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Were Things Always This Chaotic?

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posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 05:28 PM
These things should relate to Ohm's Law more frequently than they do... it's really just a balance of 3, and not should be made into a web of possibility as seemingly occurs.

For energy to move, there is the balance of potential energy acting on a resistance, of which energy can flow increasingly or decreasingly... depending on the levels of potential & resistance. Change one factor, and the 2 other factors change. Less resistance means more potential & flow... and vice versa. The point is that life has problems (resistance). The longer time goes, the more problems become relevant. The beauty of the human spirit is that we get to decide at which paths we take... some navigate the resistant routes while others avoid them so as to aid in a greater potential and or flow rate of energy. Some like a big bang of energy, while others prefer a slow burning display of energy.

This relates to the level of despair around the globe in many ways... as unknown as the cause or outcomes may be, it should be clear as day that allowing for resistance (diet, media exposure, environment, unhealthy relationships) into our lives diminishes our potential and flow in life. The weird part is that we must just trust that the potential is possible to validate the removal of the so called 'resistances'. Those who strive for potential and flow seemingly concept that the relevance that resistance holds in ones life decreases more and more when avoided... in terms of relevance and the concept that focusing on the good naturally oppresses the bad. And, if those concepts can hold true, then that would equate to not being aware that the potential is there... even when slapped in the face by it... thus meaning that resistance will prevail over potential and that the potential will fall into the areas of the 'unknown'.

We can't change a lot of resistances in life, but we can lessen their powers by applying our own energies together... these methods allow for all to work towards repairs and not focus on how the problems came to be. Problems of what to do about a fallen building turn into problems of who will help lift the rafters to rebuild this fallen structure.

Togetherness and acceptance heals problems... not moving out of the ghettos and pointing at the crisis' occurring. It pains me to see people sucked into the non stop negativity that only aids in resistance of humanity... it kills the spirit in more ways than we should admit.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: sputniksteve

I think the only difference today is our ability to hyper aggregate these stories and instantly share them instead of being limited to how many we can fit into a 150 page book or 60 minute program.

Hyper-Aggregate - love that word - excellent. However you can also Hyper-Censor on the internett as well.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 05:58 PM

originally posted by: Realtruth

originally posted by: FyreByrd
Hell - is a state of mind. And - and the only thing you can take with you when you die.

Yes to the first part, and I hope the heck not in the second part.

Think about it ... if there is some sort of afterlife, between physical lives ... what else would constitute 'you' other then content and habits (including emotional habits) of your mind.

Emmett Fox (early 20th century Christian New Thought minister) wrote in his pamphlet "Life after Death":

"What is it that determines the kind of place to which you will go after death, and the sort of people among whom you will find yourself? ... You will go to the sort of place, and be amoung the sort of people for whom you have prepared yourself by your habitual thinking and mode of living while on this earth...."


"There is, however, one extremely important difference - on the other side our thoughts are demonstrated immediately. ... Whatever you think or feel strongly you experience instatly as an outer condition...."

Hindu's and Buddhists have similar teachings about the time inbetween lives or in Western parlance heaven or hell.

Consider the implications.... And what better motivation for working on your sh**t rather then others sh**t.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 06:27 PM

originally posted by: FyreByrd

Think about it ... if there is some sort of afterlife, between physical lives ... what else would constitute 'you' other then content and habits (including emotional habits) of your mind.

Consider the implications.... And what better motivation for working on your sh**t rather then others sh**t.

We can postulate, but we really don't know. All of our physical senses can be deceived easily, the illusive world we live in begs more questions than answers, and if answers arise they can be questioned.

Kinda like a dog chasing its own tail.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 07:18 PM

originally posted by: Realtruth

originally posted by: FyreByrd

Think about it ... if there is some sort of afterlife, between physical lives ... what else would constitute 'you' other then content and habits (including emotional habits) of your mind.

Consider the implications.... And what better motivation for working on your sh**t rather then others sh**t.

We can postulate, but we really don't know. All of our physical senses can be deceived easily, the illusive world we live in begs more questions than answers, and if answers arise they can be questioned.

Kinda like a dog chasing its own tail.


For me I get benefit from working on my mental defects consistently in my current physical life making that life less hell-like and increasingly heaven-like in the here and now. Any benefit in an 'unknown' afterlife would be a bonus.

However, the very thought of existing in a place where the delusional and evils thoughts that are in my mind at times are instantaneously manifested scares the behookies out of me. As my Granny would say better me safe then sorry.

But the practise of changing my mental patterns - really quite negative and mean - has made my life much happier today. It's taken years of persistent work but does pay off.

Either way, I recommend the effort. It's better then being angry, hate-filled, self-pitying, and powerless. I can't change the world to suit me, but I can change my perception and thereby do, in a small way, change the world.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 07:26 PM
Lets re-visit to that pop-culture meme Timewave Zero...

Terence McKenna - Wikipedia

Novelty theory and Timewave Zero Novelty theory is a pseudoscientific idea that purports to predict the ebb and flow of novelty in the universe as an inherent quality of time...

all the frenzied and frantic people going bonkers is Novelty as opposed to the obverse of the coin 'Habit'

the Entropy collapse of the whole present-day world cultures & individual values/consciousness are running on a race-to-the-bottom

economies/environments/goals/aspirations/ every endeavor of humanity is in Entropy mode.... seeking a total collapse so that a period of time where every human instinctively knows to reset as if a telepathy exists within the collective memory-&-collective conscience of all people at the same time (100th monkey principle)

today the collective mind says transgender bathrooms are imperative for civic life...after the reset then there's a new normal (Novelty) that makes all public-&-private restrooms open to all people all the time...

what we are also getting now is the dissonance from both the Space borne energetic clouds the solar system is plowing through AND the dissonance being generated from CERN and the other dimensions those scientists are allowing to seep into this reality/physical plane

the Nazi's, the occult Nazi's were into the 'Eternal-Ice-Fire-Cycle'...our current era is smack between the ICE-FIRE-ICE-FIRE- changeover into the next world-wide climatic condition... the forces of FIRE have the upper hand but the forces of the ICE-AGE are in strong contention to bust the grip of Today's FIRE-age....

the discernable winner of this colossal Inertia will be recognizable after the window of from 3-to~23 September 2017
edit on th31148384531707152017 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 09:51 PM

Q: Were things always this chaotic?

A: Maybe.. Now the chances of the incident being broadcast has increased but MORE THAN THAT----> You have become "AWARE" ..

Of course this gives You more time to "look further down the time-spiral" so You can avoid any bologna coming Your way...

ttobban- Funny, I made mention of the same Maya Prophecy earlier today in another ATS™ thread...

If it were the Tao Te Ching- it would read "fecal matter occurs..."

Ms. Yin is a "true Lady" and won't come 'full circle' until Mr. Yang takes His ball(s) and goes home...

Edit: Read this if You get a moment... If about the 3rd or 4th sentence it starts 'reading funny' that is on purpose...
edit on 10/13/2014 by JimNasium because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2017 @ 05:17 AM

originally posted by: Realtruth
Were Things Always This Chaotic?

For the last 135,000 years of schizo-sapiens, we have been insane!
'Belief' is insanity (and the pathological violence that comes with insanity)!
It is going to get much worse before it gets better in a couple of centuries (Universal Enlightenment/unconditional Love!)!
Until then, the best that you can do is to; "Be the change that you want to see!"
Become Enlightened, unconditionally Loving, and shine that light for us all to see! *__-

posted on Jan, 8 2017 @ 06:42 AM

originally posted by: namelesss

It is going to get much worse before it gets better in a couple of centuries
Become Enlightened, unconditionally Loving, and shine that light for us all to see! *__-

No one can 'become' enlightened.
'Become' is in time. 'Being' is what there IS.

The story arising as; "It will get worse before it gets better in time" is the light that is appearing - it is 'being' what there IS.
Time is not here - what is IS.

The illusion of time goes hand in hand with the illusion of someone who can do something or be something, be loving for example.
There isn't really any time for someone to do something - there is only ever what is happening.
edit on 8-1-2017 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2017 @ 06:28 PM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain

originally posted by: namelesss

It is going to get much worse before it gets better in a couple of centuries
Become Enlightened, unconditionally Loving, and shine that light for us all to see! *__-

No one can 'become' enlightened.

And yet folks do it all the time!
It is not an 'either/or' situation, it's ALL True!
As soon as you offer a 'negative' (entering into the illusory) you immediately call forth the equally True 'positive', and vice versa.

'Become' is in time. 'Being' is what there IS.

'Become/time' exists in 'thought'.
Thought is what is being perceived Here! Now!
Everything exists!
And if you want to get pissy, 'being' requires 'time', 'being' is another dualistic thought.
So, yes, when we perceive thoughts, thoughts are the feature of Reality that we perceive, Here! Now!

There isn't really any time for someone to do something - there is only ever what is happening.

And yet all someones 'do' things, and that is what is 'happening' (in the temporal thought world of 'happenings').
Happening is a verb, implying action, implying an actor acting.
No dualistic 'word' is appropriate for discussing the transcendental.
'Is/to be' doesn't work as it implies 'isn't'!

You have to come down from the mountain even to speak!

edit on 8-1-2017 by namelesss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2017 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: skunkape23

originally posted by: corblimeyguvnor

originally posted by: skunkape23
It comes and goes in waves.
First there is a mountain, and then there is no mountain.

Remind me again, which mountains have disappeared that can be quantified in our Human existence on this planet?

It's a quote from the Tao Teh Ching.
It's just a poetic metaphor.
In the common speak, it is something along the lines of "Sometimes sh!t happens."

Yes, this is my experience too. Once I was able to understand that we are all stumbling around (some of us psychotic) in this existence and not learning from past mistakes, I was able to control my small circle of reality and draw others in, that could see what I see. No, I will not go mad...I will survive.

posted on Jan, 8 2017 @ 10:49 PM

originally posted by: namelesss
And yet all someones 'do' things, and that is what is 'happening' (in the temporal thought world of 'happenings').

There maybe the appearance of 'someones' doing but there is not actually any one separate doing anything!!

edit on 8-1-2017 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 12:06 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain

originally posted by: namelesss
And yet all someones 'do' things, and that is what is 'happening' (in the temporal thought world of 'happenings').

There maybe the appearance of 'someones' doing but there is not actually any one separate doing anything!!

All 'existence' is 'appearance', make-believe.
We have make-believe things with make-believe definitions that make our make-believe lives easier to make-believe understand.
If one cannot fathom the superficial, what chance is there to understand anything beyond?

"Reality is that which remains in an unchanging state of Universal permanence!" - Vedas
And that's everything.

posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 08:39 AM

originally posted by: namelesss

"Reality is that which remains in an unchanging state of Universal permanence!" - Vedas
And that's everything.

This is profound to think about, but we're kinda back into dualities. Changing vs Unchanging.

Reality would be whatever we perceive at this particular moment, would it not?

And reality would be subjective, so who actually get to decide which reality is right or wrong?

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 02:13 AM

originally posted by: Realtruth
This is profound to think about, but we're kinda back into dualities. Changing vs Unchanging.

As everything exists, one feature of the unchanging Universal Reality is the 'appearance' of change!
The only thing that is ever 'different' (not anything ever 'changes) is 'our' Perspective!

Reality would be whatever we perceive at this particular moment, would it not?

As Reality is ALL inclusive, all we can ever perceive is Reality/Truth!
The dismissal of other Perspectives that are opposite or differ, only inhibits our perception of the larger picture.

Understand that;
"The acceptance and understanding of other Perspectives furthers our acquaintance with Reality!"

"For every Perspective, there is an equal and opposite Perspective!" - The First Law of Soul Dynamics (Book of Fudd)

"The complete Universe (Reality/Truth/God/'Self!'/Tao/Brahman... or any feature herein...) can be completely defined/described as the synchronous sum-total of all Perspectives!" - Book of Fudd

And reality would be subjective, so who actually get to decide which reality is right or wrong?

(T)Here is only One Reality, what is, Is!
Reality can only be 'subjectively' perceived in that we are all and each unique Perspectives of One Truth/Reality, and inherent features of it!
The whole 'subjective/objective' discussion is an entirely obsolete notion couched in entirely obsolete terms.
What we perceive is Reality, and the days of the insanity of torturing others who see things differently will soon be over..
To judge Reality as 'right' or 'wrong' seems a fool's chore, Reality is Reality, what blinding vanity to 'judge' any of it.
The Universe is a perfect Balance and every feature can only be where and as it is!
No 'choices' are available, so 'judgment' is insanity.

edit on 10-1-2017 by namelesss because: (no reason given)

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