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Bigfoot (yellowstone 2)

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posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 04:13 AM
Hi guys and gals I been away for some time but I have something for you I did not see it posted so here goes.

I had a few encounters that I posted here and I've come across this video of yellowstone and the bigfoots. Bear in mind the one I saw was cedar red with white spots on her back.

Everyone shat on the idea here of these being from the Ramayana epics like the Vanara etc.

Here it is in any case and you guys already know about the new missing 411 movie of course.

Yellowstone game cam (no not that one a newer one.)

I just want to say that I am a veteran and a psychic and all the experiences I've had and my abilities are so wild you guys would not believe me if I told you. But I did.

Shills try to speak up but we slap them down and they shut their mouths.

Now you can believe what you want but I am telling you as someone who cares about the people who have gone missing this # is real.

Also I have been a bit of a dick here in the past and I truly regret that.
edit on 13-1-2017 by stabstab because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 04:15 AM

Shills try to speak up but we slap them down and they shut their mouths.

People get paid to debunk bigfoot?

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 04:16 AM
a reply to: Phage

I have no idea Phage how it all works I just know what I see in life and in my remote viewings and precognitive dreams.

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 04:32 AM
This is a much better analysis.

I'm surprised that the park service didn't take their cam down after the first video with the buffalo & BF. Maybe they figured it was a "one-off"?

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 04:37 AM
1st. Uhhh what's w a video of a video? Seems odd not to mention really screws up the quality
2. Looks like guys in winter clothes to me , possibly researchers . After all that place is a geological hot spot
3rd in the video they actually say "they are all wearing black" "that ones WEARING red"
4th the way they move just looks like people in cold weather clothes

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 04:40 AM
a reply to: Phage

Ok so you guys for sure probably saw the preview to the missing 411 and if you have not Phage you could watch it and deduce that technically people are being paid to keep their mouths shut and to play along with a cover-up. PREVIEW to the missing 411 (important as it gives more footage that the complete NEW original does not have in it.

Now Phage I have a question for you and here it is.

The boys skull cap(Missing 411 movie trailer) had a square sample cut out of it. You can see predator/scavenger scratches by it. Is that standard procedure in a missing persons case especially that of a child to take a big piece like that off what appears to be a suture line?

I posited that perhaps the bigfoot claw punctured the skull cap and the hole was to hide that. Understandably it's a tough subject that I know little about.

The reason I ask is that the bigfoot I saw from up close in good light was a red colored female with good size black claws that had a slight curve to them looking just like these. Note the head did not look like these but the body below the head is a match to what I saw I got a damned good look at her too. The claws you see on those feet were on her long slender fingers too.,_Ramayana,_Udaipur,_1649-53.jpg The head and bodies on this are more accurate however the skull on the one I saw had the sloped taper to a point to the rear of the skull cap.

Thanks. I had hoped the link would pop up the picture......the portrait of the vanara chiefs is the first one in their regalia, and the second is the brutal large scale battle scene.
edit on 13-1-2017 by stabstab because: explaining the wiki links

edit on 13-1-2017 by stabstab because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-1-2017 by stabstab because: (no reason given)

Another thing I tell people and yes it's obvious but the germans during ww2 were not snooping around that region for no good reason.
edit on 13-1-2017 by stabstab because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-1-2017 by stabstab because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-1-2017 by stabstab because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 04:51 AM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
1st. Uhhh what's w a video of a video? Seems odd not to mention really screws up the quality

2. Looks like guys in winter clothes to me , possibly researchers . After all that place is a geological hot spot

3rd in the video they actually say "they are all wearing black" "that ones WEARING red"

4th the way they move just looks like people in cold weather clothes

1 The guy was chilling with his wife and was just looking to see the geyser and maybe some bigfoots. He has been very cool about it. All I can tell you is I have seen these things in action.

2. Rangers go in with a specific purpose and hardly need to hide in the trees. Secondly the speed these things move is pretty fast.

3.Perhaps but the thing is she was unsure what she was seeing at first and thats naturally going to happen as it did to the actual operator of the park camera.

4. Ok thats your opinion but again I can tell you I have seen these and when we get far better footage I will be vindicated on my past descriptions and many others will as well.

edit on 13-1-2017 by stabstab because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 05:01 AM
a reply to: Caver78

I could not tell you what they think about it all really. It's just a matter of time before we get more footage of a higher quality. People always whine about no bones, no evidence etc etc...

How strong is a chimp 50 times stronger than a man or something? Stack 5-6 of those on steroids and now we are talking a good approximation on strength. I've seen them stun people inaudibly and audibly. One was my mother.
edit on 13-1-2017 by stabstab because: (no reason given)

I leave you all with this image please do look at it and if you know anything about missing 411 cases you know shin bones and foot bones are often found snapped off.

No one else is looking at it like this but I know things others don't while thinking about what is doing this. I don't blame David for not coming out and saying I respect him. Look at the stone relief and look at the combat technique. All instinctual. notably where the feet are grappling with the shins and feet of the opponent.

Mainstream can tell me all that was fake and myth but again I know things they do not about the subject.

edit on 13-1-2017 by stabstab because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-1-2017 by stabstab because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-1-2017 by stabstab because: (no reason given)

One more thing I did not really want to say as no one ever believes this sort of thing anyways but I am gonna say to hell with it.

My first encounter I remote viewed the site 7 years before. On top of that I had remote viewed much of the planet and came to find that many of these places exist as seen from above and on the ground. Ancient places....and new modern places...the raid on lanka. etc. Places I would go in my own life in dreams years in advance.

As I understand it psychology offers that this is not possible and is delusional....not me.

Do not ask me to explain how that all happens/happened its a long story and I wish I knew how it all works. Though I have a good theory.
edit on 13-1-2017 by stabstab because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-1-2017 by stabstab because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-1-2017 by stabstab because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 09:26 AM
First off I have the eastern book "411" and there was no mention of snapped off feet in any of the cases presented. In fact all of the cases Paulides did cover were very old and definitely NOT enough evidence to ascribe anything more unusual than accident or foul play by another human. I have no idea what tripe he slapped into the western edition.

That said, People go missing for millions of reasons.
Stupidity, unpreparedness, criminal elements using the National Parks as well. It's long been known a serial killer was using the Appalachian Trail for one example.

For the sake of discussion I also agree with you these "critters" are just as dangerous as a grizzly but just as smart as a human. The idea that the great outdoors is just as safe as your living room is accepted and gets people in a jackpot every time. Idiots depending on their GPS instead of being able to read and use a topographic map, people who can't tell the difference between a rat snake and a copperhead, you name it, they're out there wandering the trails. Blaming the Park Service for the public's general stupidity doesn't fly.

It may also be true that while the Park Service doesn't keep a record of deaths/accidents in this day and age it's easy to google them. Doing your homework before going somewhere and taking responsibility for yourself instead of expecting some SAR team to bail you out? Yeah...I recommend it.

You've gone from the Yellowstone footage to Paulides and killer BF. That's kind of a wide range. The alleged BF in the video weren't doing anything in particular that should have instigated that kind of thought process.

So what was the point of the thread again?

posted on Jan, 14 2017 @ 02:43 AM
a reply to: Caver78

Mostly just to bring the subject up and get people aware of it at the very least.

If you have nothing constructive to add maybe you should reconsider the point of your entrance to the thread. Do not let the door hit you on the asss on the way out.

If there is one thing that is true about this website...its full of mal-contents and naysayers. I guess it's pointless to come here anymore really with all the lack of traffic and the fools who come out of the woodwork.

Christ now you got me wondering what is my point in coming here past what I stated already. # it have a good one guys....I did enjoy the ancient discoveries threads and I might come back once in a blue moon. Till then have fun boys and girls.

posted on Jan, 14 2017 @ 08:35 AM
No you don't get to bash and run.

You've shown no evidence between Ancient India and Bigfoot.

I disagree heartily with you about Paulides "take" on the Park Service, which if you looked into it you will find Paulides left law enforcement because of sanctions for his work behavior. The US Park Rangers have been since the 1960's when governmental policies changed become the National Park Police, essentially law enforcement. So basically a a disgraced cop bashing other cops over Bigfoot.

I agreed with you the video was unusual and that Bigfoot is dangerous.

It's basically not the websites fault you aren't prepared to present your point of view with facts, nor the memberships.

posted on Jan, 14 2017 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: Caver78

Cool video stabstab.

I believe there have been some shoes found with feet in them in the waters off British Columbia and the U.K., not sure which Missing 411 book though; haven't made it through them yet!

I am very impressed with David Paulides and his work. I've lived thru some things, and am glad someone is trying to find some answers, or advice for preparing safely as best one can when going into the woods.

edit on 14-1-2017 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2017 @ 02:23 PM

originally posted by: Phage

Shills try to speak up but we slap them down and they shut their mouths.

People get paid to debunk bigfoot?

Sadly Phage, yes. In the lumber industry one of the jobs that the PR people do is deny any animal existence that may interfere with lumber production. So while not expressively stated denying Big Foot would fit in under that.

Imagine how badly the lumber industry would get hit if the area of woodland were a home to an previously unknown species? After the Spotted Owl incident lumber took a pretty big hit (of course buying Russian and Canadian timbers didn't help them either) so something akin to a North American Wood Ape would really bring a baseball bat to the head of lumber production.

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 08:52 PM
Why a recording of a computer screen? Why not just post the actual video?
Probably because recording the video off of a computer screen distorts it more so you can't make out that it just a person is a snow suit.

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 09:45 PM

originally posted by: Caver78
This is a much better analysis.

I'm surprised that the park service didn't take their cam down after the first video with the buffalo & BF. Maybe they figured it was a "one-off"?

if the video was recorded on 12/25/2016 then those are some really tall things.
on 12/25/2016 there was approximately 30 inches of snow on the ground in Yellowstone park. =&MR=1
in the video you linked we can see their knees bending as they walk, so that means that the distance from their knee to the ground is greater than 30 inches.
edit on 25-1-2017 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: Tardacus

Good point. I think they are real. You guys over there are lucky,here in nz people believe mythical river monsters own the land,and the monsters are owned by the supposed first people here,so they own the land....then it gets interesting and even more funny. Look up taniwha.....and you will see bigfoot rules the taniwha's face right off.

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: hiddenNZ
I`m 6` 4" and I measured from my knee to the ground and it`s 24 inches,on those things it`s easily 3 feet from their knee to the ground.

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 06:45 PM
You know i was just listebing ti an i teresting saswuatch account at yellowstone today on youtubr. Definitely bigfoot there

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 07:54 PM
So i want to knowOP in ypur opinion is bigfoot paychic and capable of mind speak

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