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Animal Human the making

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posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 03:03 PM
I was checking out the drudge report when i came across this... this is really getting out there....i always knew we were on the brink of our own destroction....i just didn't think it would be so quick!!!
hit me back with what you think.

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 03:19 PM
We are not quite there yet.

Nice article thought... thanx for the link. lol mice with 100% human brain lol thats funny.

Why would anyone want to be born as a mouse? thats what it would be like.

Many religions would be against this.

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by wyatt43
We are not quite there yet.

Nice article thought... thanx for the link. lol mice with 100% human brain lol thats funny.

Why would anyone want to be born as a mouse? thats what it would be like.

Many religions would be against this.

This is totally wrong. They have no right to sentence somebody to live their life as a mouse. They should imagine that mouse as their little brother. ( My God, I am describing the movie "STUART LITTLE"!!!

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 03:30 PM
yeah can you imagine mothers mom a nice cube of cheese...lmao!!! still makes me think we are getting involved with something in which we are going to wish we hadn't!

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 03:55 PM
I dont believe in any religion or anything like that, but making peoplemice is just plain wrong, I mean where would the phrase,

''Are you a man or a mouse'' go?

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 04:39 PM
But then we come to the age old question...

Wtf is the difference between a human and animal???

Why would anyone want to be born as a mouse? thats what it would be like.
Lets phrase it like this:
A human has an EQ of 7.5.
A mouse has an EQ of 0.5.
(EQ = relative intelligence)
A little "human" design on the brain will probably not matter very much, the mouse will still be dumb as a train in comparison.

[edit on 27-1-2005 by merka]

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 07:38 PM
the diffrence bettween a human and an animal...??? is it not true to fact that us humans are in fact an animal??? one could argue we are at the top of the food chain....true...but without the other animals there would be no food chain....we control there destiny just as they control ours and have done for centries....i'm not a tree hugging mice loving hippie...but i have respect for the earth and what it contains.....humans down to mice...on that same note....if this is going to save hundreds of thousands of lives and advance research on cancer and aids or what have you....i'm in....mice or no mice....i just think this is the begining of a lot of problems to come.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 06:01 PM
IMHO, we shouldn't mess with Mickey Mose and Donald Duck...

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 03:16 AM
Hey, this is wonderful news, I saw this on Tech TV. This is great, I hope they create a kind of Island of Dr. Moroe.

Next I want to see a real life Jurassic Park! This world is too real and boring, it's time for some 21 century action!

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 09:29 PM
I actually had posted something like this on this site but most dident belive. I had heard a rumour that a group of some sort had made or was in the process of making a monster of some kind.....only ithey were going tp be made use for bio weapons....

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by CMAN

I actually had posted something like this on this site but most dident belive. I had heard a rumour that a group of some sort had made or was in the process of making a monster of some kind.....only ithey were going tp be made use for bio weapons....

Again, CMAN's messages are not displayed within the thread.

I noticed this phenomenon in the Aliens & UFO section already-
We have to click "Reply" and scroll the "Topic Review" in order to read his opinion.

Maybe I missed something, but I find his comments light-hearted and refreshing-
at least I don't see a reason why they are (obviously...) being curtained.

Sure, it might be a unique software bug, but shady censorship as well.

CMAN: How would you describe the situation?


[edit on 2-2-2005 by popular mechanics]

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 10:43 PM
im not sure about the censorship i think ats just dosent like me or anything but thanks im reall facininated by this whole "hybrid" thing anyway the one thing ive always wanted to know about all the universes beutiful happy animals even if they are man made is.....How do you kill them?

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by CMAN

im not sure about the censorship i think ats just dosent like me or anything but thanks im reall facininated by this whole "hybrid" thing anyway the one thing ive always wanted to know about all the universes beutiful happy animals even if they are man made is.....How do you kill them?

... quod erat demonstrandum.

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 07:18 AM
Regardless if we make laws about this, there are plenty of places in the world that would definitely use this technology to their advantage. Not to mention the fact that you could easily do the research in any third world country undetected, and the only record of it would be that you purchased *some* specialized equipment. Or like in the movie Godsend, hide behind the guise of a fertility clinic.

Imagine the super soldier scenario of mixing Dogs/Tigers. Tigers(deadliness) with the mind and behavior of a dog(loyalty and higher intellect). Throw in a little genetic material from rabbits to boost the reproductive rate and you have have made it worse, almost scary.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 01:28 PM
if the govt was making these creatures where abouts would they me located? Maybe right under are noses like clinics and hospitals or perhaps the most dark and secret areas such as Area 51. And another question is what would these hybrids purposes be. Would they be used to destroy small terrroist groups or perhaps clining up a cities after a bombing run? Im not sure but i have found out about this subject including a group that is infact INTENT on creating these beings. Ill Get back to you as who the group is but untill then makes you wonder.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 01:36 PM
If a mouse had a human mind, what could it tell us? If we could grant intelligence and self-awareness to an animal, would that really be such a bad thing?

This really reminds me of a book I read recently called Sundiver from a series called Uplift. Its basic premise was that a race had to be "uplifted" by a race in order to be intelligent, and humans where the very first race to become intelligent on thier own. And so the human race also "uplifted" dolphins, chips, apes, to human intelligence levels to create thier own client races. I'd like to go on more... but I must go, anyways, just my two cents.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 03:04 PM
That is a great article.

The thought of the hybrids are actually creepy. The thoughts and images that come into my with this idea is very disturbing.


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