posted on Mar, 25 2017 @ 08:33 PM
Some years ago I read that during ww2 that some America GI were later court martial to cooperation with the Japanese as the alleged Giants in the
Solomon Islands were attacking both sides. During vietnam conflict they were the Rock Apes. Some claimed that rock apes were a type of bigfoot while
others just were they were apes.
As far evidence goes. I have not seen any. Even if the best picture was produce debunkers would declare it a hoax. The Patterson film SHOULD be the
best evidence. BUT it is endless attacked. I have seen other photos of Bigfoots and I had my own sighting.
AS to giants and or bigfoot existing elsewhere including the Solomon Islands. WHY not? The internet say that Bigfoot has been killed by humans in the
past. Those possible killings are NOW denied. BUT happen to believe the US Military is aware of Bigfoot. I would not be surprised if events similar
the Predator Movie with arnold unfold except with a bigfoot not a alien. BUT I believe in modern times specialized US special force have learn to
hunt Bigfoot.
I do believe there is some type of UFO connection. AS to what that connection really is. I am just guessing. IF we as americans have UFO sightings.
Then by math alone thee will be sighting elsewhere as well.