posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 07:30 AM
this is a pretty cool new arg game, (not that new) that ive just stumbled over. and way more other related websites (see - under sable & shuck) i thought the idea was pretty novel, in
the way the whole issue is presented. signing up even gives you a chance to take a soul test, and find out your true worth
btw, great site, gonna take me ages to wander through all the neat stuff here.
seeing as i did start a new topic, what are your guys opinions on this? can big corporate giants sponsore games which ironically buy the very product
these companies lack? ie a soul.
or perhaps there is no god (goes back to that simpsons ep, where homer gets that crayon removed from his brain, and freezes frame on proof that there
is no god)
any comments are welcome, ohh and also any reccomendations on the hot conspiracies of the moment. (pls dont let them all revolve around the US or its