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US Funding for the Chancellery of Germany

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posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 06:48 PM

...The money was internally designated as an "international reserve" and had been paid by other states - including the USA, Schmidbauer said. But he can not say more about the establishment and control.

ex-chancellor confirmed the existence of secret funds

Ex-Kanzleramtschef bestätigt Existenz von Geheimfonds

I'm surprised to see the Zeit running with this story, hats off!

So we have the former chief of staff (Kanzleramtschef) operating with US funds and no oversight at all? Brave New Oligarchy strikes again! Fricken deep state actors everywhere, I bet they have a few of them in Russia as well. Another old conspiracy turns out to be pretty real after all, during a little court hearing regarding tax-fraud.
No conclusive evidence yet, but I'll keep an eye on this and hope you folks have equally mindblowing stories to share. They throw their money at anyone, don't they?

Sorry for the sloppy translation, ask away if you did't get the gibberish. This just made my day, have a blast!

edit on 9-1-2017 by PublicOpinion because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-1-2017 by PublicOpinion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 07:05 PM
well, America can afford it it`s not like America has crumbling infrastructure and a massive debt that they could better have spent that money on.

posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 07:10 PM

originally posted by: PublicOpinion

...The money was internally designated as an "international reserve" and had been paid by other states - including the USA, Schmidbauer said. But he can not say more about the establishment and control.

ex-chancellor confirmed the existence of secret funds

Ex-Kanzleramtschef bestätigt Existenz von Geheimfonds

I'm surprised to see the Zeit running with this story, hats off!

So we have the former chief of staff (Kanzleramtschef) operating with US funds and no oversight at all? Brave New Oligarchy strikes again! Fricken deep state actors everywhere, I bet they have a few of them in Russia as well. Another old conspiracy turns out to be pretty real after all, during a little court hearing regarding tax-fraud.
No conclusive evidence yet, but I'll keep an eye on this and hope you folks have equally mindblowing stories to share. They throw their money at anyone, don't they?

Sorry for the sloppy translation, ask away if you did't get the gibberish. This just made my day, have a blast!

What's the monies for is the obvious question.

posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: smurfy

He said he always fought crime and his good connections, especially with South American contras, are mentioned. Gary Webb comes to mind.

I'll put my money on drug trafficking and the usual COINTELPRO legwork for our overlords from over the pond.

posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 07:40 PM

originally posted by: PublicOpinion
a reply to: smurfy

He said he always fought crime and his good connections, especially with South American contras, are mentioned. Gary Webb comes to mind.

I'll put my money on drug trafficking and the usual COINTELPRO legwork for our overlords from over the pond.

Ah! I get it now Leo Wanta money, that goes back a while.

posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: smurfy

Thanks for sharing! Leo Wanta rings a bell.

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 08:47 AM
Read that yesterday.
Another little piece of evidence that Germany is, since 1945, nothing else than an US outpost.
That´s why we still have a provisional GG(Grundgesetz), instead of a constitution.
That´s why high ranking german officials talked several times about a "Kanzlerakte".

Willy Brandt didn´t want to sign this "Unterwerfungsbrief"(submission-letter?), when he was elected as Bundeskanzler. He said:
"Finally i am elected as Bundeskanzler, and i am bound by my oath"
But somehow he (had to?) subscribed that "Unterwerfungsbrief"...

That´s why "the world is indanger" if somebody JUST SAYS that MAYBE the russians hacked something in germany, while the NSA and all the US three letter agencies are known to spy on all of us people, on our economy, our politicians up to the Bundeskanzler etc.

That´s why we are allowed and have to store US nukes in germany, even if we germans are not allowed to own nukes(for good reasons, remember 1933-45!). That´s why US drone murders around the world were done from german ground, from Ramstein and nobody says something about it.

That´s why we have the US/NSA listening stations in germany, to spy on europe and the rest of the world, in Bad Aibling and Wiesbaden, for example. And no german secret service cares, no politician, nobody official...

Interesting too are the Four D´s of Occupation

There is a lot more of that "weired, tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy nuts"-stuff about that issue.

But you know, it´s all just "coincidences" and "stupid conspiracy theories"...

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

...just as it's a coincident, that the Tagesschau was rather 'reporting' about the terror attack in Berlin and the new set of precrime-laws for 'Gefährder''. TINA mindset, alternativlos to the point of blatantly ignoring the most astonishing systemic failures.
Anyway. This detail got me furious again. We can read about the biggest case of tax-fraud from the former chief of staff of our Kanzleramt in every fricken paper from Focus to Handelsblatt and yet... our allegedly investigative, tax-funded presstitutes didn't even mention the affair in the evening news. Nope, the one-day wannabe strike in London it was...

Ladies and gents, your Euros at work! How they whine about Fake-News and ailing trust in this comedy show of daily feelgood-propaganda... effin cute!

Tax-fraud in the millions and our ex-Staatsminister admitted that they cooperated with Mauss without any gubbermint contracts since 1991. Here's a nice picture from the big and helpless kid, busted with both hands in the cookie jar:

Mauss-Prozess: Ex-Staatsminister bestätigt Geheimfonds

Shunned from our Staatsfunk as if it's Pandoras Box full of Gladio zombies. Mauss managed this fund since 1980, makes me wonder why he's still alive and that influencial. I bet he sits on tons of sensible material, can't make this stuff up...

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

Yes, i am still following everything that happens(and that, btw. was predigted by me... xD) and happened, following the fishy Berlin event. I promised that i will do a thread about the whole event(the fishy parts) plus the outcome of all this.
Got a lot of links and stuff to read about that case, but everything is still unfolding. Like the "Sicherheits"-meeting of the clowns de Maiziere and Maas today. So i will collect a bit more and do the thread then. The story is not finished yet...

And then Agent Mauss(for the not german speaking folks, i linked the english wiki page, which is just the half of the german one, so if you wanna learn more switch to german and use a translator, please). Aka Claus Möllner, Dieter Koch, Richard Nelson, who worked for several police authorities, secret services. Under Helmut Kohl´s "regency". Where "our" actual finance ministerSchäuble(Die schwarze Null) was caught red handed with a suitcase filled with 100.000DM black money, given to him by Karlheinz Schreiber, an known arms dealer, the german "Lord of War". Somehow reminds me this Schreiber case to the Mauss case.

About the german/western presstitutes: The former "fourth power in the state" is now the propaganda power of the state. And somehow are people the people, and the state the state. But normally it would be that the people are the state, and not slaves of the state.

But we germans are lucky, it´s all just coincidences and conspiracy theories, as i said before...

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

Precisely, I'm glad you mentioned Schreiber. I'll go out on a limb to state this is obviously the follow-up. I bet the 100K for Schäuble are from said internal reserve and Schreiber was just the useful idiot to be sacrificed in order for the "greater good". He was finally convicted for tax evasion (as well).
Funny thing is, the 1 million DM Schreiber donated to the CDU were thrown at them in 1991, the same year our beloved gubbermint canceled it's contract with Mauss. How's that looking on the list of funny coincidents?

Mind-boggling. Good thing is, that we have only conspiracy theorists in Germany. Perfect running gag for this, keep em coming! And gimme a heads up if I can be of any help for your other thread.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

Yes, for the Berlin thread...
First i thought i just will collect some links and wait for some of the gifts that the losers will get for failing again.
Will do a short thread and highlight what´s fishy in addition to the punishment the german people will have to accept, in form of more surveillance, less data protection and all that.

But since "our 9/11"(if i remember right the Berlin incident was called almost instantly like this by the US MSM) everything is a bit... weired in Germany. Fulltime failers like Maas, Maaßen, DeMaiziere are still in power and playing "House of Cards". If those individuals had any honor, they would resign their office... "last month". But nothing, nobody even asks for them to resign. I mean, if i work at a job and just do everything wrong that could be done wrong, what would happen after three days? I would be kicked in my back.

So i am still watching what´s happening, unfolding after Berlin. But one thing seems to be clear, there was an article written yesterday on Spiegel Online, called:

Vom Rechtsstaat zum Rechts-Staat

From a state under the rule of law to a rightwinger state

One can think of the former news magazine Spiegel what he wants, but this title says it all. Germany shifts to the right because TPTB don´t want to lose their power. They do everything to get the voices of a little bunch of loud screaming and for sure, "concerned citizens", that now would vote for the AfD instead of the CDU, after decades of voting for the same sh*t that all the others vote for. Because all the others in their surrounding now vote AfD. If you would aks them if they read the AfD program...

Did you collect links and stuff about the berlin incident? Maybe we could do this thread together, i could send you what i have(keywords, interesting comments from all around the german web, lots of interesting links till now, will re-read them and write then). And if, maybe we sgould ask Svetlana84 too, for help!
What do you think? Three brains, six eyes and ears remember, see and hear more than two...

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