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Peace and Good Will For All... Chicago Style

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posted on Dec, 28 2016 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: Edumakated

originally posted by: Tardacus
a reply to: Edumakated

I suspect that`s why they allow it to continue, to let the bad guys keep killing each other off and a %10 collateral damage rate of innocent people is acceptable to them.
the sad part is that those people were fooled into believing that the liberals actually cared about them and would make Chicago safe.

The problem is they don't kill each other off... They don't die, they multiply.

There is a cycle that is very hard to break once someone gets trapped in it. Basically, it goes something like this...

Teenager or young adult has a baby. Usually unexpectedly. The baby's father wants nothing to do with baby mama. The parents never marry and father is only involved in child's life on the periphery. Neither parent is usually the brightest bulb on the tree. They usually have poor paying jobs if any at all. They move to poorer neighborhoods. School suck, but rent is cheap. The entire community is filled with poorer people who all have made bad decisions - drug addicts, homeless, hustlers, and other baby mamas just trying to get by.

Since no fathers are around, the boy grows up with no real male discipline. Their father is the streets. Hanging out on street corners. Schools suck and kid barely can read. All he can do is hang on the corner. If he wants to make money he has to hustle. He joins a gang for protection. Starts carrying an illegal firearm. Gets caught up in legal system. No he can never really get a decent job. Slips up and gets his hood rat girlfriend pregnant at 16 years old.

Wash, Rinse, Repeat...

This cycle has been going on for damn near 40 years now. It started with the War on Poverty pushing black men out of the home to be replaced by government through the welfare state. Black out of wedlock birth rates were less than 25% back in the 60s. Daniel Moynihan warned about it then and what would result if the black family was broken. Out of wedlock birth rate now is 73%. Probably closer to 100% in certain neighborhoods.

We basically have a situation now with a bunch of young, feral males running around with zero home training and guidance. All their guidance comes from the streets. Throw in a saturation of cooning and buck dancing, thug celebrating hip hop brain washing these kids 24/7, it is no surprise what is going on.

Then you throw in patronizing white liberals who encourage this type of behavior with progressive policies and then combine it with the Uncle Tom House slave black leadership like your Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons and the rest of these cooning leaders who basically get to enrich themselves off the misery of the community they are supposed to represent you get the poor conditions of the black community in every major Democrat controlled city across the US.

Oh come on. That's just what you want to believe. Crime rates for all demographics, including African Americans, are at an all-time-low. You're just a racist that wants to think black people can't help themselves.

posted on Dec, 28 2016 @ 11:59 AM

Crime rates for all demographics, including African Americans, are at an all-time-low

In chicago? I think you are mistaken. Our company had meetings scheduled near chicago this year. No one was allowed to attend and the meetings for next year have been moved. Would you send your employees there?

posted on Dec, 28 2016 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: shooterbrody

Crime rates for all demographics, including African Americans, are at an all-time-low

In chicago? I think you are mistaken. Our company had meetings scheduled near chicago this year. No one was allowed to attend and the meetings for next year have been moved. Would you send your employees there?

To be honest, your company is misinformed. Yes, Chicago has a lot of gun violence. However, the reality is that most of that violence is contained to areas of the city that no person would ever visit, especially tourist. These neighborhoods are literally about 10 miles outside of downtown Chicago to the west and to the south. Chicago is a massive city. However, the Chicago that most people think of is downtown and on the lake front far away from the carnage that is making headlines.

Chicago is one of the safest and cleanest major cities I've been in. However, if you get outside of the downtown area there are some third world neighborhoods - Austin, Englewood, etc.

posted on Dec, 28 2016 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

The loss of the Microsoft Ignite conference, which was scheduled for May before it relocated to Atlanta, cost the city nearly 89,000 room nights and some $56 million in economic impact.

Yeah I guess Microsoft is "misinformed" as well?

And no comment from you about the actual crime statistics?

posted on Dec, 28 2016 @ 01:26 PM
This hits home for me because I have lived in and around Chicago most of my life. Chicago is the direct result of decades of democrat rule. There is no more dangerous or corrupt city in this country. What amazes me to this day is that the people who are suffering the most continue to vote for these losers and their failed policies. It truly amazes me that inner city minorities will vote for free stuff even if it means living with one of the highest crime rates in the country. When pressed for answers they trot out the same old b s every time. Its sickening. "There are no jobs in our neighborhood. We have to join gangs..."

Hey, have you ever heard of rush hour traffic? Do you know what rush hour traffic is? Rush hour traffic is millions of people who do not have jobs in their neighborhoods. The difference between them and you is they have enough respect for themselves to get up early, drag their tired butts out of bed, hustle out the door and drive for an hour to where the jobs are. I don't care what part of Chicago you live in, if you drive for just one hour in any direction, except into the lake, you will either be in a place where there are jobs or you will have passed a place where there are jobs.

This is a prime example of the bizarre democrat sense of entitlement. "Bring me a high paying job..." No. Go find one yourself. You aren't that special. No one has to bring you a damn thing. How about this...if you didn't rob and burn down the businesses in your neighborhood every time you didn't get your way maybe there would be more jobs in your neighborhood. Ever think of that?

Black people killing black people by the dozens. Where is Jesse Jackass and the rainbow coalition? Where is Al Sharpton? Where are all the BLM protesters? Oh yeah, its only an issue when a white person kills a black person. Black on black murder, the highest cause of death in inner city areas, should be ignored. We don't want to draw attention to the savage way we treat each other and the complete and total lack of respect for human life we share. No. We only talk about that when a white person does something wrong. Then we play the race card and the victim card and demand more free stuff that created this suck society in the first place. And if you don't give it to us - you are racist.

posted on Dec, 28 2016 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: Edumakated

The loss of the Microsoft Ignite conference, which was scheduled for May before it relocated to Atlanta, cost the city nearly 89,000 room nights and some $56 million in economic impact.

Yeah I guess Microsoft is "misinformed" as well?

And no comment from you about the actual crime statistics?

Your article doesn't state Microsoft cancelled because of the shootings. The article mentions a lot of factors. A big one has been protests over police brutality which does affect tourists. Another big factor is that McCormick Place which hosts a lot of the major conventions has some crazy union rules (won't allow exhibitors to setup their own booths) which causes conventions to be too expensive and a lot of convention shows have been relocating to save money. Between protests, union rules, and other factors it probably just made sense for MS to move their convention.

However, that is not what we are discussing. We are discussing the crime rate. Downtown Chicago is about as safe as any other major city. The vast majority of the gun violence is on the west side of the city and the southside of the city. These areas are 10 miles outside of downtown Chicago and tourist traps. There is literally NOTHING in these neighborhoods. No hotels. Hardly any businesses. No tourist would ever accidentally make their way to these neighborhoods unless you were lookign to score some Heroin or other nefarious business.

Something like 80% of gun violence victims in Chicago are gang related. Last time I checked, Microsoft doesn't hire a lot of Black Disciples or Gangter Disciples or Latin Kings or 4 Corner Hustlers from Chicago.

I've lived in Chicago almost 20 years now. I am as critical about the gun violence as anyone. However, the reality is that the gun violence is largely a non-issue unless you reside in one of the third world neighborhoods affected by it on the west and south sides.

This site has all the data on Chicago violence. Chicago Gun Stats

posted on Dec, 30 2016 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
It truly amazes me that inner city minorities will vote for free stuff even if it means living with one of the highest crime rates in the country. When pressed for answers they trot out the same old b s every time. Its sickening. "There are no jobs in our neighborhood. We have to join gangs..."

The problem with "free stuff" or subsistence living is you get just enough to live, but not enough to thrive. For many, they are in this world of doing nothing and just getting by as they live in this horrendous world they helped create and propagate for themselves, but it is free...

themselves to get up early, drag their tired butts out of bed, hustle out the door and drive for an hour to where the jobs are. I don't care what part of Chicago you live in, if you drive for just one hour in any direction, except into the lake, you will either be in a place where there are jobs or you will have passed a place where there are jobs.

This is a prime example of the bizarre democrat sense of entitlement. "Bring me a high paying job..." No. Go find one yourself. You aren't that special. No one has to bring you a damn thing. How about this...if you didn't rob and burn down the businesses in your neighborhood every time you didn't get your way maybe there would be more jobs in your neighborhood. Ever think of that?

There is a big reason for the lack of good jobs and population decline there with those who want jobs are moving away. It is one of the most corrupt state in general and the most politically corrupt state. Companies for 40 years have avoided that state since it is extremely expensive for them with high taxes, endless rules/regulations, fees, fines, leans, payoffs etc. LOL, just like how common shootings are the local "Liberal" newspaper also talks openly about how bad the corruption it is, here is a story as of today...geez

Bad Apples

Black people killing black people by the dozens. Where is Jesse Jackass and the rainbow coalition? Where is Al Sharpton? Where are all the BLM protesters? Oh yeah, its only an issue when a white person kills a black person. Black on black murder, the highest cause of death in inner city areas, should be ignored. We don't want to draw attention to the savage way we treat each other and the complete and total lack of respect for human life we share. No. We only talk about that when a white person does something wrong. Then we play the race card and the victim card and demand more free stuff that created this suck society in the first place. And if you don't give it to us - you are racist.

The numbers are staggering... 93% of blacks murdered across the country are by other blacks, in Chicago they account for 76% of all homicides in a city that is basically 35% black, 30% white (4%) and 30% Hispanic (19%).

edit on 30-12-2016 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2016 @ 11:51 AM

originally posted by: Edumakated

I've lived in Chicago almost 20 years now. I am as critical about the gun violence as anyone. However, the reality is that the gun violence is largely a non-issue unless you reside in one of the third world neighborhoods affected by it on the west and south sides.

Location is moot, so you have "nice" areas, what do we do about the not so nice areas? Why does that environment even thrive in America.

posted on Dec, 30 2016 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: Edumakated

No tourist would ever accidentally make their way to these neighborhoods unless you were lookign to score some Heroin or other nefarious business.

Well actually tourist can stumble into the South and West Chicago area. My husband and I, a few years ago, were driving to Ohare to meet up with his parents between their layover flight. Hubby became frustrated with all the traffic delays and decided to cut across using GPS to avoid the hassles. Yes, we had a lot of strange looks, especially seeing some individual's making drug deals right in the open as we drove by. One small business owner, laughed at our stupidity...but gave us very good instructions on how to get back on track to the airport. That was fortunate since our GPS was outdated and steered us wrong. Point being...tourists can end up in such an area due simply to unfamiliarity and yes...stupidity.

edit on 12 30 2016 by CynConcepts because: (no reason given)

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