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Tesla, Panasonic to make solar cells in Buffalo, New York

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posted on Dec, 27 2016 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

I am all for the jobs, we were sold a bill of goods that was a big lie. The lie is service jobs can replace manufacturing.

As we all know service job pay terrible and the only one that makes any $ is the owners.

We need to guard out manufacturing jobs with a watchful eye. Tariffs will be a good tool as will renegotiating the trade policies.

posted on Dec, 27 2016 @ 03:36 PM
What happened to the BMW/Tesla joint venture for solar batteries in Nevada? Was to be the biggest battery plant of it kind.

Tesla also recently came out with solar panel shingles!!

edit on 27-12-2016 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2016 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: seasonal

At 4.9 billion in subsidies, and 1500 jobs. That means each job cost tax payers 3.2 million $.

Of course the tax payer $ went to Tesla and Space to. So from a financial stand point, I wonder if there is a better way.

posted on Dec, 27 2016 @ 07:30 PM

originally posted by: seasonal
a reply to: lonegurkha

This company that is receiving 750 million to locate there, is also fat with billions in tax $, so are they benefitting from the corruption you are talking about? Or is this all good?

I don't know if it's all good but at least it's jobs for good people so there's at least a little bit of gold at the end of the rainbow. Let's hope your new POTUS can bring some hope back into the country and give everybody a chance to make a decent living.

posted on Dec, 27 2016 @ 07:52 PM

originally posted by: seasonal
a reply to: seasonal

At 4.9 billion in subsidies, and 1500 jobs. That means each job cost tax payers 3.2 million $.

Of course the tax payer $ went to Tesla and Space to. So from a financial stand point, I wonder if there is a better way.

Your whole system has been crushing the blue collar worker for decades just like ours. We need our politicians to stand up to theses multi-nationals and get a decent living wage for the worker. Kinda sounds like socialism and a tough pill to swallow for a nation that has been raised on capitalism, but it's time to wake up and realise that the corporatocracy doesn't give two #'s about you and I. If it takes tax dollars to get the corps to reinvest in the NA market so be it. but no more corp. welfare merely tax incentives and the threat of tariffs and embargoes. This is what Trump has gotten right. NAFTA needs to be rewritten so we as a continent gets a fair shake. Not China not India or any other slave labour nation. But North America for North America. Screw the EU screw SEANU lets bring it back home. Sure it's going to cost more but we're taking care of our own and we will be better for it.

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