Top 10 ways the Obama administration sabotaged the healthy food and natural medicine industries
We all know that there has been many negative changes to our food and health industry through many political initiatives which favor corporate
enterprises in the pharmaceutical and agriculture industries. Now instead of alternative medicines, we have pills. Instead of organic raw foods we
have GMO/chemically treated foods....
The last five U.S. Presidents, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and the nefarious Barrack Hussein Obama have all
literally opened the doors wide for the corporate invasion, absolute corruption and literal takeover of the media, U.S. agriculture, our regulatory
agencies like the FDA, EPA, USDA and CDC, and of course, Western medicine.
Even if you don’t like Donald J. Trump, one thing is for sure, just like he first said when millions of people were still in doubt, everything is
rigged. Now we all know he’s right, because we’ve seen the insidious planning and the resulting devastation.
We’ve seen all the“white-collar terrorists” inside the Washington D.C. beltway making billions of dollars by enabling evil corporations
who then manipulate information, scientific research, disease research, chemical agriculture, medical studies and the news on all of it. The bottom
line is that the fake news networks have been outed and lost massive ratings, including CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBSand major
online shill outlets like, The Washington Post, New York Times, Boston Globe, Slate and the Associated Press.
Here is a list of this OP's top 10 disgusting ways the Obama Admin destroyed a healthier life for many Americans, and potentially other countries.
You can read more about the description of each in the article link above:
1. Obama appoints Michael R. Taylor, former Monsanto lawyer and chemical-food promoter and biotech insider, as senior advisor “Food Czar” – head
of the FDA
2. Obama’s heavily-armed FDA goons raid organic farmers’ businesses SWAT-style
The complete banning of all GMO labeling state laws across America.
A BILL To amend the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 to require the Secretary of Agriculture to establish a national disclosure standard for
bioengineered foods, and for other purposes. PDF Version of the Food Bill
‘‘Subtitle F—Labeling of Certain
2 Food
4 ‘‘(a) DEFINITION OF FOOD.—In this subtitle, the
5 term ‘food’ has the meaning given the term in section 201
6 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C.
7 321).
8 ‘‘(b) FEDERAL PREEMPTION.—No State or a polit-
9 ical subdivision of a State may directly or indirectly estab-
10 lish under any authority or continue in effect as to any
11 food or seed in interstate commerce any requirement relat-
12 ing to the labeling of whether a food (including food served
13 in a restaurant or similar establishment) or seed is geneti-
14 cally engineered (which shall include such other similar
15 terms as determined by the Secretary of Agriculture) or
16 was developed or produced using genetic engineering, in-
17 cluding any requirement for claims that a food or seed
18 is or contains an ingredient that was developed or pro-
19 duced using genetic engineering.
Many cancer cures and researchers, doctors, and those close to the latter have gone missing or killed over the years. There has been many reports and
articles brought henceforth on ATS (just use the search engine) and it is amazing how much information on this subject can be seen over the past 8
years....just astounding!
Millions of dollars in federal grant money that was supposed to go to cancer research is missing
To a certain extent I am glad to see this administration go. Now whether or not the new president will make any changes or reverse some of this f-ud
up process that has been happening....
I will tell you one Canada there has been a huuuuuuge push for GMO labeling of foods and Organic labeling of foods. Canadians have gone
less to toward processed foods although the milk tastes like water with white coloring.
edit on 8-1-2017 by Skywatcher2011 because: (no reason given)
Thats right blame it on Obama, the man with his feet up on the desk isn't responsible. He's the scapegoat being blamed by the media to cover for those
well... the smart alec has created an opportunity for local grown cottage industry in herbs, spices, healthy tonics/teas/ to be made by the family and
traded locally with concealed ADs to promote your products on-line in new & creative ways
.... the Establishment will have to devise punitive laws to stop 'trading' or swapping stuff for non-pharma leaves-roots-tinctures-etc.
meanwhile the public underground will thrive in not paying taxes or filling out the required Form 1099s
opportunity arises from the ashes, is what I see developing....
Obama did not start this trend, but the fact is he did not try to stop it from happening under his administration. Obama did open up the research
archives of publically funded research so we could look at the evidence ourselves. That was one of the best things he did. We can look at the
results of the testing. People have created companies to buy up this research and that means we have to pay to access some of it. That sucks, it was
paid for with our taxpayer money, or should I say taxpayer debt.