posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 11:57 AM
I have been posting a lot the last two days, and goodness, it feels good!
I post on subjects that are not that serious, that delve into "spiritual" areas, or psychological, sociological ones; the gray areas and soft
sciences, where facts are less important.
I have been back in school for months now, and this week I have put aside my books and returned to looking within. I so needed that.
My teacher gave me this piece of advice on our last day- stop working for a while. You put in too much effort and are going to make yourself sick. Do
fun things! You can get back to the work when you come back!
My effort has been paying off, but I have a tendency to be a work-a -holic. I love being able to come here and consider weirdness like UFO's or
psychic phenomena to get me out of my head!
I suspect it is necessary to human health, to step out of the mundane once in a while, and give the mind a break. I am sorry if it bothers those dead
set on remaining objective and winning the race... but some of us are doing a lot of that in real life and need to break out this way.
Just feeling appreciative for a breath of fresh and non-objective air I get here.
Thanks ATS!