Where are we now?
I am just coming one, at most two times a day here for a while, for the people that are worth a report of facts. Only one or two times, because i am
not Breitbart or PI-News(Germany) and reporting for this client base that calls FakeNews, if it´s not their FakeNews or post-truth reporting from
inside their echo chamber.
I am gonna tell the open minded people what i mentioned.
Last night i mentioned how the mass media was celebrating the PR-work of the police. I followed the whole event in the web, the TV(live PC´s,
"terror-experts"[formerly known as anti-terror experts] and all that stuff). I saw all that "I told you the whole time" sayers, that knew from the
first second that it was a muslim terror attack, at most as the muslim terrorist from pakistan(and from time to time from afghanistan...). And how
they all were sooo right and intelligent, with their post-factual theories, because they had to be fast jobs. To show dominance???
I mentioned how the PR-work of the police was nothing else than reporting the same useless stuff for hours. And then they call it PR to twitter the
whole time. Aren´t Twitter and Facebook and all that "social media" fakenews platforms the fakenews spreaders Nr1? Aren´t they home of the echo
chambers? Who would take a police serious that calls twittering PR? Why are the officials trying to lure people into "social media" the whole time? To
get news they pay taxes for(TV/Radio)? Are they too poor for an own website that one could use?
The police couldn´t tell the police anything, because nobody knows who the driver was and where he is now! But great PR..... on Twitter....
Another thing is, today somebody told me that a israelian "security expert" has been at exactly that christmas market and left just 10 minutes before
the event. I forgot about that, and now he, Prof. Shlomo Shpiro, is live at at TV show(MSM/propaganda), Maischberger. And while i wanted to check him
in the web(found not much), he told the story that he was the guy that left exactly this market short before everything happened. Ah, i wanted to
check him, because his statement in that show was:
This was Germanys 9/11!
And if a Mossad-agen.... an israeli tells you that you had your 9/11 right now, some people get keen senses.
What a coincidence... Had to think of the dancing israelis at 9/11...
Next thing is, that everybody that wanted to know and realize it, could read at 14.23 today that the arrested person is NOT the driver.
I followed everything the MSM reported, and they all were not ready to tell the people what everybody, that wanted to know, could read. From 14.23 to
exactly the 20 o´clock news they didn´t want to tell the people explicitly that they have nothing, know nothing and that the arrested and alleged
"muslim terrorist" is completely innocent and has to be released. While some of them reported his full name and stuff like that. They rather waited
till it was not to hide anymore, because the arrested but innocent person was released. And you only will become released, in such a case, if you
really don´t have to do with anything(or you are undercover agent, V-Mann, maybe). But there were no powder traces, no DNA in the car, on the dead
body of the co-drviver, no injuries or any evidence that would have come from an accident like this, nothing!
They didn´t tell the people that the armed driver of that truck is still on the run. Sure, i live in an escimo town and around midnight i mention a
polarbear in the middle of the town. I guess it´s better to tell my people nothing, because parts of that news could unsettle them...
But, as even eyewitnesses reported, Berlin was full of undercover forces the whole day, and now they run around like in France, with Mps and stuff.
Because they knew and know exactly that they failed, or whatever, for whatever reason. Please use a translator:
"Ich musste vorhin zum Bürgeramt, und das liegt in einer Fußgängerzone, auf der natürlich auch Weihnachtsmarkt-Aufbauten sind. Fünf
Gruppenkraftwagen ("Wannen") der Polizei standen mir im Weg rum, vermutlich noch ein paar mehr in Seitenstraßen. Aber jedenfalls nur ein-zwei Beamte.
Ich vermute, dass die sich in Zivil unter die Bevölkerung gemischt haben. Das fühlte sich jedenfalls alles sehr deutlich nach Terroralarm an, auch
wenn sich die Berliner nicht beim Einkaufen haben stören lassen davon.
Die standen auch nicht fix an einem Ort sondern wurden alle halbe Stunde oder so verschoben.
Es wirkte nicht so, als seien die dazu da, Präsenz zu demonstrieren, sondern weil sie tatsächlich glauben, dass da noch ein Anschlag bevorsteht.
Das passt zu den Gerüchten, dass die Polizei sich ziemlich sicher ist, der Verhaftete sei nicht der LKW-Entführer gewesen. Unter anderem gibt es
keine DNA-Spuren und die Tatwaffe fehlt auch (anscheinend war der Beifahrer erschossen worden).
Ich finde es jedenfalls wichtig, dass wir jetzt an unseren zivilisatorischen Errungenschaften festhalten und demonstrativ einen kühlen Kopf bewahren.
Keine Vorverurteilungen, keine Ausweisen-Rhetorik, keine Terrorpanik. Und ich sage das als ein Anwohner."
I saw all those bavarian and other official hardliners, the "not nazis, but"´s of the AfD, that even couldn´t stop to make the arrested but in the
meantime even released and innocent man responsible for what happened, laughable. And they all are now in every TV show, in every newspaper, calling
Sure, more observation, harsher and more laws, more police and more power to the police and the secret services, in the war against the muslim
terrorism that hit germany yesterday like "our" 9/11. Asked if he realizes that the arrested man was innocent and released, and that there is no
evidence for a muslim terrorism attack(they know nothing, it could have been everyone), he began to stutter a bit but to go on with his propaganda,
simply ignoring the facts(Joachim Herrmann/CSU). If it doesn´t fit to the well known "muslim terror" theory, let´s ignore it and go on as
everything would be clear like "Kloßsuppe", as some say in germany. TBC
edit on 20 12 2016 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason