1) Two consecutive terms of democrates
2) America was not ready to have a first female POTUS, especially not after two terms of a first black POTUS
3) Hillary got smeared in the last few weeks before the election, this gave the voters who weren't happy about either candidates the nudge they needed
to vote for Trump
HAHAHA!!! Just out of curiosity I went to check the article. I knew it was DailyKos but I figured what the hell, if nothing else I'd get a good laugh
out of it. I got a good laugh alright, the story has been unpublished.
After watching the election and the subsequent meltdown by liberals, I feel vindicated. I told my wife and everyone who would listen that Trump was
the next President after the first Republican debate.
It's just my opinion but first and foremost, Trump is a salesman. He sold a large portion of the country hope. Hope for the economy, hope for freedom,
and hope that we would not lose the 2nd Amendment. He has given us another option to the clusterf**k that is democrat policies. So far, I can't really
complain about too much that he has done because he has done a fair amount of what he promised. Of course liberals can point out things he hasn't done
or things he has changed his mind on, but anyone who is realistic about politics knows not everything is going to happen. I've been voting since Bush
Sr. and this is the first time I've really seen much follow through on campaign promises. It is also the first time I've seen adults whine and cry
like little babies on National television because they lost. I've not seen a group this unhinged since, well ever.
I assumed (silly me) that after a bit the liberal would suck it up and move on with their lives. I'll never make that particular assumption about
liberals again. Now we have the antifa crowd who claim to be fighting against fascism, while demanding free speech and opposing view points be
silenced violently. We have people who are higher education instructors calling for the assassination of Trump, or assaulting people who disagree with
them. I wonder how many of these kinds of folks realize that these are the tactics of fascists. With all of these people using violence against those
they disagree with and calling for revolution, they just may get it. Doubtful they can win since most of their crowd are, well liberals.
Its time to grow up, accept that you can't always get what you want, and go about improving your own life instead of trying to tear down others. I
don't have much respect for liberals these days because of their actions, and I see a lot of people who are just about done with this kind of crap. If
liberals really want a United country again, they are going to have to change the way they interact and treat others. Fake news and slanted polls
aren't going to change the fact President Trump IS your President too. Get over the butthurt and go learn how to be an adult.
edit on R402017-04-21T13:40:53-05:0001pmFri, 21 Apr 2017 13:40:53 -050021PM by RichardA because: fixing link
The same thing can be said about both Obama elections. Moreso the first one. But let's face it. Obama did not have any serious competition in either
of those elections. Romney came remotely close but not really close enough to say that was a real election. That was just a formality.
Obama won in 2008 because there wasn't any serious opposition and he took full advantage of the fact that the GWB administration had been actively
destroying their own party for 8 years. The media had been hammering away during most of all those years. The Democrats really just sat quietly and
waited for their opportunity to pounce when people were good and tired of Bush.
While the things Obama had to say were obviously very appealing at the time and while he was a compelling speaker, when you look at what he actually
did and compare it to what he said he would do, it was obvious BS. I don't think Republican voters had anything at all to be excited about or to get
them out to vote for John McCain. McCain was a terrible candidate with a terrible running mate leading a decimated party into an unwinnable election.
When all of the data is collected it shows that on a national level Mr. Trump only received 27% of the national vote. The other 73% either didn't
vote, or voted for a different candidate.
Which could mean his opponent was seen as irrelevant.
A bernie sanders supporter?!
So you are a communist, nice.
The fact that that fool would have the support of even one person shows clearly the duping of america has reached the levels of WTF!