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PC gone mad.. school employee fired for correcting students spelling on twitter

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posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 10:35 AM

originally posted by: NerdGoddess
PS. Not everything is always so black and white, I could see this being an issue had the student complained that they felt they were being bullied by a school administrator publicly online, but the kid laughed about it. Typos happen. They were having a bit of fun online


I suppose it would be better if the school called an assembly, brought this kid forward in front of the entire school (including parents) and then an authority figure ridiculed him for his spelling.

Because that's exactly what Twitter is.

Sure the kid said he was OK with it. What else was he gonna say?

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: NerdGoddess

Technically this person had no business even talking to the kids directly. She isn't/wasn't a teacher and only a staff member. It's not her job to engage kids that way.

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 12:47 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: NerdGoddess
PS. Not everything is always so black and white, I could see this being an issue had the student complained that they felt they were being bullied by a school administrator publicly online, but the kid laughed about it. Typos happen. They were having a bit of fun online


I suppose it would be better if the school called an assembly, brought this kid forward in front of the entire school (including parents) and then an authority figure ridiculed him for his spelling.

Because that's exactly what Twitter is.

Sure the kid said he was OK with it. What else was he gonna say?

Yes that is exactly what twitter is, which is why I said, if he felt bullied and stated that, I could understand the punishment to the severity it was given.

Highschool is old enough to open your mouth and stand up for yourself. I understand some kids might not do it, maybe they are scared etc.....

When teachers were bullying my younger sister because of her not visibly obvious learning disability, it was clear from her reactions and statements how she felt and it was dealt with accordingly by the district.

I just don't think she should have been fired for it. ESPECIALLY since he said he didn't feel attacked by it and even laughed at it.


posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: NerdGoddess

Technically this person had no business even talking to the kids directly. She isn't/wasn't a teacher and only a staff member. It's not her job to engage kids that way.

That's true, and that's the risk she took.I do agree with that.


posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: NerdGoddess

I just don't think she should have been fired for it. ESPECIALLY since he said he didn't feel attacked by it and even laughed at it.


What the student felt or said is not really relevant in this case. Because it's not really about the student.

It seems the adult in an administrative position crossed a line by engaging with a student.

I suspect it was it was not a one time occurance.

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: NerdGoddess

I just don't think she should have been fired for it. ESPECIALLY since he said he didn't feel attacked by it and even laughed at it.


What the student felt or said is not really relevant in this case. Because it's not really about the student.

It seems the adult in an administrative position crossed a line by engaging with a student.

I suspect it was it was not a one time occurance.

It's just a strange thing to me because where I live, they push for the teachers to engage the children every chance they get, it helps you figure out if somethings going on outside of school that maybe a councelor or someone could help with etc....kind of a preventative, get to know the kid, before the kid shoots up the school, kind of deal. At least that's how it seems to me.

but the teasing of the spelling was def. a gamble and she lost.

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 04:29 PM

originally posted by: NerdGoddess

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: NerdGoddess

I just don't think she should have been fired for it. ESPECIALLY since he said he didn't feel attacked by it and even laughed at it.


What the student felt or said is not really relevant in this case. Because it's not really about the student.

It seems the adult in an administrative position crossed a line by engaging with a student.

I suspect it was it was not a one time occurance.

It's just a strange thing to me because where I live, they push for the teachers to engage the children every chance they get, it helps you figure out if somethings going on outside of school that maybe a councelor or someone could help with etc....kind of a preventative, get to know the kid, before the kid shoots up the school, kind of deal. At least that's how it seems to me.

but the teasing of the spelling was def. a gamble and she lost.

She was not a teacher, counselor, or pseudo mother/friend.

After reading several websites - - it sounds like a position was created for more readily available school information via Twitter - - such as schedules, changes, events, etc.

In one article it said after this incident she was instructed to stay completely off Twitter. She didn't. She went back on posting information.

Then she's blaming the school for not instructing her properly. I've had plenty of jobs I've just been thrown into. If you want the job, you figure it out. You never use the excuse I was not trained properly.

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 08:41 PM
Absolutely amazing to me that some people go as far as saying "It's not her job to communicate with students", and that she
"Had no business communicating with a student".
Pfft. There are janitors / technicians / guards (etc...) that communicate with students, are you going to claim it's justified if they get fired for it?

Seriously, are you all robots? Lol. This is hilarious to watch. This is a lightheaded TWEET that has not done anything wrong. If anything, this kid will now know how to spell Tomorrow.
Has PC really corrupted you guys so much? This is a damn tweet, not even a harmful one.

I may not post much nowdays but I sure do visit frequently, and it's pretty hilarious for me to watch how the same old usernames go to outrageous lengths only to try and make this thread seem like bogus news. I have seen many of them also defend tweets that call for genocide of white people, or the murder of our president (come Jan 20), so this is extra amusing.

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 09:41 PM

originally posted by: InstantRemedy
Absolutely amazing to me that some people go as far as saying "It's not her job to communicate with students", and that she
"Had no business communicating with a student".
Pfft. There are janitors / technicians / guards (etc...) that communicate with students, are you going to claim it's justified if they get fired for it?

Did the janitor, technician, guard - - put the kid on a stage in the middle of a school assembly of all students/parents and point a finger at him for not being able to spell?

Because, that is the equivalent of what she did.

edit on 17-1-2017 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 09:54 PM
No, the equivalent would be a janitor walking into a class in recess and correcting someone's wrongly spoken word to his friends. THE HORROR.

That's a nice little mental gymnastic flick you're trying there with the stage and finger pointing, but I could argue that the student himself stepped onto the pedestal only to be corrected by another human who happens to be a school employee, regardless if she "has any business" communicating with students or not. Also where are the apparent finger pointing? The smiley? Lmfao absurd.

I won't make that argument though because your analogy is absurd; A person that makes a Twitter account knows the entire world sees what he has to say, including what others say to him. The fact he was replied by a school employee, who's job was to tweet school related issues no less, does not make this a reason to fire her.
The only reason you are trying to defend this silly chain of events is that the OP has blamed PC culture for it, rightfully so.

Are you actually OK with having this much intolerance for sense of humor? Just look at the tweet once more and honestly tell me if it truly justifies going through all this mental gymnastics to try and paint it as harmful.
Be honest - would you be upset if you were the father/mother?
edit on 17-1-2017 by InstantRemedy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2017 @ 06:38 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: NerdGoddess

I just don't think she should have been fired for it. ESPECIALLY since he said he didn't feel attacked by it and even laughed at it.


What the student felt or said is not really relevant in this case. Because it's not really about the student.

It seems the adult in an administrative position crossed a line by engaging with a student.

I suspect it was it was not a one time occurance.

I feel like the point I bolded is being glossed over with this article. This is what makes it so odd that no one wants to print the school's side of the story.

posted on Jan, 18 2017 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: InstantRemedy

I stand by my analogy.

posted on Jan, 18 2017 @ 07:53 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: NerdGoddess

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: NerdGoddess

I just don't think she should have been fired for it. ESPECIALLY since he said he didn't feel attacked by it and even laughed at it.


What the student felt or said is not really relevant in this case. Because it's not really about the student.

It seems the adult in an administrative position crossed a line by engaging with a student.

I suspect it was it was not a one time occurance.

It's just a strange thing to me because where I live, they push for the teachers to engage the children every chance they get, it helps you figure out if somethings going on outside of school that maybe a councelor or someone could help with etc....kind of a preventative, get to know the kid, before the kid shoots up the school, kind of deal. At least that's how it seems to me.

but the teasing of the spelling was def. a gamble and she lost.

She was not a teacher, counselor, or pseudo mother/friend.

After reading several websites - - it sounds like a position was created for more readily available school information via Twitter - - such as schedules, changes, events, etc.

In one article it said after this incident she was instructed to stay completely off Twitter. She didn't. She went back on posting information.

Then she's blaming the school for not instructing her properly. I've had plenty of jobs I've just been thrown into. If you want the job, you figure it out. You never use the excuse I was not trained properly.

If that is the case shes incredibly foolish.


posted on Jan, 18 2017 @ 08:13 PM

originally posted by: NerdGoddess

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: NerdGoddess

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: NerdGoddess

I just don't think she should have been fired for it. ESPECIALLY since he said he didn't feel attacked by it and even laughed at it.


What the student felt or said is not really relevant in this case. Because it's not really about the student.

It seems the adult in an administrative position crossed a line by engaging with a student.

I suspect it was it was not a one time occurance.

It's just a strange thing to me because where I live, they push for the teachers to engage the children every chance they get, it helps you figure out if somethings going on outside of school that maybe a councelor or someone could help with etc....kind of a preventative, get to know the kid, before the kid shoots up the school, kind of deal. At least that's how it seems to me.

but the teasing of the spelling was def. a gamble and she lost.

She was not a teacher, counselor, or pseudo mother/friend.

After reading several websites - - it sounds like a position was created for more readily available school information via Twitter - - such as schedules, changes, events, etc.

In one article it said after this incident she was instructed to stay completely off Twitter. She didn't. She went back on posting information.

Then she's blaming the school for not instructing her properly. I've had plenty of jobs I've just been thrown into. If you want the job, you figure it out. You never use the excuse I was not trained properly.

If that is the case shes incredibly foolish.


Or just a bit arrogant. Or thinks she knows more then her boss.

Seems she should have known better.

Dacey, Nash and Schmidt Try to Hide Republican Party Affiliation in City Election. George Wenschhof It is widely known voter registration highly favors Democratic candidates in The City of Frederick, so it is hardly surprising Republican alderman candidates Phil Dacey, Katie Nash and David Schmidt are trying to cozy up to Democratic voters by projecting a moderate voice. (she lost)


Look what I found. An interview (I haven't listened yet): An exclusive interview with Katie Nash (#KatiefromFCPS):

posted on Jan, 18 2017 @ 08:27 PM
I listened to the interview (ya know, ya know).

She does seem to be making excuses. Not majorly, but still.

posted on Jan, 19 2017 @ 01:58 AM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

You're ruining it all!

We deserve to be outraged about this PC madness!

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