a reply to:
I was considering starting a thread of my own to discuss the subject of very strange yet very real and lucid dream's but found your's and it is just
a few month's old so still current.
I am in failing health but mainly due to being down all the time in myself so to speak so I suppose at some level I want to escape from this world I
find myself in that is both not the world I longed to live in as a child and indeed far worse than I could ever have imagined it could become, today
we have politician's tearing down right's, corrupt big business running our nation's and the generation whom once fought to establish those right's
now mostly pushing up daisy's and not knowing how there children have squandered the sacrifice they once made.
Now that is all well and good but back to the dream.
It was as if I was another version of myself, a human from this earth or rather an alternative version of it and in that alternative version I found
myself travelling through a mirror like portal, it was ornate and surrounded by scroll's and carving's but despite this almost regency style it was
actually a device of an extremely ancient and advanced society of OTHER human's, more perfect than we are they live in a time and world's were art's
and culture for all are far more important than searching after yet more technology and dress in vibrant silk like clothing, the male fashion being
similar in some way's to revolutionary period but tighter fitting, there physique is athletic but not weight lifter like, more like simply peak
physical condition and there woman are absolutely beautiful.
The men and woman are often actually very nordic in appearance in this other world and in my dream the earth, at least that version was actually a
lost colony left to it's decline and savagery which had actually surprised them by starting to ascend back to something resembling civilization though
technologically it remained millions' of years behind these being's and also in danger of following a completely different path to it's Original
parent civilization.
While in this dream version of myself on this alien but very earth like world with pedestrianised shopping precinct's, pleasant architecture also
similar to the high period of regency but also very different in some ways were technology itself was actually Not visible though it was everywhere,
were money did not matter but there was some kind of barter system albeit somehow more ethical and civilized than our own I was not alone, other
Primitive human's were there as well and we were treated as honored guest's, a male guide showed us around there city's and explained there
I was taken to a clothing store to dispose of the rag's we earth human's call clothing and was given a set of there finest clothing to wear, it would
not have looked out of place on an ambassador to a royal court but it was incredibly comfortable and also both light and also much tougher than it
In the dream we had been selected and that is how we had been drawn to the mirror like portal's, think stargate but with instantaneous transport
between world's and used to tie a single culture on many world's in many galaxy' together.
It was all just so real, I even memorised the name of the clothing store which was emblazoned on a bag containing yet more clothing they had given
me, a very human sounding name for a very human looking tailor, Peter Stradoon (I could read it but it was more like something between caligraphy and
musical notation than writing to look at, very pretty and ornate but like I say I could still read it, I fought to hold onto that name as I did not
want to leave that place but was drawn back to this world as I woke, strange dream).
Though just a dream, this was a cool one and extremely real like I was looking through another person's eye's, I was not me there but a primitive
human from the earth, an alternate earth and a very different me but somehow still connected to me, these being's were more Complete, not so scattered
across time and dimension and in that dream they seemed to represent a potential for what man may one day become, joining them our elder cousin's
another far more advanced human race that perhaps our ancestors in that reality at least had come from.
I even searched the internet for Peter Stradoon men's clothing and could find nothing.
Just a dream but if I could have turned it into a film.
The weather on that other world was just like here, but then it would be in a dream.
But I wonder are some dream's actually NOT dream's but experiences of other version's of ourselve's in other reality's, perhaps higher selves in
higher reality's, though mine was just a dream, a lucid and very real feeling dream it was still just a dream about meeting very nice and very human
being's from somewhere else and visiting one of there world's as a guest, even being dressed in there clothing and feeling more like a foreigner in a
far more cultured land than a visitor to another world.
edit on 16-3-2017 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)