate us for our LIBERAL freedoms. Pornography, Hollywood, homosexuality, science, and secularism.

They want us to live in a theocracy where women can't vote, homosexuals are executed, pornography is banned, science must agree with their religion.

Hmmm, who else hates pornography, Hollywood, homosexuality, science and secularism? Throw in some NASCAR, and we've got a horse race here folks. They have more in common with the people they're fighting than they do with us. Somehow, I'm not sleeping any better tonight.

Republicans hate us as much Al Queda does. I mean, I guess considering the grave threat we pose to the world, they should probably team up at some point and finish us off. At least, so they can live in their happy little world of, wait? Two men enter, one man leaves...


So, in a way, I guess their mutual dislike and hatred for us is actually a good thing, because it prevents armageddon. Although, I wish the rapture would hurry up and happen, I'd like to buy some land in North Carolina.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 11:12 AM
The VERY FIRST POST here claimed that "liberals" blamed America for the WTC attacks. As I recall it, within DAYS of the attacks, while I personally felt we were all just Americans again, (and about time, too), the insanity began from the radical right-wing preacher-types. Blaming America.

"Liberal" is a slur, a straw-man word, an insult thrown at people who READ BOOKS, and not just dumbed-down pop fiction; or who know history, or who believe in actual human freedom, education, and democracy.

Which leads to an interesting line of thinking I've been having: what does "tolerance" actually MEAN? Or, more precisely, what does it mean to "not tolerate?" It means to not allow, which means to prevent, which means, finally, the use of force to stifle dissent, not just to be "intolerant of" crime and aggression. In other words, anyone who mocks "tolerance" seems to be implying the approval of forceful stifling of dissent at best, and the forceful aggression up to and including murder of those it finds "intolerable."

Anyone who reads Chomsky, and reads the things Chomsky suggests one read, know he did not condone any terrorist attacks anywhere, any time.

To attempt to understand the terrorist mind is not to approve of it.

I also want to know who is a "Liberal." Is it a Libertarian, or an electrical workers' union member or a hard nosed ex-marine who belongs to a teachers' union, or an antiwar demonstrator, or a cop in favor of pot legalization, or what? Or is it just someone who has latte at Starbucks?

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 08:33 AM

A liberal is someone else.

Anyone can be a liberal at any time if someone else does not like their opinion on any given issue.

Liberal has become a cover-all term for whatever the person using it thinks is wrong with America.

Liberals are being treated in the same way Jews were in 1930's Germany.

They are an easy target for the moronic masses who believe in Fox News, God and George Bush.

If non-liberals want to stop being called stupid by liberals (I proudly claim to be a liberal) then stop being and acting stupid.

We calls it as we sees it.



posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 04:45 PM
I have some issues with some of this, as a stonch conservative anti-GOP kind of guy.

Originally posted by BillHicksRules
Anyone can be a liberal at any time if someone else does not like their opinion on any given issue.

Liberal has become a cover-all term for whatever the person using it thinks is wrong with America.

I can agree with these, but believe that many of us conservatives hate the mindless venom pointed at the left as much as liberals do themselves. Perhaps more because they take focus away from the problems.

Namely, the GOP majority doing next to nothing to help America or back their platform.

Liberals are being treated in the same way Jews were in 1930's Germany.

This is not true or fair.

They are an easy target for the moronic masses who believe in Fox News, God and George Bush.

Fox News- You can watch Fox and be ok, so long as you mind the spin that you'll find in all other media, independant of spin direction (left or right).

God- There is no one on Earth that can prove the existance of God, but there is no one who can disprove it. Being "moronic" is merely the belief that you know for sure.

Bush- He is a lazy centrist, not interested in conservative policy.

If non-liberals want to stop being called stupid by liberals (I proudly claim to be a liberal) then stop being and acting stupid.

We calls it as we sees it.

Conservatives "call it" the same way. Vitriol is not justified be you victim or offender (which both sides are both).

So let's cut the crap.

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 06:04 PM

Well, no, they actually hate us for our LIBERAL freedoms. Pornography, Hollywood, homosexuality, science, and secularism.

I'm a liberal who hates pornography, does this mean I have to turn in my liberal membership pin?

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 05:22 AM
I am a liberal.

I have used pornography in the past but not anymore, have become bored with Hollywood, have no strong feelings about homosexuality, love science and am totally athiestic.

Can I still be a member?



posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 06:03 PM
So then,

If hatred of AMerica is evidence of liberal politics then are Jerry Falwell and Fred Phelps liberals?


[edit on 25/4/05 by kiwimac]

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 02:01 AM

The thing is that I consider myself liberal but do not hate America.

I am quite certain that very few Americans whether professing to be Conservative, Liberal or whatever, actually feel hate towards America.



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