a reply to:
You said that there are too many people and religions in the world for us to have peace.
That is not true.
If you think that the War on Terror had anything to do with religion, then with respect, you were not paying attention to the correct things. The CIA
recruited Bin Laden in the eighties, and funded his little band of renegades to fight against the Russians, who were occupying Afghanistan at the
time. They funded his war against the Soviet forces. He was, and has always been, an asset of the US intelligence community, and they have funded his,
and other organisations like it, through intermediaries since that time.
The US and UK governments previous to the beginning of the War on Terror, were adamant about moving into Iraq. Bush had been planning to go there
from the moment he set foot in the White House. He and Blair discussed the thing in closed meetings often, and all of this was WAAAAAY before 9/11
ever happened.
They had no justification for it however. There had been no action there, and contrary to what the press were told, what the dossiers alleged, there
was no actual change in the status in Iraq. Sure, things were not as we would have them in our own back yard, but if anything things were quieter in
Iraq than they had been for some time. Then all of a sudden, an unthinkable attack from AQ under Osama Bin Laden, who is, remember, a CIA asset. All
of a sudden, this is being used to justify an invasion of Iraq, a nation which we know now to have had no actual connection to the attack, aside from
the POSSIBILITY that SOME of the attackers MIGHT have traveled through the place, at some vague point before traveling West. All very tenuous, at
But none the less, the murderous thugs, Bush and Blair, used this as a justification for an illegal invasion of Iraq, which ultimately created more
terrorists than it killed. They then went on to Afghanistan... now... the attackers themselves were largely speaking Saudi Arabian. In fact, of the 19
men who are supposed to have been involved, 15 are from Saudi Arabia, 2 are from the UAE, as well as one Egyptian and one Lebanese. You will note,
that there are no Afghani persons listed amongst them.
So, thats two nations, neither of which had specific links to the attacks themselves, being invaded in the name of protecting the West from religious
extremism and weapons of mass destruction.
To say that these wars were ONLY about money, not about religious extremism or terrorism, is not an understatement. If the governments of the US and
the UK were concerned about extremism, they would not have been funding, equipping, and training elements of the key terror groups of the day,
something which has continued until VERY recently indeed, and may never have ended at all. After all, things are kept from us "for reasons of national
security". Its possible that one of the things that is being kept from us, is that because some of our least reputable countrymen here in the UK and
over in the US, still want the option of carving their places in the history books, and making money hand over fist from the MIC, that these extremist
elements will still be on the pay roll when you and I are well past our prime and in our graves. If they are prepared to spy on their own people,
which they do, despite the fact that it is illegal to do so, then what makes anyone think the intelligence services would not kill us, or allow us to
be killed, to achieve an objective they are given by their top brass?
The reality is, we are all considered expendable by the people that give the orders. We are nothing more than numbers, pawns to be moved around,
pieces on a board in a game which has no winner, only varying degrees of wealth inflation. Its all smoke, mirrors, and lies on top of those, and we go
along with it, because those of us who look behind the curtain see things that make us appear mad when we say them, to people too witless to
understand the trap they are in.
Its a bad business, but its nothing to do with space, and its nothing to do with religion or population. The ONLY issue we have, is that our leaders
are dishonourable dogs, who should have been dragged into the street and shot for their abuses of their position and for their lack of moral