posted on Dec, 17 2016 @ 01:44 AM
The Peace of God to all belong to the Light
Dear Readers
Why History many times repeat or why authors or creative people have flashes of future while doing their work?
Why there were so many coincidences between the lives of Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy for instance? Why the tragedy of Titanic as well as the
arrival of man to the moon were foretold in novels?
Let me point here to a dozen of almost unbelievable coincidences in between very similar facts occurred on diferent times, showing remarkable
parallelism of lives, or when real events of future are written in advance by somebody.
Parapsychology says that synchronicities may happen when two or more persons read subconsciously the same lines of the book of life, as it is called
in Bible, or the Akasic records in the way they are known in the east.
Dr Carl Jung who spent his entire career in researching why oracles works, why there is clairvoyance, called this reservoir of Universal archetypes
the collective unconscious.
Please check
Let us open this thread to discuss these phenomena and speculate about how and why these synchronicities happen.
Thanks for your attention
The Angel of Lightness
edit on 12/17/2016 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)