posted on Jan, 24 2017 @ 04:19 AM
a reply to:
because thats how things work in the civilised world
i should not really need to post this but - sigh
1 - fire starts
2 - siomeone notices fire and activates fire alarm [ this also notifies trumpton in a lot of cases ]
3 - everyone who is able to follows the " fire evacuation drill " and relocates to thier designated fire assembly point
4 - a designated person couts up how manty people are at each fire assembly point - and calculates an assesment of how many people are likley to be in
the building
5 - trumpton arrive - and with the aid of the police - secure a saftey perimiter - the size of which is based on the percieved threat
6 - trumpton - attempt to
a evacuate // rescue anyone still in the building and
b fight the fire
7 - repeat 6b untill fire under control or situation becomes too dangerous and w withdrawl is ordered
its at the point between 6b and 7 that incidents like this occur
because the increased risk is ither not obvious or ignored
thats why all the dead were trumptons -
get it ?