posted on Dec, 24 2016 @ 11:39 PM
a reply to:
Reality itself is real my friend but what the quantum theory's and other theory's express in there search for a deeper understanding of reality is
that what we call reality is merely a tiny part of a nearly and potentially infinitely more complex structure that you could call super reality.
Other reality's and parallel universe which probably coexist with us are just different causality or time stream's were the ever expanding universe
has diverged, convergent reality's may also exist were these side reality's sometime's merge back into a single reality.
The Idea of the movie the Matrix which has become so very popular and entered the vocabulary of the people as a description of reality as NOT real is
actually wrong, the closest to it is the holographic universe theory and even that does not dispute reality as being real it just explains it as a
projection of something greater than itself.
I do believe we do not know the universe but we MAY know a lot more than we did once and will know probably more in the future and even our reality
itself may not be a fixed structure, it may actually change unpredictably both at microscopic and macroscopic scale, the best explanation for this is
found in another quantum theory structure called brane theory which described our reality as the result of collision's and or interaction's between
universe termed branes in superspace - superspace is a theoretical construct to describe a space outside our reality (and all it's subset's and
alternate's) were these brane's (membrane universe theory which reducing them to 2 dimensional construct's or sheet's for ease of speculation) can
come into contact with one another, collide and influence one another in way's that our reality would only exist as the mix or collision of you like
of several brane univese in superspace.