posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 02:33 PM
When Life is a Script
Insist upon what.....?
an inherent silence that implores an unreal presence which is
presently enforced..........but why?
Words are spoken, actions are predicated, then experienced...
but the lie continues to fight what is real.
Done. Over. Completed.
What more can be grasped, what else is there to be manifested out of a tired mind?
Life implores the question to be asked
on many different levels, life demands it.
But the imposition of pain
negates the relevance of question,
denies the need for further understanding.
They don't want you. The complication you provided is
adverse to there goals.
A role defined before charachter was formed.
Silenced. To be silent was to be interpreted as ignorant,
as irrelevant and undesirable
Set aside to satisfy the blueprints.
Now stuck. Strangled, suffocated by past assumption. Pain.
Meant to control thought.
Never knew how to silent.........and still did I remain.
Nothing to do. Silenced by inactivity.