posted on Jan, 12 2017 @ 08:02 AM
I had dinner with a close friend of mine, i known him for years. A man who did succeed in ordinary life, but lost himself in the motion. He got quit
his job and went on a journey to find himself yet again.
He spent some time in Tibet, without anything that held him to his former self and started a journey within himself.
And this is the story he shared among friends.
He remembered a monk who left the city life, who asked him plain and simple;" Do you dream a lot? " and he replied;" Ay, like every human i do believe
" The monk smiled, and left him to contemplate. Days and nights passed, weeks went by, and months became seasons.
The monk sat down with him yet again and asked the simple phrase;" Do you dream a lot ". He thought to himself;" No, i dont, strange " He looked at
the monk, and the monk smiled cause he knew he got his answer.
My friend instead ask "Do you dream often?" And the monk replied " Well, im happy "
"But telling a human, to not dream, will only lead to his destruction.. Humans need to dream or they would die in misery"
And the monk left.
edit on 2017112 by tikbalang because: (no reason given)