a reply to:
I bought the game FFXV. Its not a great game, but its a good game. If you watched the reviews of it, then there right. The first half of the game is
pretty cool, you can explore the world and its pretty fun and like a buddy buddy flick. But once you go on to the main missions and progress to the
Well it ends prematurely to sort of say. I would think that with all the time they had in development they would have added a whole bunch more to the
story. This FF is one that is lacking in that, I am at the end right now, and not only does it feel short, it felt like once you get past the
exploration world, it pushes and rushes you to the end.
Most other FF games sort of drag on the story and you go to many locales and there is always something. But in this game its almost like a lot of
things got cut out, and everything got crunched together so they could reach and end game scenario. Its not really short, its more like it skips from
scene to scene, and then. The end!
Leaves you wondering WTF, is this it? What the hell happened. The developers of the game said they wanted to do a Final Fantasy game with more
reality in it, or based on reality, but they kind of took all the crappy things from reality and installed them in the latter part of the game. Were
life hits you like a freight train.
In all, I heard there will be DLC explaining some things. And the game can stand on its own, however all the games mentioned on this thread are
better then FFXV. The best part is the world exploration, and dungeon crawling, some things and places you can only access after you beat the game,
most of the harder content is in the after game.
As far as RPGs go, or JRPGs, it hit all the bullzyes on everything game play, exploration, game and gameplay mechanics, but kind of a lackluster
story. And besides the main 4 buddie characters everybody else is kind of a one episode character, that pops in at one time, says a one liner, then
is gone. Sometimes it just seems like there filler material.
But plenty of games on the PS4, and yes I would also recommend FFXV, its a good game, just kind of a sad and not as great game as the others mentioned
on this thread.