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Proof of even one real miracle?

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posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 11:11 PM
Can anyone come up with any proof what so ever of any miracle or work of God? I say there is just as much proof of aliens and UFO's as there is proof of a god.

Is nearly the entire human race dilusional by believing in an invisible quite unprovable creator? Do we have a President who prays to an invisible man?

Do you know how pathetic modern man really is if in fact no creator exists?

We laugh at how they used to believe in witches, Hurcules etc... Will future humanity one day look back at us and laugh as hard at us for our beliefs that drove us to war?

Kinda scary when ya really think about how most of us are mislead so easily if no creator exisits. We call ourselves inteligent heh.

I dont pretend to know the truth I only wonder greatly about such things.


[edit on 28-1-2005 by Xeven]

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 11:18 PM
I'd say self replication of the DNA molecule is pretty miraculous, self awareness and the neurochemical processes behind it is as well. If your looking for tangible evidence of the exsistance of god, good luck. There's a reason they call it faith you know. The only tangible evidence of higher intelligence was banned in the late sixtes.

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 11:49 PM
Which God? Or will any one suffice? The only miracles that religious people experience can be easily explained by placebo effects. Why cant faith healers grow limbs back? I remember reading about a lady who had back problems and was confined to a wheelchair. She went to a faith healer, (benny hinn-like, huge crowd, etc.) and she walked right off stage! Unfortunately, the very next day, she died because her spine had collasped on her. She experienced a huge adreninline rush on stage which allowed her to walk back to her wheelchair, not feeling the pain. This is an example of a placebo effect.

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by Xeven
Proof of even one real miracle?

You haven't been banned from this website.

Just kidding.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 12:03 AM
There have not been any miracles performed on live TV yet, so you have to trust the writings of the prophets.

If such miracles are performed on live TV in the future, I'd be very wary, they will probably be the work of the devil and the antichrist.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 08:18 AM
I have seen a #load of miracles, and not the kind like 'isn't dna miraculous?'. I have seen astral travel, precognitive dreams, signals from the deceased, and much more. Personally. I don't have proof of one, I have proof of many. Proven to me anyway. If you have not seen even one, I can't help you. Only hope you do see one, someday. They are pretty cool. No proof that there is a God though, at least from the ones I have seen.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 08:31 AM
I was just listening to a documentary about Moses last night. It was explaining the possibilities of the parting of the sea and the plagues. Apparently there is evidence of a super tsunami at about that time frame, something about the waters recede...I was doing other things while listening...... and evidence of a volcano eruption also that would of turned the water red....hope it come on again as it sounded very interesting. I don't think anyone can actually "prove" a miracle in the supernatural sense.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 08:39 AM

The only tangible evidence of higher intelligence was banned in the late sixtes.

Damn the establishment man!

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 08:47 AM
I don't think this is proof positive, but I see them every day in my life. Most important one is my son. All children are miraculous, but my son is even more so.

His birth was traumatic, he had sever hypoxia, apgars of 1 and 3(very very bad) was ventilated, had immature lungs, seizures in the NICU, the list goes on

At a year old, he had some delays so a MRI was ordered. His entire white matter is damaged, on both sides, his corpus callosum is thinned also. That sort of MRI is indicative of a child who will never walk, talk, feed themself. Basically the white matter controls motor development

At 5, he participates in Karate, plays with the other kids on the monkey bars, swings, runs, jumps, reads, writes, is amazing at a gameboy and is pretty darn normal. He does walk with one of his feet turned in a bit, but that is it. Basically that will be solved with orthopedic surgery later

There were many entire churches praying for this child when he was born. Even when the entire delivery room was going nuts and teams of doctors were freaking out, even though I could hear he had no heart beat or breath sounds over and over(aka not alive) I had a huge sense of peace. I KNEW that he was going to be ok. Just as I knew(and told the OB that a regular delivery would cause a cord accident as he is a twin) I knew he was going to be ok.

Him screaming and running through the house with his sister and their dog is proof enough of a mircale for me. It may not fit someone else's bill, but it sure does mine!

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by LadyV

I was just listening to a documentary about Moses last night. It was explaining the possibilities of the parting of the sea and the plagues. Apparently there is evidence of a super tsunami at about that time frame, something about the waters recede...I was doing other things while listening...... and evidence of a volcano eruption also that would of turned the water red....hope it come on again as it sounded very interesting. I don't think anyone can actually "prove" a miracle in the supernatural sense.

Another interesting thing I heard about the "parting of the sea" is that there were some fish that got caught in the middle, and was then divided into two. The same type of fish is still around today, with eye on only 1 side, along with the original fish, which has eyes on both sides. Can't remember where I heard this though

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 10:59 AM
It seems to me that most Miracles are Natural events with perfect timing.

raising the dead gets a bit trickier....

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 11:18 AM
The birth of a new life is a mircle of God. Every breath you take is a mircle of God. When a plane crashed in Detroit some years back and all passengers but one young child were killed.....her survival was a mircle of God.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 11:20 AM
The miracle existence of "NOW". Ya know that "NOW" doesn't exist permanently because it will soon disappear and become yesterday and simply all the "NOWs" will extinct into yesterday untill you die.

"NOW" doesn't seems to exist as expected. EXISTENCE in the sense permanent and not temporary. What I mean is that we can feel, touch and see not at instant or intances but forever. We all have to die in the future and is fact.

Ignorant of the fact is not an excuse.

We must first discover ourselves, simply, by understanding others and nature surrounding us that only exist temporarily. Miracly we exist and disappear. Simply just like dinosaurs and other temporary existence that include the UNIVERSE.

If we dare to think truthfully, why we exist together with other existence temporarily and what is permanent or absolute existence?

Is there any permanent existence beyond our miracly temporary existence?

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 11:33 AM
Xeven, as llpoolej posted, you and I are already miracles.

It depends on how you look at things and interpret it. You can not prove something a miracle. You accept it as a miracle.

And as twitchy posted, you can look at the tons of information that we hold in DNA as a miracle, or as a evolutionary process, based on coincidence and natural selection.
Say you’re carrying 10 boxes of scrabble and you fell down causing all boxes to open and all the letters to fall on the ground. You stand up and see the letters made a nice poem on the ground. If such thing happen, do you see it as coincidence or miracle?
DNA is not just 10 boxes of scrabble letters, it is millions of information that come together and make sense.

Now I know that God made lots of miracles mentioned in the Bible and in our lives. At least in my life and almost every day. When I see all those things happening around me, what do you want me to say about them? Miracles or just coincidences?

NB: it’s not even a coincidence that you’re posting this topic. It can make a miracle into your life, I hope.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by samuel
And as twitchy posted, you can look at the tons of information that we hold in DNA as a miracle, or as a evolutionary process, based on coincidence and natural selection.
Say you’re carrying 10 boxes of scrabble and you fell down causing all boxes to open and all the letters to fall on the ground. You stand up and see the letters made a nice poem on the ground. If such thing happen, do you see it as coincidence or miracle?
DNA is not just 10 boxes of scrabble letters, it is millions of information that come together and make sense.

You're beginning to sound exactly like an encounter i had with a jehova witness. They tried to convince me miracles happen all the time and they gave me an example of finding a house in the dessert. They asked me "if you were ever walking alone in the dessert and you came upon a house.....would you assume it randomly came to be? (challenging evolution).....dont you see, someone must have created it...and that someone if GOD".

This example, along with your scrabble example simply dont add up to GOD for me. How can you possible reason that becasue something special happened, it MUST be GOD. Why arent you leaving it out for speculation and inquiry rather than automatically assuming GOD made it happen. What makes people automatically beleive miracles happen??? People dont even question or try and think of other reasons for a certain miracolous event. It is for this reason why i dont beleive in miracles.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 01:44 PM
If you do not belive now in God, what makes you think that seen an honest to God biblical miricle or proof of one is going to change your viewpoint? Jesus did many miricles during his life but in the end everyone abandoned him, one betrayed him, and he died.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 01:49 PM
all Ill add is to all thoes who have had mircials they were not from God as The BIBLE says in the first chapter when God kiked abem and eve out of the garden he Said fine you think you can do so well with out me then heres your change ill no longer be helping you.
Now unless God brok his word he cant interfear with man thuse cannot do mircials .In other words he wont help or hinder you .this is what the Bible says not me.
becides seams that picking and choising who gets help and who dont is very unjust .How manny reformed dug atticks and drunks say it was God who saved me ? And Wile im very glade the mans boy turned out ok given such a bad start in life how manny babbys dont?
God saved one babby only to let the other in the next crib die?
Some say the babby who died was the will of God I say if that was my babby dieing Id fight untill science could help no more. How manny babbys are alive today that were saved by moderen science? If not for that they would have died were does the will of God fit into that?

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by llpoolej
I don't think this is proof positive, but I see them every day in my life. Most important one is my son. All children are miraculous, but my son is even more so.

His birth was traumatic, he had sever hypoxia, apgars of 1 and 3(very very bad) was ventilated, had immature lungs, seizures in the NICU, the list goes on

At a year old, he had some delays so a MRI was ordered. His entire white matter is damaged, on both sides, his corpus callosum is thinned also. That sort of MRI is indicative of a child who will never walk, talk, feed themself. Basically the white matter controls motor development

At 5, he participates in Karate, plays with the other kids on the monkey bars, swings, runs, jumps, reads, writes, is amazing at a gameboy and is pretty darn normal. He does walk with one of his feet turned in a bit, but that is it. Basically that will be solved with orthopedic surgery later

There were many entire churches praying for this child when he was born. Even when the entire delivery room was going nuts and teams of doctors were freaking out, even though I could hear he had no heart beat or breath sounds over and over(aka not alive) I had a huge sense of peace. I KNEW that he was going to be ok. Just as I knew(and told the OB that a regular delivery would cause a cord accident as he is a twin) I knew he was going to be ok.

Him screaming and running through the house with his sister and their dog is proof enough of a mircale for me. It may not fit someone else's bill, but it sure does mine!


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