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posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 04:41 AM
Does anyone know what the significance of the Triangle could be? It seems to show up everywhere. EBE's/aliens/greys seem to use it for everything. From ships to alien "toys". Some abductee's even report seeing them as patches. Any opinions or feedback would be cool.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 06:18 AM
Seem to be the most common sightings these days.

This months MUFON journal cites Tennesse, Iowa, Indiana and Michigan as recent sightings.

See also Flying Triangle’ sightings on the rise

They are probably US military, but were they inspired by exotic technology?

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 08:23 AM
I think that they COULD be some kind of military tech but the speed and the angle of the turns that they pull raises questions on how anything would survive in one. Military Tech or Alien Spacecraft? We may never know.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 04:36 PM
Your guess is as good as mine. I saw one of these around 1997 glide silently over my apartment, at about 8-10 miles per hour(average running speed of a human) as I was walking to the car. I was with 3 other friends, and everyone was just speechless execpt me. I was yelling stuff like, "Oh s$#@ check it out!!! OMG that's amazing, etc..etc.. " I was also throwing rocks at it but missed. It was tree level and in Bedford Texas.. and was flying right towards the highway like .2 miles away.. At the time I thought, it was alien's. . But now personaly I belive it was just our military after all the research I've done over the past few years.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 07:10 PM
It's good to see there are so many reports these days!

Disclosure might be at hand on these objects and who knows what else, even NBC is reporting it now...

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 07:20 PM
Triangles are ours, Sauces are theres.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 09:43 PM
No, I think you'll find that the sauces are ours as well
but other than that I agree. Saucers are not ours, triangles are. In ten or twenty years time when they declassify the triangles we'll find out I guess.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 10:06 PM
You are correct, 20 years sounds just about right.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by Event Horizon
Does anyone know what the significance of the Triangle could be? It seems to show up everywhere. EBE's/aliens/greys seem to use it for everything. From ships to alien "toys". Some abductee's even report seeing them as patches. Any opinions or feedback would be cool.

Here is my take on the Triangular shaped craft:

We reverse engineered the Anti Gravity (AG) tech from crashed, or possibly loaned ET craft, OR, we just came up with it on our own. We don't have the sophistication (or the need?) to have a round craft. Why a triangle? Well, the minimum number of supports you need to have a stable platform is three (3). Imagine a barstool with only two legs, it would fall down. Now imagine a barstool with three legs, it would stand up and support the weight of a user. For a flying platform, you would need three AG generators (minimum) to have controlled flight, and they would have to be equally spaced. This configuration results in an equilateral triangle (three 60 degree angles), which is exactly what people have seen, and the Belgian air force took pictures of. If you only had two, then the platform would be seriously unstable just like the two legged barstool above. If you have three, but they weren't equally spaced, then the platform would also be unstable. You could use more than three AG generators, but I am sure they are bloody expensive, so you wouldn't use more than you needed at this point. An equilateral triangle configuration is the simplest and most cost effective configuration so that is what it is. If you look at pics of the "Belgian Triangles" you see three bright dome lights at the corners of the equilateral triangle shape. These are the AG emitters, or shields, however they work.

I am convinced that the flying triangles are U.S. anti-gravity aircraft.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 12:59 AM
USA triangles are called TR-3B
theres a thread on ATS about it, just search it.
Its mercury plasma based......

suacers/disks generally ET.
I know ,firsthand, the green glowing , silver metal ones are .(red tip on bottom)

they look like classic disks in old sci fi movies in actual reality.
Almost cartoonish as its been on tv for years,... like a joke or not real.

[edit on 30-1-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by andrew817
I saw one of these around 1997...I was also throwing rocks at it but missed.

(sound of palm smacking against forehead)

And we wonder why they aren't rushing to let themselves be known...

Some say the surest sign the existence of intelligent life elsewhere is that they haven't made contact.

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 07:29 AM
Thanks for all the input gentlemen.

I wish an abductee would ask what the triangle meant to the EBE's/Greys/aliens. I found just a few of its occurances. Forgive me if its been discussed before but Im just trying to make some connections.

Heres a few from the dulce book by branton:

"DELTA is the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet. It has the form of a triangle, and figures prominently in certain Masonic signs.

"EACH BASE HAS ITS OWN SYMBOL. The Dulce base symbol is a triangle with the Greek letter 'Tau' (T) within it and then the symbol is inverted, so the triangle points down.

"The Insignia of 'a triangle and three lateral lines' has been seen on Saucer [transport] Craft,' The Tri-Lateral Symbol. Other symbols mark landing sites and 'Alien' craft..."

Also in Branton's Dulce Book there is a chapter that decribes what the EBE's/ reptilian creatures wear as a uniform...there is an inverted triangular patch with a serpent on it.

Pyramids in Egypt...

Pyramids of the mayan....

Pyramid on one dollar bill...

Its all around us.

[edit on 31-1-2005 by Event Horizon]

[edit on 31-1-2005 by Event Horizon]

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Event Horizon
...Pyramids in Egypt...

Pyramids of the mayan....

Pyramid on one dollar bill...

Its all around us.

Let us remember that while there are an infinite number of symmetrical two-dimensional shapes (a triangle is a two-dimensional pyramid), it is likely that more than one race of beings -- including us? -- may utilize such a design. After all, whether in the US, Europe, or Asia, do not most cars utilize a design with four wheels?

Then again, maybe there is a race of extraterrestrials out there hell bent on building a heptacontagonally-shaped craft "just to be different."

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 09:13 PM
i think that the triangle is a very important shape. it goes back to the aztecks and the egyptians and numberous other cultures that we have seen to be very intelligent. there has to be a significance to them.. excellent question!

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