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very disturbing!!

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posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by Jonna

That's sick and you should be ashamed of yourself!

It is, and I am. So very, very ashamed. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways, Jonna.

Does this mean I have to take the dog out of the shoebox now?

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by sandge
It is, and I am. So very, very ashamed. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways, Jonna.

Does this mean I have to take the dog out of the shoebox now?

No, that's ok. Dogs are filthy, weak beasts that should be kept in shoe boxes.

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 01:27 PM
LadyV says:

"I'm one of those people that feels that your responsible for your actions...and when you "satire" something as innocent and helpless as a kitten....I don't find it amusing at all.....sadly, there really are total fool holes out there that would try to do something like this..."

LadyV, I am a devoted dog-man and always have been. I consider cruelty to animals to the be mark of someone just begging for a horsewhipping.

Nonetheless, Sandge's post about it being satire is right on the money. One of the gbreatest short satirical works ever made was Jonathan Swift's (the guy who wrote 'Gulliver's Travels') A Modest Proposal, which .. but I suggest you Google it and find out for yourself.

I don't think anyone has ever tried to do any such thing to a cat, because the web-site simply doesn't really offer anything for sale -- whether the bonsai'd kittens or the tools for doing so. And while you (and I, too) may consider it in questionable taste, people have the right to push stuff like that, even if it's bogus and tasteless. That's one of the things the First Amenement is all about.

I have the same reaction to the "chem-trail" hoax as you might to the "bonsai hoax"; I am angry that someone is delibertely pushing something they know is a lie, and also angry that so many people actually get taken in by it, just like many people get taken in by the bonsai cat hoax.

But we still have a (more or less) free press; as much as I dislike some of the stuff I read on it, I'm glad it's here.

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 02:01 PM
Animal cruelty is an ongoing problem. I'm not talking about kittens in jars or medical research. I'm talking about unnecessary cruelty for product testing. Creatures are suffering in the name of white teeth (Crest), Fresh smelling homes (Febreze) and orgasmic hair care (Herbal Essences).

If you want to see some sick pictures on the subject just do a google image search on animal mutilation or cruelty.
This isn't about saving the cute bunny rabbits. This is about being humane. What does it say about our selves when we torture animals so we don't smell like B.O. Especially when alternatives to the use of animals in product testing already exist.

I was really surprised to see how many products I buy with my hard earned cash. I went to this site and I found out I was buying several products that are supported by animal testing. Seeing that I've been supporting these actions by buying these products I've decided to boycott them.

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by Umbrax
Animal cruelty is an ongoing problem. I'm not talking about kittens in jars or medical research. I'm talking about unnecessary cruelty for product testing. Creatures are suffering in the name of white teeth (Crest), Fresh smelling homes (Febreze) and orgasmic hair care (Herbal Essences).

Yes it is and I see it every day of my's disgusting, not to mention there are ties between animal cruelty and human cruelty....

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 11:04 PM
I love that site. It shows how easy people are duped into believing just about anything they see or read on the Internet. A person with a tiny amount of common sense should be able to read that site and conclude that it is a joke, but it is obvious that some people do not have that ability. It is the same with conspiracy theories – extremely wacky conspiracies websites flourish because gullible people buy into them hook, line and sinker. A sucker is born every minute.

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 02:57 AM
I got an e-mail from my friend that told me to sign a petition to stop this guy from doing it and e-mail it to every1 I knew. I did that. Im glad it isnt real cause when I read it I nearly barfed
I have 2 cats and I would not wish this on any animal. Except maybe muskeetos I hate them.

I just want to say to the tree huggers that I learned in marine biology that most of the Earths oxygen comes from plants in the ocean and that if we were to cut down all the trees on Earth we would still have enough oxygen to live, but if we were to kill all the plants in the ocean then we would suffocate to death. Not that I want all trees to be cut down. I love trees.

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 04:30 AM
As for bonsai Kittens I thnk someone should try this for real, I mean its the perfect pet. You dont have to walk it and it doesnt take up much space

damn quote things not working......but the person who said the above isnt worth mentioning by name.....that comment will never be funny, the truth is that some sick puppy has probably tried it.........and ok youre right if i had read the site better i would have realised it was fake....thing that amazes me is that some sad,pathetic,looser actually took the time to do this?........and also at the same time a load more of you replied to the thread because you thought it was funny and should be taken lightly?

i would quite happily test this bonsai theory on you! or better still do it to yourselves and make a website...that will make me laugh!

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 07:30 AM
Well I thought it was funny.
Allthough to be honest bonsai kittens cant really be cnsidered pets, more objects d'art.

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 07:40 AM
First, since when does the "cuteness level" of any animal have anything to do with how one "should" treat it? Also, no animal is more "innocent" than any other animal, and thus no animal deserves to die any more than any other animal!

And don't forget that your president put firecrackers in frogs and blew them to little frog bits when he was younger, so if you have any issues with this, why not start at the top with your "leader(s)"!

Now he's all grown up and he's putting big fire crackers into Iraqis and blowing them up for his personal pleasure, so not much has changed, just his victims. But you know the old saying.. "once a psychopath always a psychopath".

Maybe before we worry about someone torturing a few kittens, we should stop torturing people (Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib, Iraq, etc) and killing them by the thousand for our own empire-expansion needs? Not that people should "come first" per se, but if we can't even stop abusing one another, what chance is there that we'll stop abusing animals, that most people perceive as "lower life forms", and thus "less important" than humans. Objectively no life form is "lower" than any other, just because one is not as intelligent does not make it any "worse" than any other and does not make you any more "special" or "important" than it, except in your own eyes.

That said, it's a lot easier to kill people after you dehumanize them, when you perceive them as "not people" - like Israelis perceive Palestinians, or how our media is conditioning us to perceive Iraqis and other Arabs, and whomever they label as "terrorists" or "insurgents".

As the world burns...

[edit on 28-1-2005 by lilblam]

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 04:13 PM
The first time I saw this I knew it was fake.I saw it said something like "put glue over the butthole" or something and I knew it had to be fake.People actually started an email petition to shut the website down.I am glad to see that there are other people who are not as gullible as the people I know.

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